Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1253

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INDEX. xxm Chemistry Bu:-eau,_ Department of Agnbul- Pww- Cheyenne R·i·ver Indian Ruervatian, S. Bak., Prnteqe-yC0¤tmued. appropiztiou for school buildings .. -; . ’ 988 approprmpon for poultry and egg investi- no allotment for sectarian schools cn gaqous. . Z . . ._ .. 463, 1152 completion of . . 988 for iish mvestgguuous, ctc . ... 463, 1152 Chicago and gforrthwestern Railway Company,. for umm, sluppiug, etc.; other shag?. 1152 rgay br£dg?_I•`0x Esau, Gcuevu,'Ill .. l 59 - ----------·. - ----.. Uhwago, ur ¢ hm i Cam. for biological investigations of food and panyrg Qu my dygrg proéucts. .. . ... 463, 1152 may bridge Fox Rivar, Aumm, 111 ...,.,._ _ 5 for \1t1l1Z1l1gCI.U'|.1Bf!\1itbY-pI0dHCt8. - 463, 1152 Chicago, I ll., _ determing maturity in fruits and vcgc- appropriation for amistnmt tma.sumr’s oftqblcgs. . .., 1152 fim ,,,,,,,_,, _ ____,_____________ 87, 1092 for Utllillllg mw materials for colorants. . 463, for public _,,, , ,,,,_.___,,____ 264 _ _ _ 1152 for C0!lf6dQl'8$§ ound, Oakwood Cembmlding at Arlmgtou experimental etery .,..,,,.,,, , , 237 farm- .. 1152 for improvement of harbor; bmakwater for traveling laboratory . . 464 go farm ouwr hm-bor ..,,,, , 401 for ixgvestigating manufacture of table condemned cannon gnuted in Sduth Park su·up._.. .. . 1152 . _. ,7 ,..,..., 1 ,,,, , 832 for executing pure food law .. 464, 1152 removal of harbor hght stauon, md hghts for grading, ctc., naval stores 464,1152 , cmnow brcakwawr, 587 deiicieucy appropriation for geneial ex- riparian rights of xmrinshcqi site innspenscs 32 · forred to commisinuers oi_ Lincoln §3§*.“;‘;‘;,”&' ····· maze; ········ we 8% Mo- "¤&'z‘»..m""·;.21¤.w;$;.,.,11z;.zz ·‘‘·· “°“ Cherokee Indakmc, (eee also Five Civilized Cmnpamgn ww Tribes), , _ usa. of lease of ds in Fort Keogh, Mont., appropriation for sggnurt, etc., of orphan . extended . . r . . . 238 training sch . . . 147,984 Chicago, Ililwcukec and Samt Paul Railway for common schools. .. . .. . 147, 984 Qmnpawy, _ _ Cherokee, Iowa, may bndgkllnsoun Bxver, Ghsmberkin, appropriation for public ., .. .. ... . 264 S. ·- ... 58 Chaolwc, M C.,f I Chicago 12::, of appruprhtion or .. ... 144,981 a ro 'ou 1mpro` vomaut . , 401 Cherokee Orzum T'rci·n£·ng School, Tahlequah, C’ and Chattanooga National Park, Ok ., appropriation for ccmtmuiug establishaptpropriation for sugport, ctc., of . . . . 147, 984 ment of .. _ . .: .. .: .. . 88 or additional lm . . . - 147, 984 deiimoucy approprymon for motor vohncle. . 810 for row tc, from Cherokee fnmds. ... 986 Ckideaaahay {Ewa, Mm., Cherryvale, Kam., up roprmtxogn for xmgrovemeut of . . . . 397 appmpriatiou for public building. . 264 Ch’L£&0d’l!! Induxqu, Ok . (see also Fwc Civil- Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company, 1{6d_Tl'lb$), _ _ _ deficiency aéppropriatiou fog tekighone serv- npprognatmn for dormxtones for gluldmn ice. 0 umbia Hospxtal, . C ... 807 lll Mugray School of Agncultum, Chesapeake Bay, from txpbnl funds .. 983 aids to navigation, etc., eastern shore of, for per capxta payment to enrolled memguthenzgd _,___,,,,..,,..,.,, . ..,. 537 bers, ron; tribal fupds . . . 146, 983 Chester River! Md., _ · uso for gestnctod Indpua . . 146,983 approgriamon for improvement of .. 394 exemptmu _ hong pnor debts, atc.; Chester wer, ·Pa., attorneys clgxmg. . t 146, 984 appropriauon for improvement of . 393 allowance for dxstnbutmn expenses. 147, 984 Chesmuc Tree Ba? Diaeau, f tm _ {3: sclgzls . _ . Z P{47, 984 a riation or cx uses 0 cou llmg, , ·, ¤¢u1¤8 ppmztc ... ... 4 52, 1141 erty, hum proceeds . Z 148, 985 Chettimang}z€_I1nd;Za·m,lLa;, ml to buds f coal and asphalt Lamb mi48,985 s n or c earing es 0 , ·-.··...- - ----···-··~.· Z. ppmvgfxlgotrust sutbonzod .. .. 1 33 for mgm H. Johnston, from tnbal 986 (They;-mu Arapahoe o•pual' , . . .. - ... Okallf _ payments for surface of coal and asphalt appropriation for msmtenapce, etc., of-._. 125, 970 _ lamb of, furthe; deferred .. 866 Cheymneovinéi Arapahoe Indvm Rucrvclwn, C _ all mtnggz to be pu-ui .-.·-· - ···------- 866 further exténsinn of time for paying in- condemned cannon granted to . .. 833 su1d1;¤¤¤¤ for fcnrwr agency, etc., 937 Chtgmégg cvurt at -.-... - . 927 lan of·•···•••••·-•-·•···••···•·· 1 'Y , Cheye·n1wandAmpaho¢Indimw, Mont., North- sppropriatmgx igaéggds, etc., for pmt- 1143 em? . • --··--.•-·.·------· spgvropristion for support, etc., of ... 139, 980 Clauf Juzncg 0; the Supreme Court of du or · um .. - .2)%. . 139, 960 Ufnzi gcnm, HS, my C1¤cyermcandArnpa1•ocI1nd¤mu` , ., a ro on or: .-:.- a ropriation for support, etc., of -. - 145, 982 Chmgfo} Cqast Artillery (sec Const Arhllery, dggciency appropristwn for support . . I- . - 31 Cluei of). · _ 91B90°~—v0x. 39—m· 1——78