Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/861

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Cir. 75. 1915. 843 Narrornr, ommrmrms: For maintainin and im rovm' g national N***°¤°‘ °°m¤*¤¤¤¤» cemeteries including fuel for sup;-aintendgnts, aypof laborers and mmmmcm other employees, purchase of too , and materialis, $120 000. A $6§•`¢;1é0pay of seventy-six superintendents of national cemeteries, °°P•¤‘*¤*•¤**¤¤*¤· For continuing the work of furnishing headstones of durable stone H•;¤*=¤•¤¤¤ *¤ =¤¤- or other durable material for unmarked graves of Union and Con- m;:Lg;·2v°l'3,,. V0, federate soldiers, sailors, and marines in national, post, city, town, *°·P·¤1¤$¤\·¤4»'r>·¤6- and cemeteries, naval cemeteries at navy yards and stations of the nited States, and other burial places, under the Acts of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, February third, ~ §¥°l:1teendhundr!;alg0a;_1d seventy-ninejl and Liarrihfninth, ningteaeirg hunan six; or continumg' e wor o e tones °*'m*¤· _ for unmarked graves of civilians interred in t cemeteries under the atvriivlii P' m' W" Acts of April twenty ~ nineteen hungiigd and four and June thirtieth, nineteen him and six; also for furnishing lheadstones °°¤*•d•¤*°¤- for the unmarked graves of Confederate soldiers, sailors, and marines in national cemeteries, $50,000. s Foréergplairs to rouqdwayls to mtgiéondag cemeteries which have been E R°"""°'°“"“”‘ struc speci authorit · ngress $12,000: , t E,,,,,,,,,;h,,,,,,, I, no railroady shall be permitted upon the right of way which may have ¤*¤*°¤°* *°**>*¤¤·¤· Y been acquired by the United States to a national cemetery, or to encroach gpon ansy roads or walks constructed thereon and maintained _ by the nited tates: Provided furtlwr, That no lpart of this sum shall R"‘“'°““" be used for repairing any roadway not owned y the United States within the corporate limits of any city, town, or village. No part of any appropriation for national cemeteries or the repair p,{,‘g"c‘}',_°°‘ ‘° ""° "' of roadways thereto shall be expended in the maintenance of more thain a single appfroach to national cemleltery. ICQ Bum of migm or expenses in e n atrona metery or in ,,,,1,,,,, D_ C_ the cemeteries of the trict of Columbia, indigent ex·Union soldiers, ex-sailors, or ex—marines of the United States service, either regular or volunteer, who have been honorably discharged or retired and who $7e in the District of Columbia, to pe disblilrried by the Secretary gf ar, at a cost not exceeding` $45 or suc uri e in eac case, exclusive of cost of grave, $2,000, one-half of which sum shall m§•i¤u¤¤ii°m mmm be paid out of the revenues of the District of Columbia. Amman bam. Antietam battle field: For redpair and preservation of monuments atm, tablets, observation tower, roa , and fences, and so forth, made and constructed by the United States uéion public lands within the limits of the Antietam battle field, near harpsburg, Maryland, $3,000. suwmmdmh For pay of superintendent of Antietam battle held said superintendent to perform his duties under the direction of the Quartermaster Corps and to be selected and alppointed by the Secretary of War, at his discretion, the (person se ected and appointed to this position to be an honorably `scharged Unionsoldier, $1,500. I t Disposition of remains o officers, soldiers, civrhan employees, ,,,,,}}§°.§"‘.§§'Q,,,§f ${1 so forth: For interment, or preparation and transportation to their •**•¤·°*°· homes or to such national cemeteries as may be designated by proper authority, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, of the remams of officers, including acting assistant surgeons, and enlisted men of the Army active list- interment, or preparation and transportation to their homes, of the remains of civil em_plo ees of the y in the employ of the War Department who die airoad, in Alaska, in the Canal Zone, or on Army trans rts, or who die while on duty m the field or at military posts the limits of the United Statesinterment of military grisoners who die at militarlyulposts; removal d0*,§°°§g‘;{s'fgg_¤¤¤· of remains from aban oned posts to permanent tary posts or national cemeteries, including the remains of Federal soldiers, sailors, or marines, interred in fields or abandoned rivate and city ceme- mimbummm to teries; and in any case where the expenses oi burial or shipment of mucus