Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1276

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liv INDEX. District of C'olumbia——Continued. Y¤$¢· District of C'olumbia<Coutinued. P¤B¤- appropriation for coroner’s office .. 679, 1007 approprmt,1011 for repaving Street for market masters and markets .. 679, 1007 NW.,_B. Street to Flonda Avenue. . 685 foriishwhsrfand market. . 679, 1007 for iglepyavgigsgl Sfreet NW., Ninth to 685 for su rintendent of wei ts, measures, e Ge ..-...·...--.-----··-- anpd markets . .. 679, 1007 for repaving Fourteenth Street NW., for engineer commissionefs office 679, 1007 Pennsylvania Avenue to F Street. 685 for municipal a.rchitect’s omce .. 680, 1007 for repaving Fust Street SW., Mary- for public utilities commission .. 680, 1008 land Avenue to Canal Street ... 685 for special assessment office .. 680, 1006 for l'§£B.V1D§ B Street NW., Seventh to for street cleaning division .. 680, 1008 with treet_ .. : . 685 for board of examiners, steam engsiéo 1008 amézgsment against Washington Market 685 neers .. . . . . , HJPBIIY . my gutomobile board ,_ 680 for repaving Fonuteenth Street SW., B for insurance de§a.rt1nent 680, 1008 to D Btreet ... I . 1013 for su.rveyor’s 0 ce ..,... . . . 680, 1008 {O! Igxllving K Street NW., W88h1Dgl0n for inspectors, regulating employment of ucle to Rock Creek ... 1013 females ,,__ . .. 680, 1008 for repovuig First Street NW., Pennfor free public library and Takoma. Park sy vague. Avenue to B Street ... 1014 branch ,,.,_,.,...,..,... .. . 680, 1008 for repaving Thirteenth Street NW., E for contingent expenses - ,,. 681, 1009 to F §t1‘€et . 1014 {0;- printing reports ,.,,, . . 1009 for re ·V1l1g D Street NW., Twelfth to for refund of taxes, Daughters of Amen- Tmfwj nth Street ·.. 1014 can Revolution; propert exempted 1009 for uipaving Twentieth Street NW., I to for motor vehicles; number allowed . . 681, 1009 Street _ . _ . 1 014 regulation of use of vehicles, etc. . . 682, 1010 for Wisconsin Avenue NW., restriction on use of horses, etc 682, 1010 to WQQYP .. . 1014 specific authority required for use of for repaving First Street NW., Defrees horses, etc . . _682, 1010 to I Street ... Z- 1014 pagment for fire insurance forbid- Fourteenth Street NW., Pennsylvama . en  : .., 682, 1010 Avenue to F Street, repsving susspecrfied residence telephones al- pepded 1014 { lovzgil .. 682, 12113 opsonmgfof streets, e§é1Ba.rry]Fann, 1014 orcen gauge . . con orm _ new way p an... . for postage ...,.. . : 683, 1011 for grading streets, etc .. 685, 1014 for transportation, street car tickets. 683, 1011 for condemning streets, etc . 685, 1014 street railways to transport free, police for suburban roads, construction, etc. 685, 1014 and Bremen on duty .. 683 Rhode Island Avenue NE., South for collecting personal taxes 683, 1011 _Dakobr. Avenue to District line. 685 for judicial expenses ... 683, 1011 widening, etc., Nichols Avenue SE.; for coroner’s, etc., expenses 683, 1011 transfer of reservation land . 685 cold— plant or morgue 1011 Canal Road NW., retaining wall., . 686, 1015 for advertising .. 683, 1011 Sixteenth Street NW., Montague for enforcing game and Hah laws . 683, 1011 Street to Alaska Avenue ... 687 for survey, etc., of dangerous, etc., build- Massachusetts Avenue NW., Nebraska ings 683. 1011 Avenue to District line 688 for tab ets to mark historical places. . 684, 1011 Portland Street SE. Nichols Avenue for copies of wills, etc., to assemor .. 1011 to Fourth Street SW ... 688 for recorder of deeds, purchase, etc., for opening streets, etc., under highbook typewriters, etc .. 1012 ways system, from District revenues pay for copying deeds, etc ... 1012 entirely . 688, 1017 for vehicle tags. . .. 684, 1012 widening Woodley Road suspended- . 1017 annual licenses for motor vehicles, for streets, etc ... 688, 1017 issue, etc . 1012 om contractors 688 for repairstobuildingsinjured by tire. 684. 1012 changing curb lines ..,,.,,,,., 689, 1017 for repairs, etc., to markets .. 684,1013 width of Fourteenth Street SW. inforoperation, etc., refrigeratin plant. 684, 1013 creased from B Street to Water for completing buildings, H5; market, f Séreet .. 5 ..,,,._... 689 etc ... 684 or si ewalks an curbs, public reservaior new shelters, produce market ... 684 tions, etc . I; .. 6 89, 1017 for auto trucks for superintendent of area. assessments extended in proceedweights, measures, and markets. 684, 1013 ing for opening alleys, etc. ...,. 1017 for vgliérf revetment, etc., Water Street 3 Eur iepgirs, suburban roads .. 689, ··-...-... - 101 or ri ges .,. . . 689. 0 for expenses, repair Shop ·.. . . . - 684 ws , maintenance, re irs, etc 689, 1017 for improvements and repairs 684, 1013 M treez Bridge, repairs, ge . 689 for assessment and permit work .. 684, 1013 Calvert Street Bridge, plans for new. . 689 for work on streets and avenues; sched- additions to kway connecting Pou1es., . . 684, 1013 tomsc and gk Creek Parks ... 689 restriction on streets paved with for constructing South Dakota Avenue

 etgiéé . (Q5 13%;   lover steam railroad; contri- 1018

'*"*'*•·*· 1 u D com ... {M ¤;x>¤vi¤g lrlwélgh S¤’¤€l¤ NW-, E to for Anacostinli .,.. ,,,_ 689, 1018 Streeth . .: - ... . . 685 for sewers, cleaning, etc . 690, 1018 for NHCWQK Third Street NW., Penn- for streets, cleaning, snow removal, Sy wma Avenue to B Street south. 685 em ___________________ _ ________ 6g0_ 1013