Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/818

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2020 PRocLAMA*r1oNs, 1914. present hostilities, no ship of war or privateer of any belligerent shall e permitted to malre use of any port, harbor, roadstea _, or waters subject to the jurisdiction of the mted States from which a vessel of an opposing belligerent (whether the same shall be a ship of war, Eutiivtlii-"tf§ 2xp‘*‘°‘5h°”2rSt.£PlB“h€"ttZTi‘;`2° ¥$‘S-”"f§‘£», fSé1?." “€£a 1ra 1011 as - departure of such last—mentioned vessel beyond, the jurisdiction of the United States. any ship of war or pnvateer of a. belhgerent shall, after the time this notification takes eifect, enter any lport, harbor, roadstead, or waters of the United States, such vesse shall be required to_depar·t and to put to sea within twenty-four hours after her entrance into such port, harbor, roadstead, orwaters, except in case of stress of weather or of her requiring PIOVISIQDS or thmgs necessary for the subsistence of her crew, or for repairs; rn any of which cases the authorities of the port or of the nearest port_ (as the case may be) shall reckuire her to put to sea as soon as possible after the expiration of suc of twenty-four hours, without plermitting her to take m supphes beyond what may be necessary for er immed1ate use; and no such vessel which may have been permitted to remain within the waters of the United States for the purpose of repair shall continue within such port, harbor, roadstead, or waters for a llqanggr period tha.h°::1en§our hg;§1i1·;a.ftec1i1l;$ ncgceisarylfepairs comp ess wr su en - our ours a vessel, whether ship of war; privateer, or merchant shilpuof an opposing belhgerent, shall have cparted therefrom, in w `ch case the time hm1ted for the departure of such ship of war or prrvateer shall be extended so far as may be necessary to secure an interval of not gisis thpn twenty-four hours between spleh departure and that of any p o war, pr1vateer_ orm _ t s 'p of an o osin be erent which may have Ipireviously quit the same port, giliirbog ro%tead, or waters: No s p of war or privateer o a bellrgerent shall_ be detained m any port, harbor, roadstead, or waters of the United States more than twenty-four hours, by reason of the successive departures from such port,_ harbor, roadstead, or waters of more than one vessel of an opposing bell1gerent. But if there be several vessels of qpposing belhgerents in the same port, harbor, roadstead, or waters, e order of the1r departure therefrom shall be so arranged as to afford the opportunity 0 leaving alternately to the vessels of the opposing belhgerents, and to cause the least detention consistent wgth It Eigbjecgxs lqfmthlrz proclairhagionim No ship of wuhp; privaieer oae erens ermie,w em rt, be d- stead, or waters within the jurisdiction of theanT.l,mIt•ed_ States, Itorlisltke in any supphes except provisions and such other things as may be requisite or the subsistence of her crew, and except so much coal 0 y as mag be sufficient to carry such vessel, if without any sail power, to the nearest port of her own country; or m case the vessel is rigged to go under sail, and may also propelled by steam power, then with half the quantity of coal which she would be entitled to receive, 1f dependent uppn steam alone, and no coal shall be again supplied to any such s p of war or privateer in the same or any ot er port, harbor, roadstead, or waters of the United States, without special permission, until after the expiration of three months from the time when such coal may have een last supplied to her within the waters of the United States, unless such ship of war or privateer shall, since last thus supphed, have entered a port of the stm mmm t goiwge1r&11i1e51§gc&;£v}hrchdshpbelon§s. 1 _ th he . ,,,2,, ,,,,,,· ,,,_ = ° _ _ er ec are an proc arm at t t t t d th bn treaties of the United States and the law of nations sliieurgguqiile that no plerson, within the temtory and jurisdiction of the United States, sha take part, directly or mchrectly, in the said wars, but shall