Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/904

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886 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 75. 1915. ¤§*¤‘¤°¤ •¤d *1****- For continuing the construction on the Panama Canal Zone of barracks, quarters, storehouses, and other buildings necessary for accommodating the mobile army and Coast Artillery troops to be stationed there, including water, sewer, and lighting systems, roads, walks, and so forth, and or repairing and remodeling existing buildinglto render them suitable for sheltering troops, $1,290,000; all, specifically for fortifications an armament thereof for the Panama Canal, $2,639,048.30. dL_°*¤“*°**°°""“‘ Sec. 2. No part of the money appropriated by this Act shall be Nomwtmcwms used for paggilent of salaries or egpenses of the Joint Land Commism’{.LZ'fT,'{'§ Bm` sion, estab ed under article teen of the treaty between the V°*- 3% P- W United States and the Republic of Panama, in adjudicating or settling any claim originating under angolease or contract for occupancy, made by the anama Railroad mpany in the Canal Zone, or for the payment of any awards made by said commission on account of Mmmm;. nc. 3. at in prescri re ations un er the provisions o sec- ` ““§ “°h '*i·’i.i‘““" b gui .1 1. f ¤·¤»mac$l¤i{?¤:u`l¤di·§ tion five of the simdry civilu§ct of August first, nineteen hundred and $$,°§§,,§°m'{g§“;§{},? fourteen, the President shall provide that in lieu of furnishing to the mgm m auditor individual detail collection vouchers, not provided for in said ’ p` regulations, two competent (persons, one from the office of the Auditor for the War Department, esignated bqvnthe auditor, and one from the office of the Comptroller of the asury, designated by the comptroller, shall be sent semiannually at such time as may be designated lay the comptroller, to the Canal Zone to examine the accounts an vouchers and veriftg the submitted schedules of collections and report in triplicate to e Auditor for the War Department, the Comptroller of the Treasury, and the auditor of the Panama °"‘°'°‘““*'““°"“‘ Canal; and such persons shall make such other examination into the accounts of the Panama Canal as ma be directed by the comptroller, and for all such purposes they sha]? have access to all records and pgpers pertaining thereto. Such examination and inspection shall made for the period covered by the persons designated as soon as practicable, an the re ort of such persons shall be rom tl filed. Expenses. ¥ · · P P. y Such persons shall be urmshed their transportation going and return1ng,_mcluding meals, and be paid a per diem of $4 from the day of sailingl from the United States until return thereto, both days inc usive, m `eu of subsistence on the Isthmus and all other expenses gut of such appropriation for the Panama Canal as may be designated t e governor. “i~i$l:°i¤i°iQ°i$a$riiilg ySec. 4. That appropriations herein for printing and binding shall °°f,{'g‘f’Ys‘,;,[{“f,§’“1§{‘;§{; not be used for any annual report or the accomlgznying documents nnnkencm. M unless_ the copy therefor is fumished to the Pu he Printer in the ""· *’· following manner: Copies of the documents accompan such annual reports on or before the Efteenth day of October of each year; copies of the annual reports on or before the fifteenth day of November of each year; and complete revised proofs of the accompan ` Em mm documents and the annual reports on the tenth and twentieth days of P November of each gear, respectively. The revisions of this section shall not apply to the annual reports of the Smithsonian Institution, T ewrmn ma the Commissioner of Patents, or the Comptroller of the Currency. chilies? K Sec. 5. That no part of any money appropriated by this Act shall °°"”"*"°d- be used during the year nineteen hun red and sixteen for the purchase of ani tgxewriting machine at a price m excess of the lowest price paid by the overnment of the United States for the same make and substantially the same model of machine during the period of the fiscal years mneteen hundred and thirteen and nineteen hundred and fourteen; such price shall mclude the value of any typewrif machine or machines given in exchange, but shall not ap ly to spec!-i3 prices granted on typewriting machines used in schools oi) the District of Columbia or of the Indian Service.