Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/639

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620 sixTY-*1*111nD conennss. srss. II. cs. 223. 1914. S;Z:;•:uue·C¤tter REVENUE·CU’1'1`EB SERVICE. P°"°°" For pay and allowances of captain commandant and officers of that rank, senior captains, captains, lieutenants engineer in chief and officers of that rank, captains of engineers, lieutenants of engineers, two constructors, not exceeding fourteen cadets and cadet engineers, who are hereby authorized, two civilian instructors, and pilots employed, and rations for pilots; for 1-pay of warrant and petty officers, ships’ writers, buglers, seamen, o` ers, firemen, coal heavers, water tenders, stewards cooks, and be s, and for rations for the same; for allowance for clothing for men; for fuel for vessels, and outfits for the same; ship chandlery and e1rg:ineers’ stores for the same; _ actual traveling expenses or mil e, in the discretion of the Secretary sn, mma etc of the Treasury, for officers tragxng on duty under orders from the ’ Tr· Deelartment; commutation of quarters· for maintenance of v in theglrotection of the seal fisheries in Sering Sea and the Mm Q ow other waters of aska, and the enforcement of the provisions of law V,,l_25t°;_'m,'v,,,_ in Alaska; for maintenance of vessels H1 enforcing the provisions of 27. r>·431- the Acts relating to the anchorage of vessels in the ports of New York · $§}j§§’,; lg; {‘,,g,,_ and Chieurgo, and the Kennebec River, and the movements and anchorage o vessels m Samt Marys River; for temporary leases and unprovement of property for revenue—cutter purposes; not exceeding $5,000 for the improvement of the depot for the service at Aruud Conmmmpux Cove, Maryland; not exceeding $150 for medals for excellence in am, p.m. marksmanshr ; contingent expenses, including wharfage, towage,

 frei§it, advertising, surveys, labor, and all other necessary

,,m,_m_ aneous expenses which are not mcluded under special heads, sae or num mp- $2,350,000: Promded, That hereafter ration sup lies may be pur- ’“‘°‘ chased by the cabin, wardroom, and warrant o¥Hcers’ mesw and pa{ment therefor made m eash to the commjssary officer; the prices to e charged for such supplies shall not be less than the invoice prices, and the cash received from such sales shall be accormted for on the ration return and may be expended for the general mess. R°P·¤¤¤*°¤¤“·*’· For repairs to revenue cutters, $175,000. $3; °°‘*;;·· Toward the construction of two revenue cutters authorized by the "" ‘ Act approved June twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, C0,,,,,,,,,,_ entrtl "An Act to provide for the construction of two revenue cutters, " _$165,000_; and authority is hereby given to contract for the construction of said revenue cutters within the limit of cost heretofore fixed for each of them. En vin; and p,,,,,§;g_ rmenavme ann rmrrrme. ssrn-ia. For salaries of all necessary employees, other than late rinters' _ and plate printers assistants $1 3ll0,l)T00, to en<l)ed unlder the {’ju°;g**;;m_ direction o the Secretary of the Treasury; Pr _ , That no portion of this sum shall be expended for· prmting United States notes or Treasury notes of la.rger_denommation than those that may be canva.31,,,,n. celed or retired, except m so far as such printing may be necess rn executing the requirements of the Act " o define and fix the stanudg ard value, to maintain the panty of all forms of money issued or coined byjhe United States, to refund the public debt, and for other puiposes, approved March fourteenth, nineteen hundred. w°€°”· or w¥es o plate printers, at piece rates to be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, not to exceed the rates usually paid for such Frm work, mcludmiethe wages of §1'l.Hl3Bl`S' assistants, when employed u,,g,,~"g,,,,,,,_ $1,625,000, to gen ed un er the direction of the Secre ry of the Treasru·y:_ ed, That no portion of this sum shall be expended for printing United States notes or Treasury notes of larger denominations than those that may be canceled or retired, except in