Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/823

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cus. 22, 23. 1915. 805 or a peals have been allowed at the date of its a roval. And Wm °'°“9'*° S*%· nothiiig in this Act shall be deemed to repeal, amend,P<i)r modify the iiarimcdsecgm m mm`- provisions of an Act entitled "An Act providm for writs of error in V°L 3**** lm certain instances in criminal cases," approved Mirch second, nineteen hundred and seven. Approved, January 28, 1915. CHAP. 23.-An Act For the improvement of the foreign service. F°l'¤ig¤g1i·;9l5· Be it enacted by the Senate and Housiu<ifRepreeentatives of the United lP¤b1i¤. §<¤· 2421 States of America in Congress assemb , That hereafter all appoint- ,,,,§‘}’§°g,$f;f“”“ °°"‘ ments of secretaries in the Diplomatic Service and of consuls general 8S¤¤rg¤>ri¤% ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ and consuls shall be by commission to the offices of secretary of ipléziiiaamza cgilsilg embassy or legation, consul general, or consul, and not by commis- °“R_’g{*g;°c§f§h,5 lm sion to any particular Ipost, and that such officers shall be assigned to pp-294I2¤6.¤¤¤¤¤¥de<1. osts and transferred rom one post to another by order of the Presi— PT _ sent as the interests of the service may require: Promkled, That any nu°i°§`°s°i.° Department such officer may_be assigned for duty in the Department of State °‘S‘°°°· without loss of grade, class, or salary, such assiglnment to befor a period of not more than three gears, unless the public interests demand further service, when suc assignment may e extended for a..period not to exceed one year, and no Egger: Promkled further That ,° ,m*;g_$•°* no secretary, consul general, or consul s be {promoted to a. Eigher class except 1;pon the nomination of the President, with the vice and consent o the Senate. _ Sec. 2. That secretaries in the Diplomatic Service and consuls gen- °“‘d°‘ °“°“°‘“l‘°°‘ eral and consuls shall hereafter be graded and classified as follows, with the salaries of each class herein affixed thereto. SEGBE'1‘ABms. mganq in Dipler Ante, .443. Secretary of class one, $3,000. P Secretary of class two, $2,625. Secretary of class three, $2,000. Secretary of class four, $1,500. Secretary of class five, $1,200. c0NsU1.B GENERAL. lH6•;r¤¤· Consul general of class one, $12,000. Consul general of class two, $8,000. Consul general of class three, $6,000. Consul general of class four, $5,500. Consul general of class five, $4 ,500. CONSULS. &¤,uk_ Consul of class one, $8,000. Consul of class two, $6,000. Consul of class three, $5,000. Consul of class four, $4,500. Consul of class Eve, $4,000. Consul of class six, $3,500. Consul of class seven, $3,000. Consul of class eight, $2,500. Consul of class nine, $2,000. Sec. 3. That section sixteen hundred and eighty-tive of the Revised mgshliié °°d "°° Statutes is hereb amended to read as follows: Y _ " Sec. 1685. That for such time as any secretary of embassy or lega.- ,,§§r§é$ d “‘°”“S°° tion shall be lawfully authorized to act as chargé d,&llC'8.1.1‘6S ad interim