Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/722

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 266, 267. 1914. 703 Guntersville, Alabama, said bridge to connect the mainland with Henry Island, in said Tennessee River, in the county of Marshall, in the_ State of Alabama, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to rggulate the construction of bridges over navi- ' gable waters," approv March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ·*¤°¤d¤¤¤*· expressly reserved. Approved, August 22, 1914. CKA2. 287.·—An Act To ainend section one hundred and ninety-five of the Act A"? 22- mt entitled "An Act to codify, revise, and amend the laws relating to the judiciary,’* L approved March third, nineteen hundred and eleven. [Public, No. 180.] Be it enacted the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the United Sta/tes QfAmC1'tCbC:li/7;% Congress assembled, Thaliziection one h`i( and iil»iid°ie?°°i>i' ms, ninety-five of an Act entitled "An Act to codifygriéevise, and amend *““°“°°“‘ the laws relating to the judiciary/’ approved h third, nineteen pulpdred and eleven, be, and hereby is, amended so as to read as o ows: "Sec. 195. That the Court of Customs Appeals established by this A%‘?`§_ °' °"‘“’“'“ chapter shall exercise exclusive appellate jurisdiction to review by jm_,s;;·&¥0gg;P;,*1·£ appeal, as herein provided, final eeisions bfy a board of general exam by mam at appraisers m all cases as to the construction o the law and the facts G°“°““ ·*"*"““°”‘ respecting the classification of merchandise and the rate of duty imposed thereon under such classifications, and the fees and charges connected therewith, and all appealable questions as to the juris c- tzion of said board, and all appealable questions as to the laws and mgmcmuma regulations governing the collection of the customs revenues; and the judgments and decrees of said Court of Customs Appealsshall be final P,,,,,,,_,_ m all such cases: Provided, however, That in any case in which the nmugjx judgment or decree of the Court of Customs Appeals is made final by Bi cases méasg com the provisions of title, it shall be coiptpetent for the Supreme °’“““°°· “°°“°’·°‘°‘ Court, upon the petition of either party, fil withm sixty days next after the issue by the Court of Customs Aippeals of its mandate upon decision, in any case in which there is awtn in question the construction of the Constitution of the United States, or any part thereof, or of any treaty made pursuant thereto, or m any other case when the Attorney General of the United States shall, before the decision of the Court o Customs Appeals is rendered, file with the court a certificate to the effect that the case is of such importance as to render expedient its review by the Supreme Court, to require, by certiorari or otherwise, such case to be certiiied to the Supreme Court for its review and determination, with the same power and authorittg in the case as 1f it had been carried by a peal or writ of error to e Supreme Court: previdedfnrther, 'llhat this Act shall not apply to aply case involving $§“,f,'f,‘;‘,,’§,§',*§°”°"· only the construction of section one, or any portion ereof, of an Act Vc!-36. pp-11-8% entitled ‘An Act to ppovide revenue, equalize duties, and encourage the industries of the nited States and or other purposes} qpproved Ummm Rmpm August fifth, nineteen hundred and, nine, nor to angpase invo ving the 1:%, ol construction of section two of an Act entitled ‘ Act to {promote ·"·*’·“• reciprocal trade relations with the Dominion of Canada, and or other purposes,’ approved July twenty-sixth, mneteen hundred and eleven." Approved, August 22, 1914.