Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1443

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INDEX. United States Grain Sumdorda Act (see Grain Pm- Ute Jl ntai B nd nd;1 (,*0;,,,,;,, U md Standards Act, United States). apprzpriatibn liar E0fy{nent to from tribal Pm. upproi>t;ita?i<§rep?;?’ Lawyers’ Cooperative gigs of odmwd Bud. of Edition, Volume 60 . 313 °`°°````°```` ° ``°'`````'```` 152’ 988 for Volumes 241 to 244 ..,.. 813 v_ United States Securities (eee also Securities, Ilmted States), _ Vamhkm Schools and Playground; D. C'. appropbrzatéon for refunding two per cent Vappropriation for expenses, etc; ______ { 004 1022 _ n s., ... 276 agrants, ’ for d1st1nct1ve paper for . 277 alien, excluded admission 375 _ four-gear contmctsfonauthorined . 277 Valley City, M Dal., issue an sale of Panama; Canal bonds appropriation for public building ...,,. . . , , 269 authorized, for carrying out provi- condemned cannon granted to 841 _ sions of shipp11§u-Act ... 732 V Ala., usue of $100,000,000 ee per cent bonds pre ' examination, etc., of, to be authorized for specified expendn made. ...,,,_,_ 2 ___________ __ _ 408 Tm ‘·‘‘ gu ‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘ i&§ """%f"‘·°{rP "?"°"3q».°’°“'".»°£i1.1r.r.¤..., exem es. .. ap pm on or ‘ , not receivable as security for national Vanllur, Captain Sam, 281 bank urcul¤»¤¤¤° ° ... . 1003 suuyusiou in accounts removed ,.,,., disposal of; exgnses of preEaring,etc- . . 1003 Van ert,_0h£e, 631 Panama Canal nds m ad tion ... . 1003 approprntion for public blxilding . - 269 _ redeemable wrthm fifty years ... 1003 de ciency appropriation for public building 19 issue of $$00,000,000 three per cent cer- Vanoeburg, Ky., tiiicates of indebtedness authorized. 1003 condemned cannon granted to Grand _ payable in one year 1003 Army post ... , ..._ 339 issue of $150,(X)0,0(D bonds to meet naval Voneou¤e(Bamxeh, Wash., emergency expenditures. .. 1201 appropnauon for target range, additional maturity, interest, etc .. 1201 _ land, etc. . 638 no circulation privilege . .. 1201 right of my Portland, Vanexemptjrom taxation . . 1201 couver and _ prthern Railway Comappropnation for expenses of prepar- conditions .· 233 ing, etc ... 1201 Vavwauaerj, doaslp, bu b _ _ · · · S·· ap pmanorpucurlding ...,..,,, 269 Umm! Szfg Smpping Board (M hlpping deggiency appropriation for pu lic build· - Eh wl, mg . . .. 19 Umud Sm? 8***gi (ue Warehouse Vmyemd, cannon grunted to 834 U¤iv¢¤i¢i¢¤» ¤¢¤·. , vmurer, some: 11.,¢»¤sa1ta 1iI

  • l°°h°}rg:;'BR:}; be mthdnwn fmm Mud 355 authoriéed top change channel of Crum

-···--···-·······~·--···- . . . ...,.,,.,,. 393 lz<>¤d required --·--~-----··—--·-·· r-; ~ - 355 bnagelisuie riranmrea, exe. .. sm m“-“*°m*“°€ °f R°"9’Y° Om°?”’ T;·B·¤¤s exchange of lands with, Schooner Lodge gcglpsm, providing military tue- 191 hgh,£hs§t_g,:; Dcggzam {gw, at -····~·-•· · ·~·---·•·· · ········- , , ; `ti . . 239 Univer-nly af Alabama, Voulu mxrlogafea Publ; Build·in‘;? m €0¤d€m¤8d ¢$¤110¤ 8¤·¤Wd to ···· · ----·- 843 appropriation ior, equipments, etc. ... 271 University of Nebraska, _ _ de ciency ap priation for ... I ... . . 20 lands granted to, for agricultural experi- Veeder, Co1rmo4£»?e_ Ibn Eye}: De Wm, U. S. ment station at Seotbbluf . 1130 Navy retired, _ _ Urgeney Dejiekncka (eee Deficiency Appro· *°:°¤'¢9'¤<`im¤f*l,0D· m¥¤_¤¢t{V;l0 602 U pmu°m)` number; no back pay, etc . 603 appropriation for minister to ... 252, 1048 V‘:0d:i’g"'g* { On wd _ i ‘ _ _ _ · 838 md', _ _ Vegetable Baskets, Sm? appropriation for surveyor general, clerl?63 1108 standards established {0,. intmmu, ship atc --·--··--~--—-·—--·----- · ;- · · , ., i ... . .. ·e for spppart, eta., af detwhed I¤<i¤¤¤¤ 157 988 p,,m'{1§l¥§,$§$1,§);0m _______________ _ _____ 21,4 ID, . ... ····· · -·---· -·······•· i Uhh V0lv·1•·¢¢¢F¤, _ _ iappropriatzion for diffusing infomation as deficiency appropriation for support, etc. . . 825 to markets for .. _. - . : . 473, 1162 Ute Indians, Conffederated Bomb 0]:, _ for investigating maturity mr .. 1152 appropriation or fultilling treaties with. 152, 988 Vehicles, Q. C., (see also Automobiles, D. C.,) Ear yment from lpnnupal funds of, appropriation for tags, etc., motor and ¥?ava'o Springs and in Colorado. . 152, 988 horsedrawn . . 684, 1012 _ l , . . Umtah, etc., bands in Utah 152, 988 Velncles, Passenger Qarrymg, Southern Utesin Colorado . . 152, 988 allotment for maintenance and purchase for promoting self support, etc., from mlndian held service . 128 accrued interest ,,..., . ..,,,.. . , 152, 988 Wla9eqCoa;tG1rm1!Station, Ta., ' detailed statement of ex ditures. 152, 988 deficiency appropriation for repairs, etc. . . 20 for furnishing seeds and agricultural Venereal Dweaau, . C., _ · _ _______________ , , 152 989 appropriation for dispensanes for ¤r•t· rmplementeu- . » PP P for enema naar .. . 153, see mem M ..-·-- - --~-----------—···-»— ****1