Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/143

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122 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 121, 122. 1916. Ngfjs °’ *¤¤°*”¤* "Prov•2Zed, That the comptroller ma , if he deems proper, deposit migarxiring in banks any of the money so maadp in anyhregn.;l)a.11;Go_vemment deposgiaiiyhor in an State or nation ank eit er o the city or town m w c e insole-but bank was located,_or of a citly or town as adjacent thereto Bond nquhvd. as piracticalile; gguénh depgs1t(;ss madeh e shzlgf re<%u1re the d.(;P0Sl:J£t;`K to e `t ni tates on or other sa 1 ac ory securi ies wi the Tgeasurer of the United States for the safe—keeping and prompt mmucmbepud. payment of the money so deposited. Such depositary shall pay upon such money interest at such rate as the comptroller may prescribe, not less owever, than two per_centum per annum upon the average monthly amount of such depos1ts." Approved, May 15, 1916. lgyflilillggli CHAP. 12$.—An Act To amend section seventy-two_of an Act entitled "An Act

 to_cod1£fyu;9rt;ev;s%u;ndd03m&;1&de{;1$el1aws relating to the ]ud1ciary," approved March

Be it emwted the Semte and House qf'R'¢i,1{]resentativee of the United $gi¤¤3gS;§*$¤0gf¤**=’~ States of Amerjwa in Congress assengbled, _ at section seventy-two ' of the Act entitled "An ct to codif , revise and amend the laws relating to the judiciary," approved March third, nineteen hundred _ {arial eleven, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as o ows:

i¤di°i°* "Sec. 72. The State of California is divided into two districts,

smh tloh be knplwn als thetnglrzhilem $1 sciluthem districts of California. °*’¤ e sout ern istric s mc e the territory embraced, on the Hmm www get dai}; of July, nmeggepi h\1I1(lLI&6d·8.I1d tcp; in thie coréntgesi of Fresno; .. . yo, ern, a era _ ariposa erce an u are whic S°m°md1 shall const1tute thelnorthernl d1vision oi.said district; also the territoxiy embraced, on the date last mentioned, in the coimties of Imperia , Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura, which shall consti- T°““" tute the southern division of said district. Terms of the district court for_ the northern division shall be held at Fresno on the first Monday m_May and the second Monday m November; and for the southern division, at Los Angeles on the second Monday in January Hmmm district. gpd (phe secoriil ltipndayl ige ply,band %_Ii1San Diego on the second Nm ·v- _ on ay in arc an em er. rt, d` t ‘ t h- 1] md] Bm incliédedthe dtezritory erlpbraged, on ¥h;a)’1ii·stnday6¢il1Jul_$v,ni‘iine;e‘¢;n xunre an en,mtecountieso lNrt,S`ki ,Md Humboldt, Trinity, Shasta, Lassen, Teliams: BlunlSas,y(lll1endo(i:ir(i§, Lake, Colusa, Glenn, Butte, Sierra, Sutter, Yuba, Nevada Sonoma, Napa, Yolo, Placer, Solano, Sacramento, El Dorado, San, Joa uin; Bonham mmm Amador, Calaveras, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Alpine, and Mono, vghich Egg;} co1§it1tu;1e the aprtliiefn flivéision szgl istigct; also the terriemrace,_on e ae as meni ,` t f {S grapcxséo, hlaiink Contra Clogs, lggimedg, §a11?1L%‘le(i>(;uS1ai1ll5ii(Cla1iiiIi an a ruz, 1 on erey, an an nt , ll ' I ° southern division of said district. Tlleliimgr di? this itlissigligstdbligla lll); the rgortheziln divisigiiuof tihe northern district shall be held at Sacramen oon esecon on a inA il dth iirstM d ` and at Eureka on the third? lllonldlayaiii Jug'; and0ixoralrhlel1g'3t)liie(i·ii §;x;§i<;pho£glge nortléelpp d3strict,Jat1San l;lralpc@> on the first Monday Om, r a , secon on_ ay m u y, an the tMondavinNovern- Ilt;a;·iHtgfLge&plli·g{<icof ttlig district tcourt fgr the pcgthern district shall _ ea acrameno,mca eo imselforadeut

·;1;h)fsli1a;lcb)emhtept open at all times for lie transaction of thepbugi;

Approved, May 16, 1916.