Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/443

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“'**" B   Alfred §ll%rtchell Innes, Counseiller de 1’Ambassade de S. M.

ri anm ue ashmgton. . Sir Alged Bateman K. _M. G., ancien Comptroller General of Commerce, Labor, and Statistics;

 Tempge Franks, Comptroller General of Patents, Designs,

an a emar ; His Mgiesty the Kingiof Italy: . _ _ Nob. azzaro dei archesi Negrotto Cambiaso, Conseiller de l’Ambassade de S. M. le Roi d’Italie A Washington;

  Venezian, lirrgépnglug, Itnspecteur du Ministére de 1’Agriure u ommercee e us ne;

M. lh Dr. Giovanni Battista _Ceccato, Attache commercial A l’Ambassade de S. M. le R01 d’Ital1e A Washington. His Magieity the Emperor of J emu: J M. §.W tsui, Conseiller de l' bassade de S. M. l’Empereur du appn ashmgton; .M ° NakamatsuDirecte d 1’Oifi desb ts; The Igrrgident of the [United Sltrateg of Mezgico: mw M, J osé_ de las Fuentes, Inlgénieur, Directeur de l’Office des brevets; His Mayesty the King_of orway: _ _ A vlg. L._Aubert, Secrétme de la Légation de S. M. le Rox de Norvege ashmgton; H rM eetyth Qéieenofth N therlauds: M?le F. W. (3]. . Snyder $a.nqWissenkerke, Directeur de l’Office de la Propriété industrielle, Conseiller au Ministere de la Justice; P 'l.`th dent of the Provisional Government of the Republic of o u : S. xc.leVi mtedeA1te,En tMinistre, Plénipotentiaimecdh Portugal 5. Washiiigton; 6 His Majesty the King 0 Servia: His Magisty the Kinilof Sweden: S. Exc. . le Compte bert Ehrensvard, Son Envoyé extraordinaire ·*%£¤t=“s Pté*aiP°*$.m2I1° ;"¤S“a.%*2a e er o the wiss f : S._}?Qxc. M. PauI1]?{(ittei·, Envoyé extrldoidihziiglht Ministre plénipotentiaire de Suisse Washmgwn; _ t Kraft, Adjomt du ureau Fédéral de Ia Propriété Intellecue e Bern ; M. Henri Martin Secrétair d I f d S\11SSO· aw hmgto' · The President of, the Fren:h Heapxlrlilg ;d)1?T3nis: as E, M. de Peretti de_la Rocca, Premier Secrétaire de l’Ambassade de la Reggbhque francaise A Washington; _ _ 0, after having been gxven their full reslpective powers, made m good and due form, have agreed upon the fo owing art1cles· Anrrcnn 1. °"°°° '””"°°°°d‘ migie cc¥ntrgcti;1g pountries constitute a state of Union for the proc on o m us ria propexzy. Akrrcnn 2. Reciprocal pr0t€c· , , , _ _ 23*; game, ::1:; 'l‘he Sl1b]E0t8 or citizens of each of the contracting countries shall ml · ‘· 8** enypy, in a the other countries of the Ilmon, with regard to patents of mvention, models of utility, mdustnal designs or models, tradexgrlgs, trade names, the statements of place of origin, suppression of air competition, the advantages which the respective laws now grant or may hereafter grant to the citizens of that country. Consequently, they shall have the same rotection as the latter and the same legal remedies against any nngmgements of their rights, pro-