Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/337

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1550 SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 139. 1915. ‘"’“°' B'°°“‘ The name of Abner Brooks, late of Company F, Seventh Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Mounted Infantry, and pay him at pension at the rate of $24 r month in lieu of that he is now receiving. P"' *`·B“""· The name ofpe Prior P. Baird, late of Company A, Fiist Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of Emu A_ Em? $39hper montl} heugf ltilgat hc; is nopvcreceivingb F h ' enameo v1n . tey ateo oman , ourtR` t Wisconsin Volunteer Cavalry, hud pay himpa pyensioa at theexexdf mm mu-_ $3£§mper mont}; lip lieu Agn tha}; he is ggw receirkmgéw ‘ enameo oses 'er, ateo an ent-secodR '- ment New York Volunteer Cavalq, anrdqpayyhim a pension atllhe iigtle _ _ of $24 per month in lieu of that e is now receiving. B°“"““"’ F· H‘°‘ Titre,-[`name of léexijamin Hall, gaitlef of Company F, Fourth Regimen ennessee 0 unteer ounte d him “ _ at the rate of $30 r month in lieu of tha:.isuli5e,igIi1ovIs¥i·5eceiw'n8,<ii)8m10n IE§g,-¤m°b;1£hTh¤]g·hn__ 1 gh? xégme of C Ipertih i§>n, widowoplf Geopge E. T urston, a o m an , o — t V tee Inf Pensions mmmd and pay herpa yension atythe rate ggxglzn er rigmntlialm I- muy, Sylvester Ramsey: The name ofp Sylvester Rumsey, late or Company D, Ninth Regiment Miclngan Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate smh? Dom ofgi;6 per mo1;th m lu?} cigigiat he is nov; ipézeiving. ‘ ‘ e name o . m, wi ow o ward W. Deem, lat f Co§panyhD, Fourteenth I§.?$iment Wkest Virginia Volnmteer Infanlarg, an pay er a ension a e rate 0 $20 th ° li f that _ she is now rece£mg. Par mon m cu 0 §,f{‘,,’;?,,m,,,,_ The name of Catharine Mann, widow of Jonathan Mann, late of Company I, One hundred and forty-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania ggweer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 per iliiisg :1i··.,,,···_=*· The name of James A. Carter, late of Compang G, One hundred gg thirty-fourtthtl]§eg1rp31enti_ ggo National1Gua1rd ngariltryiland pay _a_pension a e ra e o per mont in 'eu o t at e is now receiving. ii§$°i.1Z;°i~h0mp,¤,_ The name of Rachel Thompson, widow of William H. Thompson late of Com(pany I, Eighty-fifth Regiment New York Volunteeri hmm bmw Infantry, an pay_her a ]f[·.nsion at the rate of $12 per month. om r. nm;. Tlge ]i.\H8;11§ QT ?1'10tx;eP.Infowe, late of Company C, Fifty·Iifth Regimen oxs o un r ant d him t th Ima mmm of $3110 per moptlh in Beg of thdghglis dh? receigirigmlon 8, 0 mm ' enameo ames ter t fCo C ti h egim Kentucky Volunteer zniiopay lliiiiuiiypeiisigii zi. this rateaiii mhmm mm $24 per month in lieu of that he is new receiving. ° The name of Catharine Casler, widow of Henry Casler, late seaman United_States Navy, and_pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per Bmw R Bach molrgh in lieu pg that sib; 1sBno;{v iieceiving. e name o amue . , t f B El '.. ment Michigan Volunteer Irlilantiiyf End zi. pehgigiihaliltile Pmm rate of $36 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. 1·¤¤ma»'e.n¤mm. S The lnimp of Thom? Butner, helpless and dependent child of amue u ner ate o ompany E, Sixth Regiment Mis V 1- Pmkm ipmmd_ unteer Cavalry,’and payhim a pension at the rate of $12 ps;;i·urr1iont?h. Daniel smear. The name of Daniel Smder, ate of Company A, Ninth Regiment gesp Virginia ¥ol1mteei·¤I_nfantry, and Company B, First Relgiment as Lrgima e eran ant d hi ‘ mm W of {gt per moptéi in tspvog th’QE1h”;2s EEE?. .§.‘S..£2T£’i§’TS‘°“ ““ ‘ ° ’“°° e name o eorge . ut `e, ate of Co D, On h dred and sixty-first Regiment Ohio Volunteer Ininalriziillg, and paayuhlim a Pm,m_ P€*¤S1011 at the rate of $21 per month in heu of that he is new receiving. sms .».. smut. The name of Eflie A. Smith, helpless and dependent child of

fSm1th, late of Company A, Eightieth Regiment Ohio Volun··

eer entry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 per month.