Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1234

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Xu INDEX. Army——Continued. P¤8¢· Articles of War, Armyy·Contim;ed. _ Pavquartermaster supplies, etc., may be issued courts rpartial clasmfjed; commgsto military schools for mstrucizion E10I1B,6tC., not 1mp0.1rod; 0 ccrs_I:r1a- camps ..,. 123 ble only by gonergl c0urt.s·marI:ml. . 653 special preparedness fund created for ex- procedure; prosocutwus; challenges; peuses of the .. 1000 oaghs . 653 subsistence supplies of Navy and Marine contmuancas; refusal 'Q0g)l68.d . 654 Co , may be purchased by officers issue of process; pums mont for rcanspgnliswd men .. . . 630 fusingt0tostify,c[:c.:.-.: . 654 wearing uniform by persons not in, un- compulsory self-mcnmmat:1011 prolublawful 216 itod _ ... 654 punishment for ... · . 217 admission, etc., of deposiuomg. .: . 655 Army and Navy, Medal of Honor Roll, courts of inquiry rccordq a.dm1ss1b1e... 655 appropriation for pensioners 011 242 d@&'ti0l1 Qf OBCGIBQ Ollhstéd 111611 -·.-· 655 established in War and Navy Departments. 53 closgd sesmons; voting 655 persons entitled to entry on; evidence re- pumshmeut for gonfgcmpts 655 qujmd ...,,,,,... . ,.,,. 53 records, authentrcauun, etc., of ,., 655 certificates to be imuod; special pensions I-!'§\ll8l’iti€B waived .. 656 to be paid; limitations, etc ... . . 54 m itication of rules, etc., by the Army Fkld Clerks, President; transnnittal to C0ngres.. 656 hoadquart»ors’ clerks to be known as ... 625 limitation on time prosecutions . 656 pay, etc., as pay clerks, Quarwrmaster trial for same offense .. _ ... 657 Co - . 626 punishments; prohibited, spocdied ... 657 Army Engineer Sdzool, Fort Leuven- execution of penitentiary sentences . 657 worth, Kam., death sentences . ... 657 appropriation for instruction expenses . . . . 620 for cowardice or fraud . . . 657 Army School of the Line, Fort Leavenworth, limits for ... . . 2 657 Kam., sentences, approval; confrmatiou; m1t.igaapp tion for instruction expenses. . - . 620 tion, ctc .. 657 Army was- College, _ sughnsion of, death or dismissal ... '. 658 apfropriatiou for expense ... 620 onorable discharge 659 or maintenance. .. 639 forfeiture or confinement .. 659 "Arolin¢," Steamship, punishment for false enlistment .. 659 change of name authorized ... 436 of officer making false enlistment ... 659 Arrears of Pay, false muster .. . ... 659 appropriation for payment of, Civil War falseretums; omittingtomakerctnxrns. 660 volunteers . 297 desertion; aiding, ctc ... . .. 660 for War with Spain, etc . 297 entertainin,·ideserter ,.,,... . 660 Arsenal: aynd Annoriu, _ absence wit out leave .. 660 aptpm nation for Bomcia, Cal . 282 disrespect to the President, etc.; to su- 01* ghulrford, Ps ... . .. 283 perior 0mC81' ... 660 for Hpno}u1u, Hawaii .. . 283 assaulting, etc., sugerior officer .. 660 for Pncsupny, Dover, N. J .. 283 insubordumto con act toward noncomfor estsbhshing powder factory .. 283 missioned officer . . . . 661 for Rock Island, IIL.: . 283 mutiny or seditiou . . 661 for SandL!H0qk Proving Ground, N. J. . 284 failure to suppress mutiny or sedition; T0! S¢¤_ CODIO, Tex ... 284 quarrelg, gu; ___,_, , ,,_,,,,_,,, , ,,_,. 66] fo1‘ $l’L¤g'56ld, MAS ... 284 arrest; confinement, etc .,... 661 for atnrtoyvu, Mas ... . 284 neglect to investigate charges, ctc ... 661 for Watqrvhot, N. Y .. . 284 refusing to receive or keep prisoners. .- . 662 foryepau-s, ctc. . I . ._ .. . . 285 not reportiuig prisoners received 662 dc6cncncys1p{2ropnataon for Frankford, Pa. 810_ im mper re ease of primnem ... 662 for Rock s ang, Ill 810 to deliver accused to civil aufor San Antomo, Tax ... 810 thorities . .. 662 for reserve supply of sodium nitrate . 810 in time of war; misbehavior before the no psy $0 officer using time—mea.suri¤g de- enemy . ... 662 VICE on work of employees .. 351 subordinates compelling commander C::g1’6W3;'d8, itc., ... 351 _ to surrender? .. . ,. gg ope qns o , no restnc y spproprim xmpro r use o cou.uter¤1gn' .. _ hom for fomhcxations .. 351 forcingpg, safeguard ,.,..,.,,... 663 Artesum f _ _ _ 301 3§gct; to securcecéaptured property. - g aypropna 1011 qr mvcs¤gatmg_ , etc mg in captur , etc. , property Articles of Dpmestw Productwn, I aiding enemy by correspondence, etc. 663 mvxuggtxqu, etq., of, essgntjgl for armies, ies ,,,,,,,,_____ , ______,__,____,,__ 663 _ etc., 1f foreign commerce interrupted 650 loss, etc., of military property. - - 663 Armies _0f Wm-, Army, _ wasting or unlawful use of property issued gfamng 0; used m .,.. . ,.., g to sqlegierg ________, , _,,,_ _ __________ 63; mmm J ~; ··-·—--~·-·· · ------·· 1 ou ut ... . - 6 ¢¤¤¤¤ marvel cimied; cflicors competent miabehavier 32 mmm: ,,.__,,,,,,,, 664 VJ EGFVB OU ·-·--·—----··—-- ; -··-··-- 651 personal interest in sale of provisions 664 °°mP°°m°¤ °Y» 8¤¤8¤1§ ¥P¤<¤¤!; Bum- 651 mtimiiating, etc., persons bringing pro- 664 my 5 ‘'‘' "** ·*···· • ···•· g --·--- ·— VISIOHS. . ...-. •PP¤1¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤f, zeneni; vpecul; num- 652 digorderly bfllgmvior in quarters, ew . gg . ·~—··-···· ~ -···—··~·-····—··· Hung vc ,cbc.,spoeches . gudgglgyyucatas for . _ ~... 652 duelmlg? . ... 664 gumdxctxon of,ganam1;spec1al;summary 652 murder; rape . .. .,,..,. 664