Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/668

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TREATY—DENMARK—PEACE. Axim. 17, 1914. 1885 The report of the International Den internationale Kommis— '“°*°‘°"°P°"~ Commission shall be completed sions Beretning skal vaere fzerdig within one year after the date on inden 1 Aar efter det Tidspunkt, which it shall declare 1ts mvesti- pps. hvilket den erklazerer at dens gzigon to have begun, unless the ndersqigplse er paabegyndt, h Contracting Parties shall medmin ede h¢?e kontraherende extend the time by mutual agree- Parterefte1·Afta eforlaenger dette ment. _ The report shall be plre- Tidsrum. Betmnkningen skal pgredm triplicate; one copys all udfaerdiges i 3 Eksemplarer, af (presente to each Covernment, hvilke eet skal overgives hver Rean the_ third retamed by the gering; det tredje s al Kommis- Comxmssion for its files. sionen beholde til sine Arkiver. Arvrrcnn IV. Aiztrximr. IV. The High Contracting Parties De h¢je kontraherende Parter p,§’“"“‘°°‘ °' ‘“" agree that, ippon the receipt of er enige om ved Modtagelsen af t e report 0 the International den internationale Kommissions Commission as provided in Ar- Betaeukninf som forudsat i Art. ticle III, they will immediately III, uopho delig at ville bestraebe endeavor to adjust the dispute sig for at bilzegge Striden direkte directly between them upon the mellem sig paa Grimdlag af basis of the C0mmission’s End- Kommissionens Resultater. De mI§,‘§§§‘f"d°“‘ ““°' ings. The High Contracting Par- h¢je kontraherende Parter forbeties, however, reserve the right to ho de sig dog Ret til at handle act independently on the subject uaffiazugnét med Hensyn til matter of the dispute after the Stridens jenstand, efterat Komreport of the Commission shall missionens Betzenknisng er bleven have been submitted. forelagt. A1z·ncr.m V. Aarrxnn V. The present treatyshall be rati· Nservwrende Traktat ska.] R°°“‘°’“°°· iied by the President of the ratiiiceres asf Praesidenten for de United States of America, by amerikanske Forenede Stater med and with the advice and consent Senatets Raad og{Samtykke og af of the Senate thereof, and by His Hans Majestaat ongen af Dan- Majesty the King of Denmark. mark. The ratiiications shall be ex- Ratifikationeme skal udveksles m§gg}*°¤¤° °‘ '°““‘ changed at Washin ton as soon i Washinqglton saa snart som as possible. It shah take effect muhkgt. aktaten skal trwde i n°{’u‘{;§f,§‘g',{,_“““ ‘“‘ immediately after the exchange Kra t umiddelbart efter Udveks» of ratifications, and shall continue ling)en af Ratifikationeme og skal in force for a period of five years; for live i Kraft for et Tidsrum af and it shall thereafter remain in 5 Aar, og derefter skal den blive force until twelve months after i Kraft indtil Udl¢bet af 1_2 one of the High Contracting Par- Maaneder efter, at en af de hpje ties shall have given notice to the kontraherende Parter maatte give other of an intention to termi· den anden Part Meddelelse om, nate it. at den har til Hensigt at bringc den til Simshms In witness whereof the respec- Til Be ftelse heraf har de ‘ ’ tive plenipotentiaries have signed tvende Befuldmwdgtigleiis underthe resent treaty and have af- tegnet naervaeren e ktat og fixedp thereunto their seals. paatrykt den deres Segl. Done in duplicate in the Eng- Givet i to Eksem&1a.rer paa. lish and Danish languages at Engelsk og Dansk i ashmgton Washington this 17th day of den 17"° April, 1914. April, in the year 1914. Wiznmam JENNINGS BRYAN [snan.] C. Bmm [smart] 96497°—-vox. 38-rr 2——-12