Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1149

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SIXTY-FOURTH conensss. sms. II. oa. 165. nm. 1129 Sec. 17. Anyone who knowin l ermits an buildin owned or °"¤°' P°"¤l*°*¤ leased by him or under his contrglgroi? ani part tlhereof, tg be used in i?i¤l°¤;lill¤¤ul•?¤¤i]s°?m°§ maintaining a common nuisance herein efore described in section fourteen of this Act, after being notified in writin of such use, neglects to take all reasonable measures to eject therefrom the person so using the same, shall be deemed guilty of assisting in maintaining such . nuisance. _ Sec. 18. That no priqpergg rights of any kind shall exist in alcoholic ;u§g`§li$'.§*f,$.$°§Y"‘h“l“ liquors or beverages eg y manufactured, received, possessed, or S°““'°»°'·°· stored under this Act, and in all such cases the li uois are forfeited to the District of Columbia and may be searched for and seized and ordered to be destroyed by the court after a. conviction when such hq_uors have been seized or use as evidence, or uponsatisfacto evidence to the court resented by the corporation counsel that sudh liqénors are contrabandi R, M M mm Ec. 19. Every wife, childgegarent, guardian, or employer, or mmfcaiiertrmm. other person who shall be inju in person or propert or means of {SQ].-;"?l,,_}‘f;,$}"' i"°°” support by any intoxicated person, or in consequence of, intoxication, ha itual or otherwise, of any person, such wife, child, parent, or guardian shall have a right of action, in his or her own name, against any person who shall, y selling or bartering intoxicating liquors, have caused the intoxication of such dperson, for all damages actually sustained, as well as for exemplary amages; and a. married woman w§llll°§_ by "“"*°° shall have the right to bring suit, prosecute, and control the same, and the amormt recovered the same as if unmarried; and all damages F°'m‘”°'* recovered by a minor under this Act shall be paid either to such minor or to his or her parents, guardian, or next friend, as the court shall direct. Punihm cg . Sec. 20. If any person while in charge of a locomotive engine, or auatic Tamil % while acting as a conductor or brakeman of a car or train of cars, or °“°""°'°'°“‘°‘°·°‘°· while in chsége of any street car, steamboat, launch, or other water craft, or w `e in charge of or operating) any automobile or horse vehicle in the District of Columbia shall e intoxicated, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and if convicted shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $300, and in default in payment of said fine shall be imprisoned in the District jail or workhouse for not exceeding three months, or both fine and imprisonment in the discretion o the court. Sec. 21. lt shall be the duty of the Commissioners of the District §2,§'{’$f,‘?f,,‘}Qf§; of Columbia to enforce the revisions of this Act. They shall detail *°'°°· ualified members of the police force to detect violations of the Act, il an , and to report promptly all lmowledtge or information they may have concerning such violations, toge er with the names of any witnesses by whom thely may be proven to the corporation counsel; but it s all be the uty of all members of the pohce force R•¤¤•’*·>**i¤*•**¤¤¤- to detect violations of the Act an to promptly report any information or knowledge concerning the same to the corporation counsel, together with the names of witnesses, léywhom such violations may be proven; and the corporation counsel all bring such alleged vie ators of the law to trial with all due diligence. _ _ _ _ If any such officer shall fail to com ly with the provisions of this , ,§,.f,‘§,,{‘°€‘ section, he shall upon conviction be fiiied in any sum not less than $100 nor more than $500; and such conviction shall be a forfeiture of the office held by such rson, and the court before whom such conviction is had shall in addition to imposition of the fine aforesaid order and adjudve the forfeiture of his said office. For a failure or B°‘“°"°L neglect of official duty in the enforcement of this Act any official herein referred to may be removed by court action. Sec. 22. That rosecutions for violations of the provisions of this {,.'°",,.,".i",,,"°',,,,",,;,_ Act shall be on inlldrmation filed in the police court by the corporation af? °*¤’!*°¤**¤¤°¤*¤· counsel of the District of Columbia or any of his assistants duly