Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/150

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 125. 1916. 129 eradicating and preventiru. such diseases to be expended under such rules and regulations as e Secreta of, the Interior ma prescribe, $100,000, said amount to be immediately available andy to remain available until expended. For the payment to Charles J. Ka pler for the work of compiling, %‘,$°§,{‘§"’*’l°" annotating; and indexing the volume of Indian Laws and Treaties, the sum of $2,000. · Section nine of the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and $},?“§,}‘pl’3f’“‘,,0, seventy-five (Eighteenth Statutes at Large, page four hundred and °'¤°¤°°d· fifty), is hereby amended so as to read as follows: ‘ ‘That hereafter all bidders under any advertisement published by t.,m‘},’, '°U‘,,.,‘T,L'“,;,& the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for dproposals for goods sugplies, "*°¤°¤•°*°*•*¤*“- transportation, and so forth for an on account of the diau Service, whenever the value of? the goods, silipplies, and so forth, to be furnished, or the transportation to be pe ormed, shall exceed the sum of $5,000, shall accompany their ids with a certified check, draft, or cashier’s check, pa able to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, upon some United States depository or some one of such solvent national banks as the Secretary of the Interior may Bm, M umu desi%iate, or b£aan accepotable bond in favor of the United States, ble ’ ' whic ehe;;k,h0 ft, or ndhshall be for five per genturp rig; the amount o t goods, su `es, transportation, an so o , as aforesaid; and in case any ggch bidder, on being awarded a contract, ml;ii•:i°¤2”¤¤Z°m'Z¤il°° shall fail to execute the same with good and sufficient sureties according to the terms on which such bid was made and accepted, such bidder, or the on his bond, shall forfeit the amount so deposited or guaranteed to the United States, and the same shall forthwith be paid into the Treasury of the United States; but if R°°"”” °x°°°t°°‘ such contract shall be duly executed, as aforesaid, such draft, check, or bond so deposited shall be retmned to the bidder." ARIZONA AND NEW mexico. ¤a‘.&‘£““ °°" ”°" Sec. 2. For supiport and civilization of Indians in Arizona and lim nc" oun- New Mexico, inclu ing pay of employees, $330,000. Fm M School For suplport and e ucation of two hundred Indian pupils at the °j°" ` Indian sc ool at Fort Mojave, Arizona, and for pay of superintendent, $35,100; for general regairs and improvements, $3,800; for construction of a stee tank an tower, $4,000; in all, $42,900. Phoenix scm, For support and education of seven hundred Indian pupils at the ' Indian school at Phoenix, Arizona, and for pay of superintendent, $119 400; for general repairs and imlprovements, $12,500; for the

 of land adjacent to the sc ool property, $3,500; in all,

5, . ‘ For sup rt and education of one hundred pupils at the Indian semi" " °°°’°° school at 'Mn Canyon, Arizona, and for pay of superintendent, $18,200; for general repairs and improvements, $3,000; in all, $21’200' Gila River R¤•rv•· For continuing the work of constructing the irrigation system for mm. _ _ the xrngation o the lands of the Pima ndians in the v1cm1ty of ""“ Sacaton, on the Gila River Indian Reservation, within the limit of V°*- ¤·P·i°$*· cost fixed b(y the Act of March third, nineteen hundred and five, $10,000; an for maintenance and operation of the pumping plants R mm m Qld ¢§11&l Systems, $10,000; in all, $20,000, reimbursa le as pro- v;ii°av,p. vided in section two of the Act of A t twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and twelve (Thirty-seventh Statutes at [ATB, page five hundred and twenty-two), and to remain available unt' expended. m,,,,,,j,,m,,, B, For the construction and repair of necessary channels and laferals •¤&¤¤¤-M mmm for the utilization of water in connection with the gumping plant_ for mam. ¤'¤g&tion purposes on the Colorado River In RGSGIVSUOD, v°"°°·"m‘ 91890°—vo1. 39-n 1-0