Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/111

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90 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 117. 1916. r For wages of workmen and other employees, $2,500. For incidental and contingent exgenses, $1,000. Nw Y<¤¤=.N·Y· ASSAY omcn AT New osx: upenntendent, $5,000; assayer, $3,000; superintendent, xneltinig refining department, $8,000; chief clerk, $2,500; cashier, eposit weight clerk, and assistant assayer, at $2,500 each; assayer’s assistant, $2,000; bookkeeper, $2,350; assistant cashier, $1,800; clerks-—two at $2,000 each, our at $1,800 each, one $1,600, one $1,500, one $1,250, seven at $1,000 each; private secretary, $1,400; m all, $51,100. For wages of workmen and other employees, $90,000. _ """·*’·°‘· For incidental and contingent expenses, mcluding new machinery and repairs, wastage in the melting and refining department, and loss on sale of sweeps arising from the treatment of bullion, $70,000. S*“‘“*k°°“’;U°“h‘ ASSAY onion AT SALT LAKE Crrr, U·rAH: Assayer in charge, who shall also perform the duties of melter, chief clerk, and cashier, $1,800. For wages of workmen, and other employees, $1,500.

  • For incidental and contingent expenses, $500. _

S°°‘"°’ W“"· ASSAY OFFICE AT SEATFLE, WAs11nxc*roN: Assayer in charge, who shall also perform the duties of melter, $2,750; assistant assayer, $2,000; chief clerk, who shall also perform the duties of cashier, $2,000; clerks—one $1,7.00, one $1,600, one $1,400; in all, $11,450. For wages of workmen, and other employees, $15,000. _ _ For incidental and contingent expenses, mcluding rent of bmlding, $5,000. We ¤•¤··¤¤·¤*· e WAR DEPARTMENT. a§§°r§°st?”&¤A.i°°°2ii°£i Omen or run Sncnmmr; Secretary of War, $12,000; Assistant °"}E‘§;,°1§f§§;,F“· Secretary, $5,000* assistant and chief clerk, who shall sign such ' official papers and documents as the Secretary may direct, $4,000; private secretary to the Secretary, $2,500; clerk to the Secretary, $2,000; stenographer to the Secretary, $2,000; clerk to the Assistant Secretary, $2,400; assistant chief clerk, $2,400; disbursing clerk, $2,750; appointment clerk, $2,250; four chiefs of divisions, at $2 000 each; superintendent of buildings outside of State, War and Nlavy Department Building, in addition to compensation as chief of division, $500; chief telegrap er, $1,800; clerks—-five of class four, five of class three, fifteen of class two, nineteen of class one, five at $1,000 each, one at $900; foreman, $1,200; carpenters—one $1,200, one $1,080; chief messenger, $1,000; skilled laborer, $1,080; six messengers; seven assistant messen ers; telephone switchboard operator; assistant telephone witchboard operator; engineer, $900; assistant engineer, $720; fireman; four watchman; three watchman, at $660 each; eight laborers; hostlers-—one $600, one $540; four charwomen; _ _ in all, $145,840. . ,,;,‘§,i’,3}"**°‘ "°“"°"‘ ADJUTAZ\’T GENER.AL’S Omen: Chief clerk, $2,250; ten chiefs of Per. aim. divisions, at $2,000 each; clerks—-forty-eight of class four, sixty-four of class three, ninety-four of class two, two hundred and thirty-one of class one, thirty-five at $1,000 each; engineer, $1,400; assistant engineer, $900; two firemen; skilled mechanic, $1,000; ten messengers; fifty-four assistant messen ers; messenger be , $360; eight watchmen; eighteen laborers; in all, $724,870;:1.11 em loyees provided for by this par aph for The Adjutant Generals Office of the War Department shiillbe exclusivcl engaged on the work of this ofiioe for the V fiscal year nineteen hunehed and seventeen. ,,§,“,;,,°?°°‘°' G°°°”*‘* Omen or Issrncron GnxmzAL: Clex-ks—one of class fom-, two of mz,p.s:n. class three, three of class two, one of class one; messenger; assistant messenger; messenger, $600; in all, $12,560. ,,.,f;+§{$,°,;,*_5jY°°°*°G°¤· Orrrcn or Jrsncs Anvocxrn GENERAL: Chief clerk and solicitor, P¤=*-¤>- M $2,500; law clerks—one $2,400, one $2,000; clerks-one of class four, two of class three, three of class two, six of class one; copyist; two messengers; assistant messenger; in all, $26,600.