Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/683

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664 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. H. C11. 223. 1914. full and free right to conduct fish-cultural operations, and all iishing and other operations necessary therefor, in such manner and at suc

 as is considered necessary and proper by the said commissioner

or agents. mg***¤**¤¤°° °' '•* Maintenance of vessels: For maintenance of vessels and lanmches, including purchase and repair of boats, apparatus, machinery, and other facilities required for use with the same, hII`B of vessels, and all In ui othlplr necessary expenges fi<31nnec£_ion therewith, $@000. _ _ 'Y_ qmry respecting oo es: or expenses 0 e 1Il into hmihsha the causes of the decrease of food fishes in the waters of til;-%nited - States, and for investigations and experiments in respect to the aquatic ammals, plants, and waters, in the interests of iish culture and the Eshery industries, mcludinig expenses of travel and preparation of rgports, and not to excee $5,000 for oyster survey in the State of orida, and for all other necessary expenses in connection ¤¢··-¤·=··¤ ¤=¤·=¤¤· th°§lf¢ll.°tii&¤i4ié°°9' For in at ll ta (1 to are · : expenses e eo ec on an mp on of statistics of iihudrgsheries and the study of their methods and relaggntgmclngiisng travel audi pretp1arat1o:;111o§%;;)¢é•)rts and all other neces m connec on erewi , .

 _ Spongipiisheriesz For expenses in prdtecting the sponge Bsheries,

zu, p. m. ·mcluding emplpyment of msfpectors, watchmen, and temporary assistantis, of ats, rentaldo oigcfn anti storage, care of seized sponges an 0 erproperty, trav an o erexpepsesnecessanytocarry X§,'_§f"$g§,;§‘“· out the PIOVISIODS of the ,Act of June twentieth, mneteen hundred I and six, to regulate the sponge Hsherges, $3,500. _ ugviggh ¢°°°'°' _ Alaska tghengral Serv1ce:f1;or{¥>rpt§1ch1igtthe seal liishpgnes of Alaska, saaasussrmuomcuding eurmshingo oo u,coh.upgan o rn ties Q°$’ '°°° ‘° "“"'°" of life to the natives of the Ifribilof Islands o Alaska, treansgggigleion of supplies to and from the 1slands,_expenses of travel of agents and other employees and subsistence while on said islands, hire and maintenance of vesselsA and for all expenses necessary to carry out the verse. p.326. provisions of the ct a proved April twenty-iirst, nmeteen hundred and ten, entitled "An Alot to protect the seal Hsheries of Alaska, and for other purposes,f’ and for the protection of the fisheries of Alaska including travel, lure of boats, employment of temporary labor, and all other necessary expenses connected therewith, 60,000. hylpgi me me Alaska Fishery erv1ce, vessels and boats: For construction or {pur- °‘ chase of vessels and boats III connection with the enforcement o the laws and regulations for the protection of the Hsheries and fur·bearing Payments under Ol' pn.yIll6I1 6 I'68: I’.l 8.111 8.11 _ 8.p8·I1 1111 BF li °”i·*m°1S of Alatlinlbsggymwoooi to G t B 't d J d h "‘{?,§{ §{"§?§'§§,”?‘ terms of article eleven of the convention for protection and reserve; tion of the fur seal and sea otters in l1eu of their share of seagkins for the yearly season of nineteen hundred fourteen, and m accordance

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a en on, , . Estgfiusmng m_ Pgbr the continuation of the appropriation for the establishment of mem; mean. a fish-cultural station m the State of Utah, mcludiug the purchase of land, construction of and ponds, and or equipment, Fm _ $25,000, to be available until expended; and the initial appro riation um, ,,,,§‘{,,,,2¥§"°*’"“' of $25,000 for the above—named purpose, mcluded in the sundiry civil 4M¢»1>- M appropriation Act for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth nineteen hundrpiddand fourteen, is hereby continued and made available until ex en e . com spramcs. gold Spring (Georgia) Station: For urchas fl d d t - Bsubmhing "“"°‘* tion of ponds, to be available until exgended 65%,0%. an com me lri~;»£»;m¤arzy._ay _ Lomsvrlle (Kentucky) fish hatcl;e;x(·y; The Secretary of Commerce mms were-Y, is authorized to convey to the be of park commissioners of the City of Louisville, Kentucky, a right of way one hundred and twenty