Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/558

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ARBITRATION AGREEMENT—JAPAN. Jess es, 1913. 1775 Arb·a.tratum_ agreement the United States and Ja n extending ’¤¤•”·1°”· the duration of the convention of May 5 1908. Signediiit Washington, J·une_28, 1918; ratiyication advised, by the Senate, February 21, 1914; rattjied by thePregident, March 12, 191 ; ranged by Japan, May 1.9, 1914; ratqicationa exchanged at To 0, ay 23, 1914; proclatmed, May 26, 1914. Br rim Pnnsmmrr or rmt Umrmn Srerns or Amznrcn. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas an Agreement between the United States of America and ;,*"{""‘"°" """ the Government of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan extendinp, for Mk-m a further period of five years, the arbitration convention conc uded p` ` between them on May 5, 1908, was concluded and signed by their respective Plempotentiaries at Washington, on the twenty-eighth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, the original of ’ which Agreement, being in the English and Japanese languages, is word for word as follows: p . The Government of the United seas of America me on ew- °°¤“*°“°¤ "·'·* ernment of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, being desirous of extending the period of five years during which the Arbitration Convention concluded between them on May 5, 1908, is to remain in force, which period is about to e?§ire, have authorized the undersigned, to wit: The Honorable Jennings Bryan Secretary rxmspeauums. o State of the United States, and 'Viscount utemi Chinda, His Majesty’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at Washington, to conclude the following agreement: Anrrcnn I. The Convention of Arbitration of May 5, 1908, between the Gov- ,,,§§’,P§§§‘§]2‘Q ,‘§{,,§?°° ernment of the United States of America and the Government of His Ma'esty the Emperor of Japan, the duration of which by Article lI[ thereof was Exed at a period of five years from the "°‘·‘”,P·’°“‘· date of the exchange of ratifications, which period will terminate on August 24, 1913, is hereby extended and continued in force for a further period of ive years from August 24, 1913. Ansrrcnn II. The present Aiifgment shall be ratified by the President of the u£Fh°”‘°°"°°m°°’ United States of rica, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, and it shall become eifective upon the date of the exchanpe of ratifications, which shall take place at Tokyo as soon as tpossib e. Smmm Done in duplicate at Washirigton, this 28 day of Jime, one thou- _sand nine hundred and thirteen, corresponding to the 28th day of the sixth month of the second year of Taisho. [SEAL.] WLLLIAM Jmmmes BRYAN [sam,.] S. Cmrma. [Japanese text not printed.]