Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/892

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874 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 75. 1915. Bmr>1¤v•>•¤ ¤¢¤¤¤:¤· Employees at large: Two field station superintendents, at $1,800 each; fish-culturists—two at $960 each, two at $900 each; six machinists, at $960 each; two coxswaius, at $720 each; in all, $14,520. Distribution ¤¤¤· Distribution (car employees): Five captains, at $1,200 each; six "1°y°°S° messengers, at $1,000 each; five assistant messengers, at $900 each; five laborers, at $720 each; five cooks, at $600 each; in all, $23,100. _§_§‘{g;§_?;fmA§},g{;“· Afognak (Alaska) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; foreman, $1,200; two skilled laborers, at $960 each; three laborers, at $900 each; cook, $900; in all, $8,220. -‘—‘P°”“·M’°"· Alpena (Michigan) Station: Foreman, $1,200; fish-culturist, $900; in al , $2,100. Cr§g,Q'%8{}“d B°"“° Baird (California) and Battle Creek (California) Stations: Super- ’ intendent, $1,500; foreman, $1,080; foreman, $900; three laborers, at $600 each; in all, $5,280. B°"°' L“"°·w“’* Baker Lake (Washington) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; ishculturist, $900; two laborers, at $600 eac ; in all, $3,600. B°““’°'*» N- C- Beaufort (North Carolina) Biological Station: Superintendent and director, $1,500; Hsh-culturist, $900; two laborers, af$600 each; in all $3,600. H§°°*’*‘>°Y H”b°'· Boothbay Harbor (Maine) Station: Surifzrintendent, $1,500; Esh- ` culturist, $900; engineer, $1,100; skilled la orer, $780; three firemen, at $600 each; custodian of lobster pounds, $720; two laborers, at $600 B M theach; in all, $8 000. _ _ °‘°”“"’ °" ‘ Bozeman (Montana) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; Hsh-culturist, $900; two laborers, at $600 each; in all, $3,600. Bryws Point. Md- Bryans Point (Maryland) Station: Custodian, $360. <>¤x>¤ Vi¤¤¤¤¤· N- Y- Cape Vincent (New York) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; skilled laborer, $720; fireman, $720; two laborers, at $600 each; in all, $4,140. Clackamas. Graz- Clackamas (Oregon) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; Hsh-culturist, $900; three slmlled laborers, at $720 each; two laborers, at $600 com Springs, G8, each; in all, $5,760. _ _ - _ • Cold Springs (Georgia) Station. Superintendent, $1,500, Esh-cul- _ turist, $900; two laborers, at $600 each; in all, $3,600. °”"“ B'°°k’M°' Craig Brook (Maine) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; foreman, ,1 M. $900; three laborers, at $600 each; m all, $4,200. Dum uu" Duluth (Minnesota) Station: Superintendent, $1,500· foreman, d t _, C $900; fish-culturist, $900; two laborers, at $600 each; in all, $4,500. E °° °°" ` Edenton (North Carolina) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; fishm T culturist, $900; two laborers, at $600 each; in all, $3,600. E"' ’ °°°' Erwin (Tennessee) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; fish-culturist, I $900; three laborers, at $600 eac ; in all, $4,200. F°°°°"’ °`” Faigport (Iowa) Biological Station: Director, $1,800; superintendent o fish culture, $1,500; scientific assistants-—one $1,400, one $1,200; foreman, $1,200; shell expert, $1,200; engineer, $1,000; two firemen, at $600 each; two laborers, at $600 each; in all, $11,700. °"’“°°°t"’M”S‘ Gloucester (Massachusetts) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; fishgulturist, $900; fireman, $720; three laborers, at $600 each; in all, 4,920. G’°°“ L“k"’·M°· Green Lake (Maine) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; foreman, $900; iish—culturist, $900; two laborers, at $600 each; in all, $4,500. H¤¤*°*·Mi¤¤· Homer (Mirmesota) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; scientific assistants—one $1,400, one $1,200; foreman, $1,200; engineer, $1,000; _ two firemen, at $600 each; two laborers, at $600 each; in all, $8,700. L°°‘"‘u°*°°*°· ° Leadville (Colorado) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; foreman, $1,200; two Bsh—culturists, at $900 each· skilled laborer, $720; two laborers, at $600 each; cook, $480; in all, $6,900. L°‘°"m°’K" Louisville (Kentucky) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; fish- H nm S Y culturist, $900; two laborers, at $600 each: in all, $3,600. mmm ”“°‘* Mammoth Spring (Arkansas) Station: Su erintendent, $1,500; fishculturist, $900; three laborers, at $600 eaclii; in all, $4,200.