Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1445

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INDEX. _ ccxxiii Vocational EIuoa¢io·n—Co¤ti.n ed. P pm,. requiremente ipr use by Stags of amounts an W:}. ropxzialgizmsglgri Indian school 1 Pagefqr ¢¤¤¤¤¤z whew. ew ... ssa dggdencyappmpmmuxormdii `“’?§ élwaffflifs ?8us.hficat10us; division of Wakefield Dramage Dixtnht Nabr - 0 gu _____ __ _____ _ ____________ ’ " State treasurers to receive and disburse 935 “wsm%$?nf;¢;)bagon aufbtmdjegnuug ‘ of Omaha and ¤H¤¤¤¤¤¢¤ for ----- sas payment- m1m»;.mb;m§°Pm¥°dd,‘m` ‘ 142 Federal; Bgzrsito ascertain if fund be used fund; .. .. 2 m u 142 c . dam to- in -·... 935 r1ghf;gtv;:¥ for ditches approved; pay- _ quarterly payments ... 935 Wqujidd, yam, `````````` `````'```````'`` 143 poruon of fund not used to be deducted condemned cannon granted to 841 from subsequent allotment . - , , 936 Wqkejmd, mv '`'‘ ° `'’'‘‘ mounxzhingfd properly expended to be 936 Bppmpdsgsigu got watchman, monument . ·--- - ---------.-- an ,_______ dxsposal of, on appeal to Congress . 936 for groundé . -WdsHi]1§¤;m’93, 1097 loses, etc., of monegzxgceived by custo- birth lace . ’ · B 291 use fggxdtg bebrg _ blgdtfte. .. 936 Walden, N. Ig, ``'`````` ````` ¤c1m1¤, ew., cmmiam. . .’ ... If sas "$r¥¤§:rp§’?9°¢:¤f:•?n¥;`;bh° bmming °``‘‘‘‘‘‘ 269 annual reports to be submitted by Federal to be enrolled and hcermed an “Republic" 914 Vol Bm ,.,.. . . - ... 936 Walla WGZMCCWNW, Wash. · u Y · d ‘ composed of members of Naval Reserve Rive1?t1? .?.,. . glhke 235 Foécncgcggxble for cahjher clafieskobli- WalZadW2¤ll?§hWuah., · . ` ga; emselves_ serve e avy con emu mum granted to, f Spam¤‘ mtheut retamer pay .. . ... 3 592 Wu Vetergls camp .. ... 832 'Vqluntm- Patrol Squadrons, Wallowu Naziemal Form, Omg., - meme of oil and gasoline to vessels df ... 600 8PP1'¤Pl’i&ti0¤ fc! maintenance, etc., of. 460 1148 _ gasolme ma.ueuvers, etc 600 mlpwv Chavlk (nontribal Indian), ° mus of fuel mi ° of gasoline to .. 1172 fee qimplo homestead patent confirmed vo- 990 Volunteer Soldierf Home (ue National Home W¤PP‘¤·9¢{‘ C'f¢¢!=, N · YT, for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers). Sppmpmtion for improvement of, main. Volunteers, tenance ,,,, , _,___________ _ 393 deficiency appropriation for organizing, War Ballomu, Army, etc . _ .. . ,,,. 29 Spproggatiou for ...,..,. , ,,______ 622 Volunteers, National Naval (uc National War Co e, Amy, Naval Volunteers). · Hprmpnptgn for expenses. ...,..,,__,__ _ 520 crmam nance ... 639 dutie¤of,u¤d rGe enlStaHCorps , 1 w' restriction on silica: attached to .. lg Wabmh County, Ind., mobile army and Coast Artillery divisions W_n;;Zhb1g§e Wabash River, Wabash, Ind. 251 b i¤ aboiished. . .. .. 168 a , . usmess . . .. 168 . bridge autldorized across Wabash River at. 251 War College, Naval, Wabas River, apgoprmticn for maintenance . 562, 1174 bridge authorized across, Wabash, Ind. . . 251 War apartment, recomtruction of bridge authorized across, Bppmpmyion for Secretary Assistant, Silverwood, In . . 50 asmstmt and chief cierk, clerks, Wawamaw River, N. 0. and S. C., etc . 90, 1094 appropriation for improvement of . . . . 395 fol’ clerks, ctc., Adjutant General'; Wadsworth, Jamu W, Office. . 90,1094 appointed on Board of Managers, Volun- Ingcwf G¢¤¤r¤¥’¤ Ofiivv -·-·· 90,1095 teer Soldier? Home ... . 1134 Jr; Advocate Qenengfs Office. - . 90, 1095 Wage Eamzrs, D. C., _ _ _ Slgmll Office;rudJ0 engmeers . . 91, 1095 appropriation for inqmury mm cost of hv- Quartermaster Geneml’s Omce- 91, 1095 ` of . 857 Surgeon G9{1€l’&],8 Office ... 91, 1095 Wahoo, 1%;%., Office of Chref of Ordnance . 91, 1095 apgropriation for public . 1. . . 269 Office of Chxef of Engineers ..,, 92, 1096 de ciepcy appropriation for public buxld- Bgregu of Insular Affmrs ... 92, 1096 mg. . ._ .. . . : .. : . 19 M111t:m Buregau .. . . .: ... 92, 1096 Wahpakooza Swux Imiuzns, Mann., · Oi‘Hce_of Chléf of Coast Artrllery . 1096 claims for restoring annuities, etc., to be for cougmgent expenses -.. 92, 1096 brought in Court of Claims . 1195 for ststnonery, etc . . .. 93, 1097 distributxon, etc . ... 1196 for r¤¤i=·_ . ,--; --·...-...»· 93, 1097 procedure; att»0meys’ fees, etc. - . - . Z . . . 1196 for Rubhc bu11d1ng¤ and grounds, super- Wahpezmndezzd Sisaewn Banda of Sumz mmndvigt, clerks, eugmeers, mtchég 1097 I , men, e . .. r , all claims oiiuagaiust United States referred for Ststp, _War, and Navy Department; to gout of Qlaiing ______,___,_, , _ _ , 47 Bmldmg, clerks, eugmeers, watchmgneys found due to be placed to Cfédit men, Gt? - _- ··-·--·-·····-····-·- my 1098 of Indinns ____________ _ ____________ 47 for sundry mul expenses under . 282 auowmc, for ggmmgy5' fggg _,.._... 48 for mmmcs and arsenals ... . 232 91890°—-vcr. 39—m· 1--90