Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/645

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626 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 223. 1914. chase of necessary books and periodicals, and other necessary incidental expenses, $7,500, the same to be expended under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution. _ _ A¤tr¤v1¤y¤1¤¤10¥>- Astrophysical Observatory: For maintenance of Astrophysical °°"°°°"‘ Qbseryatory nnder the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, including salaries nf assistants, the purchase of necessary books and pcriodicals,_ mcluding payment in advance for subscriptions, apparatus, necessary obseryations m high altitudes, repairs and 8lli61‘8t10IlS·0 bu1ld1ngs, and miscellaneous expenses, $13,000. Telcsoccga, Mount For egggppmgvthe tower telescope of the Astrophys1cal_Olgserva·- w‘““‘“* ‘ tory on unt _ rlson, Oahforma, including the necessary incidental , to be rmmediately available, $2,000._ _ m*;g_°1g,;°°‘ *’°°*‘ mkstacks for Government bureau libraries: Toward ' wooden shel d galleries with Iireprnof boolmtacks in emam hall of the Smi man Buildnx for the libraries of the Government bureaus under the_ direction of e Smithsonian Institution, mcludmg heating andjighting apparatus, and repaus to the iioor, columns, walls, and wm ows, an exclusive of carrier, $10,000. Wm- Repairs, Smithsonian Building: For pointing np masonry and other necessary repdairs to the exterior of the rnithsoman Burldmg, $10,000. l§§,;,•?gg'j{c“°¤m- National useum: For cases, furniture, fixtures, and apphances ’ znuired for the exhigngioin sgnld safe-keeping nf collec£gn(n60mclud1ng es or compensa o necessary employees ; H°"°“"u‘°"°"°°°' fargo expense ofunieating, lighting, electrical, ltelegraphic, and te nic service ,000* e§.Z’°'"”‘ °°“°°' continuing, the preservation, exhibition, increase of collections from the surveying and exploring grlpeditmons of the Gpvernment, and from other sources, including aries or compensation of all necessary employees, and all other necessary expenses, $300,000, of whichfsum %%500 may be used for necessary drawmgs and illust ti `cati ; B°°ks’°t°‘ mFo(i·n;ui)· of bcdldsks, pamfphlets, and periodicals for reference, Hagan including payment in advance or subscriptions, $2,000; For repairs to buildings, shops, and sheds, meluding all necessary labor an material, $10,000; P°°"“‘° ’°'“"*"‘ Fonjostage stamps and foreign postal cards, $500; In , for the National Museum, $383,500. _ p,;`l§Tl°°" z°°l°“’°°l National Zoological Park: For continuing the construction of roads walks bridges water su l sewe and drain e; and for

   ahd therviigeyim rognggl the rmi erecting

and reyiafiling buildings and inclosureg; care, subsiglgnnce, purchase and transportation of animals; including salaries or compensation oi all necessary employees· and eneral incidental e enses not other- . . P Y v . g . XP . . wise provided for, mclrfrixfpurchase mamtenance, and driving of horses and vehicles req ’ or official urposes, not exceeding $100 for the purchase of necesssniy books andlperiodieals, ayment rn advance for subscriptions, an exclusive of architect’s {ees or compenwggliémfrem 1>*¤¤‘¤¤¢ sation, $100,000; one-half of which sum shall be paid from the ' revenues of the District of Columbia and the other half from the Treasury of the United States. c.,{’,§§§,,‘;',f’°”"“"’°° INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. S°'*"`*°°· 8.11Fgn sgggn commissioners at $10,000 each; secretary, $5,000; in , 5 . » E“’°”““‘ For all other authorized expenditures necessary in the execution of Ammm laws to regulate commerce, 910,000, of which sum there may be °'°°“‘“°*‘ expended not exceeding $50,000 in the employment of counsel, not exceedi1§S$3,000 for e purchase of necessary books, reports, and periodic , not exceeding $1,500 for printing other than that done at the Government Printing Office, not exceeding $100 in the open