Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/905

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2108 INDEX. Choctaw Indians (see also Five Civilized Page- Tribes, Okla.), appropriation for Old Goodland school, Okla., from tribal funds 94 for common schools ... 95, 599 for fulfilling treaties with 96, 600

Cigar, _ _ _ Page. duty on, bands, hthographxcally pnnted . . 145

cases, cutters, holders, etc ... 149
Cigarette Beetle, _
appropriation for investigating . 433, 1104
--·------·-~··  Cigarette Books, etc.,

for monument to Green, de- duty on ________________ _ _________________ 152 ceased chief cf, from tribal funds. . . 97 g· arettes for paying Gabe Parker for furniture,eighty mi ________________ _ _______________ 132

 Academy, Okla., from 597 paper for ________________ _ ______________ 152

H B B ··--- · -·······~---···- special tax on manufactures of ... 753 for hospital, from tribal funds .. 601 C. · ~ _ wgars, 1°T°d° ‘1£S}.“£‘2°?TY.‘T’}`?1 }’T’Y.°Y‘{1$¥'T{ TT`?. 97 C¤v¤<¤i¤g.¤·¤ gg m;·yg~,g;r¤;gg; 0* —·~·—~-- 753 iume extended for classification of surface, Gym 8* a ’ _ · _ 132 iigisof segregated coal and asphalt 767 withdrawl? {gr Some c¢;usumption ofhmade - `· '‘ °'‘'‘' 5 °'‘'`'‘`‘ in on e manu acturing ware ouses “""2‘;.*’»..'?.?1“;’1’¥.£T.‘{‘f‘¥‘fi°?i‘i‘¥ .‘Yf’f¥‘: f'?f‘? 767 from imrmed ¤>b»¤c¤ -------·--:-- 198 - - duty and mtemal revenue tax to be pmd- 198 Choctaw Indmm, Mm., tam to . d. t h tg ._7 { mm or William 0. Adm substituted for ° gb m mg **1 ° °’§° '· guim ° 198 Mitchell 0. Adm, jr., on mus ¤r... vso _ *°°°· °~“ P M ° mu °° “'°- - Cholera, Cmcluma Bark, etc., appropriation for prevention of epidemic., 24% 011 ··-· ··-----·-----------· 624, 83 01 or o . deficienq:1 appropriation for prevention of 379 Cincinnati, Ohio,f , f SP1 €1¤1¢! .--· · -... . ...·... appropriation or assistant treasurer s 0 - Chosen, sca .,,,,,.. 476, 1018

  • PPY’°RTi*ti¤¤ f°!’ i¤t9¥P1'¤t¢Y$ it ¢0¤¤¤1¤W€¤ condemned cannon granted to Union

U1 --···· · ·····--..·..·..- · ---· 452, 1125 Veteran Legion . 1204

<>r marshals, court; ... . gg, terms of com at .. . ... 1188

orex nseso mencan nsonerau. , ·,,,,,mwg,.a · for pnlgu expenses ... .. 4 52 1125 Cz ph Iiwtumh . , . » duty on u uve films for 151 Chretwnv F‘l‘“" Ncda positiveegisms for .. 151 paymeng qi Cotulrt oi’fCkim¤ Endings to ad- 971 Cin mmmtn xx 0 . "“°"°"* . Chrivt Church on.u».1srm, Po zur, Mm., dm? °¤· °*“P¤ -···· · -—--·--·--··-·----·· 135 lapd granted m If . 1 256 °*l ···--- A ---·--·- · ·-—-—·---··-------··· aim: Episcafal ohm}., .3, gn, _ **}*8*0**** -----·-···--· - --·--·-·~-——·-·— £_zY{¤€¤t 0 C0¤1't of Claims findings to 981 Cvvuzt C'0jur{s of Appeals: _ C hqnwn, Bernard, appropnanou for cxrcmt ]udges 506, 1047 IE-Epson _______________ _ ____________ _ _ _ _ 1531 or clerks ... _ .. . . . ._ . 506, 1047 C tmmz, Imdg-i1—a L, M, (widow), for messenger, etc., exghth cucmt 506, 1047 ension increased 1406 for 19w books, etc-, for., -·-- 507, 1048 CIE-my! W`{][1h»mD__ cases m appeals and wuts of error from C umn incyandv ______ _ ______________ 1255 grpreme courts of Hawaii and Porto 804

 bp", hrqmf Org, ICO  :.. .. ..._...

on free .. ... 156 decrees. vm. m baukmpwy x>¤;<>c<~>e4¤pg¤ Chrgm; B,-ick, gmdscaies, and controvemes ansing 804 d n 120 rn, nu .·.-. . .. Ohm? (]}¤·qm;um Mem], review and determination by certiorari duty on ____ _ ______,____________,,______ 123 frprn Supreme Court allowed; con- Chrmne, CYg:w, Green, and all Chromium _ _ d;§l0¤% ---.. _ . . . 804 , ]unsd1c mq renew u ecmons 0 chdutx O2;.} ````````'````'``'````°````'`` Us wdi1set¥11i:>?lgmr:•?`1i}é

ramu; ° , ex 11 _ 0 0 .. . . on free list ... - . 152 excephons . 803 Chromium, deciswus ina} in designated cases .. 803 { ljgt, 1; dm ‘d f, d ,_,,,,,_,__ 156 trade·mark appeals added . 804 Cfrmgqg, y X1 e 0 cm 8 orders to prevent unfair methods of com- Chduty gn, and gms thereof _,,,_,. , ..._ 129 Ketmon ID commerce to be enforced 7m in N z` F est, Alaska, y ... · ... - ryggrcfopdgégéafor Llaiutenance, etc., of. 426, 1096 application of Federal Trade Commission Church, Albert L., for; t¤msm1tta.l of’&ud.u1g¤ .,,... 720 nsion increased ._. . . . - . 1272 dBCI9G 011 §¤diI1gS; H10d1HCaf.i011S by Ciggch, Cora J. (daughter), commrss10¤.._ ... . .. 720 engilm ______________., , ,.. 1365 to be final; renew by Supreme Court. 720 C}£m;};,_ Orange SU I applications to set aside; procedure . 720 pension increased ___,,,, _ ___. 1339 exclusive jmisdiction in ..., 720 Churdoill, John A., i precedence and expediting to be given. . 720 engigu imgmaged ___..,.,,.,. 1575 ; u.nti¤·qst liabihties not affected . 721 Cigrte, Levi, ¤ jl1!’iS(iiCElX!;.; etc., X1 eniorcing provisions 735 ` eased ,.. . 1510 of tirrust ct . . .. Cwggrlfslou mcr 6 judgment and decrees final . 735 duty on _.,,,,. . . . 133 review by Supreme Court 735