Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1015

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cirs. 148-150. 1917. 995 after be made annually before the maturity of the payments to be extended, and no payment be postponed for more than eivht years from the date of entry nor will any extension be made for less than one gear: Promded further, That commutation proof is submitted mgQg¤°¤**¤¤ PW- all the unpa1d payments must be made at that time. ` Sec. 2. That moneys paid as interest, provided for herein, shall be m *° •=¤¤*i* ¤' deposited in the Treasury to the credit o the Fort Peck Indians, the same as moneys realized from the sale of the lands. Approved, March 2. 1917. CHAP. 149.-An Act To validates patent to certain lands heretofore imued to the ¥¤’°** 2;*9*7- State of Florida, to allow the said State to claim certain other lands, and for other [S‘ °°'“‘l purposes. [rams, xt. sm Be it enacted by the Senate and House rj Representatives :3* the United States of Amerika in C<>g}gress assembled, That as to all lands on Key .%*5}*},, mmmd Biscayne in townshi? gy·four and fifty-five south, range forty-two r¤¤¤r=?•¤¤¤• mwi in east, in the State of lori a which were embraced in the military and S"` lighthouse reservations established on said Key Bisca e by Executive orders dated August twenty-eighth, eighteen hl111<Ed and forty- seven, and February tenth, eighteen hundred and ni.nety-seven, but now abandoned and relinquis ed; that certain patent, dated May fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, and designated as Tampa patent numbered thirty-five, be, and the same is hereb , declared valid and effective to vest the title to the said lands in the State of Florida and ang such persons as have, since the issuance of said patent, ac uire the rig t, title, and interest of the State of Florida m and to lihe said lands or any portion thereof. Sec. 2. That as to all lands embraced in said abandoned reserva- §‘,{,§'§*’P'*},‘$§’°“°*°- tions, which were properly to be classified as swamp and overilowed ` lands, in accordance with the terms of the swamp and overiiowed land Act of eighteen hundred and fifty, the State of Florida shall now have the right to claim said lands as swamp and overtlowed lands and to have the same allowed, set apart, and patented as swamp and overflowed lands to the same extent as if the said lighthouse and military reservations had never existed. Sec. 3. That the descriptions contained in said patent and in the *·•¤*’•*¤°'°°•°· selection list aforesaid shall be construed as havin? reference to the plat of lands of Key Biscayne in townships fifty- our and fifty-five south, range forty-two east, prepared in December, eighteen hundred and seventy, by J. E. Hilgarde, withoultvrleigard to theacreage named in said patent or said selection list: Pr ed That this Act shall not be construed as affecting the title to any lands on Key Biscayne embraced within the Mary Anne Davis claim. Approved, March, 2, 1917. ° CHAP. 150.-An Act To amend section six of an Act to expedite the settlement of N1? $$517- title to lands in the State of California. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives_qf the United States of America in Congress assemble , That section six of the Act Qgypzlihd mm of Congress approved July first, eighteen hundred and sixtyfour, i¤._ being an Act entitled "An Act to expedite the settlement o titles ,,,,l’,,‘§,';,,,,§3· P' 33** to lands in the State of California/’ being chapter one hundred and ninety-four of volume thirteen of the Statutes at Large, npage three hundred and thirty-four, is hereby amended to read as fo ows: _ "S1:o. 6. That it shall be the dutg of the surveyor general of Cali- S¤rv•r=¤¤¤~•·i¤¤*~ fornia to cause all the private—lan claims iina y confirmed to be accurately surveyed and plats thereof to be made whenever requested