Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1019

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Suse. II. Cris. 153, 154. 1917. 999 CHAP. 153.-An Act To amend section seventeen of the United States bank- ¥¤’¢h2 NW- ruptcy law of July first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and amendments thereto [H· R {nw] of February fifth, mneteen hundred and three. (public, Nm am] Be it enacted the Senate and House of Re eaentattoes of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Thiat section seventeen of ${‘,}"""§,§,‘°Yi, .,,8, an Act entitled "An Act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy ¤¤¤¤¤&•¤- ` throughout the United States/’ approved July first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, as amended February fifth, nineteen hundred and three, be amended so as hereafter to read as follows: i "Ssc. 17. Debts not affected by a dischar e.—A discha e in ,,,£‘,f§’,,f,‘f"‘°°°““°’ bankruptcy shall release a bankrupt from all of his provable xdebts, except suc as (first) are due as a tax levied by the United States, the State, county, district, or municipality in which he resides; (second) are liabilities for obtaining propert by false pretenses or false representations, or for willful and m&cious injuries to the person or property of another, or for alimon due or to become due, or for maintenance or support of wife or chigi, or for seduction of an unmarried female, or for breach of promise of marriage accompanied by seduc— Lubmty for umm tion, or for criminal conversation; (third) have not been duly $,,§’"{,‘§'S§,,§‘{’,°§{‘}¥,{°,; scheduled in time for proof and allowance, with the name of the ¤¤d•¤· creditor if known to the bankrupt, unless such creditor had notice or actual knowledge of the qppceedings in banlmiptcy; or (fourth) were created by his fraud, em zzlement, misappropriation, or defs]- cation while acting as an officer or in any fiduciary oapacity." Approved, March 2, 1917. March 2, 1917. CJKAP. 154.~Joiut Resolution Requesting the President of the _United States to designate and appoint a day on which funds may be raised for the relief of the Ruthe- [Pub. Res., No. 52.] nians (Ukrainians). Whereas in the countries situated in the eastern partof Euroge, the m§;gf' °' °’*• *‘“°*· theater of devastating war, there are at least one million of uthe- rmmbne. nians (Ukrainians) in dire need of food, clothing, and shelter; and Whereas hundreds of thousands of these people have been forced to abandon their homes and their property, and being deprived of all opportunity to provide even or their most elementary wants have undergone disease, starvation, and indescribable suffering; nd %ereas the people of the United States of America have_ learned with sorrow of this terrible plight of great numbers of their fellow beings and have most generously responded to the appeal of humanity for assistance whenever such appeal has reach them. Therefore be it R mmf th U {ud s v b theSenateandHmtseo epres _ weso e n Sldigaigf in Congress osseynbledf That in view of thie wretched- b,:'§7‘,§ ness, misery, and privatron which these fupeople are enduring, the ¤¤¤ · President of the United States be respect { reguested to designate and appoint a day on which the crt1aens_o this country may give expression to their sfyrnfpathy by contrrbutin to the funds now being raised for the relie o the Ruthemans (Uirarmans) rn the belhgerent countries. Approved, March 2, 1917.