Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1082

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INDEX. 2385 Sdmuztz, John, Page. Scientific Apparatus etc. Pagecpension increased 1563 on free list, for coil?. etc., not for sale. . 161 S mutt, George, for temporary e 'bition, etc., not for cggrimgn lug;-ggggd ______ _ _____ _ ___________ 1577 gale ___________________,_ , _ _ _____ _ _ 165 S mutt, Henry, Scwntific Aesocwkztzlons, cpension increased 1420 on free list, ublications issued by, gra- 5 M11. John M-, tuitouslii ------~·---------·-·--—---· 155 gerision increased --.-.-.. 1315 Sorkniifs Congress, Second Pan-American, S matt, Mzlly (widow), appropriation for participation in- . 450, 1126 cpension increased., . 1555 representatives of Governments of the S ruxder, P. (widow), American Republics invited ... 450 {pension increased 1296 Scnhntvic Employees, Bepartrnent of Agrirul- S mm HWyreosed' 1498 ‘ on blushed 1921151011 H10 ···- _ ··-·---··-·-----·--- IDBXIIII um a esta for ...,,.,.. 441 Schneujer, Emma J. (wrdow), Scientific, etc.?21,ss0c7Zat7k>r:s, P°111?1<1¤ ·--·· _ ---··—----··-~----·---··-·~·- 1437 income tax not levied on; conditions ‘ 172 Schneider, Julws A-, Scientific Literature, International Catalogue Scgenaion .---··-·-----··· 1435 of, { 714 bade', 2 » appropriation or ex rises, re tion Scgeugioijucreawd ·--·-·-·---------------- 1390 pp pot .. iii .. 26, 625, sas 714 F, _“9”·’1, for rin and binding` ... 69 672,881 cgension increased --.. 1408 Sckntifg Soglgzs, em., ' ·$' nelly, John J-, M01 on list,]-ib<3ks, em., for; lim? . 155 1151011 11101* ···~---·····-··-·-·—-··- oso c a aratus, etc. or ... 161 Seigeae mmm. N. K, _ soo}; p7,..‘I1,, ,o.,"" ’ budge authorized across Hudson River mm-ied at Parcel Postmtcs ________________ 346 between @1811214111 and- -····---··-·· 308 third class, if eight ounces or less ... 346 Sd1°¢/12f 7 4Wlm (14*1410711). to be carried as fourth class mail .. 304 ggnsion increased . ,_ .. 1503 ,$7,·io¢o_Rioer, Oh-io, _ S fidd B¢¤'[¢¤¢]¤8, Bowan, preliminary examination of and tribuappropriatron for infantry acc0mm0da· mugs, to be made ,,,_,_,,,_________ 1050 Hons.; -·--··----·------- Z --·---· _ 629, 842 Sdotoville, Ohio, . Srboolfor Medwol 017ivers, Army Field Service bridge sutnomed moss Ohio River or 791 ‘ mul Correspondence, Sciumg, appropriation for instruction expenses 1063 duty on ___,_,,,.,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,_,__,___ 125 Sdnool of Fire for Fkld Artillery, Fort Sill, Scan, David 0,, Okla., _ _ pension .. 1571 appropriation for instruction expenses. . 352, 1063 Soon, Elizabeth (widow), School of Moskotry, Army, Fort Sill, Okla., pension increased ,__,__,_,__,____________ 1535 appropriation for instructiomexpenses. 352, 1063 500;;, John W, Sdlools, _ _ pension increased 1481 on free list, books, etc,, for; l1m1t 155 Scott, Logan MoD., philosophical alpparatus, etc., for ... 161 pension increased ... . 1401 Schools, D. C. (see public Schools, D. (1.). $00;;, Nancy J. (widow), Schopp, Jacob, pension increased 1555 pension increased 1509 Sol7,:;jlPe¢¢r, rd ted Schriber, Willzhm A., ‘ reco correc . 1543 cpension increased 1255 Sooa, §;z‘°°“ A· (WWW): 5 ,-,,,,.1,;,, ,4;;,,,-;, pension .-.·--··-·-·-· 1568 nsion increased 1241 Swat $01**-71 No scixmia, Rggg (widow), penmodmcressed ---------·-·---· 1345 xenon .. 1446 Swa, Bo~(w¤1ow>. S 0g[gr,F_ Tgwgdgrh p€l'18101l.:..···»-······· ·-·-··-. .· yment to, for injuries ... . . .. 1545 Scott, Wzllgam H-, Scgilw, Mi·n.1u1(wa]do·w), pension ¤¤cro¤¤o<1 ··-------·-- - ·----·-··-- 1422 nsion .. 1576 Scronm, John -4-, seiizzo, chores, 1552 S peni;¤1o¤;,¤ore¤¤ed ···------·-·---·---···-· 1364 nsion increased UG 071, ao Sggzlgg, John, condemned cannon granted to Grand nsion increased ...,.,.. 1497 Army post -----------·-··--------- 1210 Sggyiylkill 7;,,,,,, pa__ f b S terms of court at --·--------· 385, 713 relimins. examination, etc., 0 , to e crap. P madrid, Philadel 1,14... 1057 duty o¤,_1eo·1-·-_ -------·----------·------ 129 Schwartz, Christian and Boomld Bickart, on free 1¤¤1» P1¤¤¤u¤¤ ---···---·-···---··- 161 payment of Court of C 'ms iindmgs to Scrap Albums, exgqutyix of 3 member of the Erm duty on ···---····-•-·-···-·· · ·········•' ‘ 146 of ______,,_,,_____,,,. . ,... 977 Screens, Soiwonunzmr , John, _ _ du¢y<>¤»W¤<><1»¢*~¢ ---··--·-—··-·-- · --·-- 131 payment gig Court; of Gl:-uma 11I1d.1I1gB to woolen ~··- · ···--·-·-·· · ···· · ······‘‘‘‘ 143 administrator 6: ... 973 Screw Rods., , Schweobert, Simon, S duty on, iron or steel wire . 125 ' ‘ eased __________,_,,,,,,,,.. . . 1384 crews, s,·,1;,?,€)ngi,Ii§,1;,,,0,,_, gf, duty on, wood, of iron or steel ·--·--·-··-· 127 on free list, by States, societies, etc., not Scfoyyim, Jamaar for sexe; conditions 165 pension ------·----------·--··-·- - ·-·--··· 1599