Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/980

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962 SIXTY-THIRD ooncnnss. sm. 111. on. 140. 1915.

 ..$$ &‘f§f‘£,.“é‘.‘§’Q.“.“.??Sm‘i2?.§¥.L%“’.”§$2i$‘:¥.?§°§é2§§i2i‘%;

[Public, No. asa.] approved March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, and arch third, etghteen hundred and mghty-seven, and commonly known as the Bowman and the ucker Acts, and under the provisions of section numbered one hundred and fifty-one of the ?c(ti;gpr8X3d March third, nineteen hundred and eleven, commonly known as the H 6. Be it enacted Senate and House q'R1t_E;esenta.tives ¢y"the United ‘,Z,f'¥,’,;R,,‘§°{,‘}‘ States of America ·m _0o»n.gress assembled, t the Secretary of the

d by ¤¤¤r= or Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out

vo1.'22,%ass; va. of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to claim- §,*_;,,§·““’* °’· “· P· ants m this Act named the several sums appropriated herein, the same being in full for and the receipt of the same to be taken and accepted in eachcase as a full and final release and discharge of their respective claims, except that claimants under this Act receiviigg compensation for use and occupancy of propert shall not be barr from further prosecution of claims arising from dyamage or destruction of the same property, namely: ““"“"" ALABAMA. ` To Houston L. Bell, of Madison Coung, $810. f'{;6M&t·y F. Cagey Tucker, sole heir of lomon L. Casey, deceased, 0 Imty $ 53.34. To .1 H. oaim, or ceibm county, $1,230. To Daniel Carroll, of Tuscaloosa unty, $150. To T. F. Venn, administrator of the estate of Leroy Campbell, deceased of Madison 0011113, 8475. To John A. Chandler, trator of Bethel G. Chandler, deceased, of Lauderdale County, $743. _ To Taggor, admimstrator of estate of David Crow, deceased, late of Madison _ unty, $120. To Hen;} Dav1s, of Madison Countiy, $135. _ ffléo lggovr Atzuifk trator o Caswell B. Derrick, deceased, o ac n un y , . To Belle F. Neil, administratrix of James Watkins Fennel] deceased, late of Marshall County, $1,330, to be distributed as follows: To Catherme M. Esslmger, $181.36; to Malay Jane Graham, $181.36; to Frank D. Fennell, $181.36; to Belle F. eil, $181.36; to Cams G. Fennell, $181.36; to Mattie M. Fennell, $181.36; to Charity E. Hemy $60.46; to James William Fennell, $60.46; to Isham Watkins Fennell, $60.46; to John H. Fennel] $60.46. To Richard Gamer, of Colbert Count; $425. J Tl?B0D&éY1gl Z. Ggtd, administrator of eter H. Gold, deceased, of ac n unt 35. To Louisa Cgdhrane Gordon, daughter and heir of William Cochrane, deceased, late of Tuscaloosa County, $1,788. To W. H. Gilbert, administrator of estate of Samuel L. Gilbert, deceased, late of Dekalb County, $237. Digi (igtagt, administrator of Green Guest, deceased, of e un . To William Hamner, of Tuscaloosa Coimty, $805. To C. J. McKee, administrator of the estate of David B. Johnson, deceased, of Morgan Countgi $3,900. _ To N annie H. ones and ary E. Hereford (née Jones), of Madison County, hens of John T. Jones, deceased, $800. To obn D. Hereford,_Fanme H. Jones, and Martha J. Orman, of Madison Conmty, and W1lham F. Hereford, of Japan, heirs of Fannie J. Hereford, deceased, daughter and heir of John T. Jones, deceased,