Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/296

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SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sas . I. Crr. 209. 1916. 2'Z5 rmcnavme Arm rnmrme. m§g,g;f'*¤= °¤° For the work of engraving and printing, exclusive of repay work, w°"‘ °““’°‘*’°‘· during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen of not exceeding ninety million delivered sheets of United States currency, fourteen milhon seven hundred and fifty thousand delivered sheets of national-bank notes and Federal reserve crurency, eighty-four million nme hundred and nine thousand one hundred and sixty-six delivered sheets of internal-revenue stamps, one million ive hundred thousand dehvered sheets of emergengy revenue stamps, two hundred and eighty-nine thousand delivere sheets of customs stamps, one million six hundred and fifty thousand delivered sheets of opium orders and special tax stamps required under Act of December seventeenth, nine- V¤1·38, p- 785- teen hundred and fourteen, and two million four hundred and fifty thousand dehvered sheets of checks, drafts, and miscellaneous work, ‘ or s ries o necessary employees, 0 er em ees asliouwjh f all 1 th than lo 8*****- reguired for the administrative work of the Bureau of the clags firc- Am’p`83° vi ed for and specified in the legislative, executive, and judicial appropgiation act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, and p te printers and plate printers’ assistants, $1,408,000, to be expended under the direction of the Secretargag the Treasury, and In without increasing the rateof pty for any of services rn the ,mJ€§°.;“° °' "°’ "' Bureau beyond the rate md th or January first, nineteen hundred and sixteen: Provided, t no portion of this sum shall be expended {§,°§l‘§‘,,,,,_ for printing United States notes or Treasury notes of larger enominatron than those that may be canceled or retired, except in so far V I 3 as such printing may be necessary in executing the reqrnrements of °‘ 1’p‘“' the Act "'l`o define and fix the standard of value to maintain the parit of all forms of money issued or coined by the United States, to reilund the public debt, and for other purposes/’ approved March fourteenth, nineteen hundred. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to deliver the engraved °°° plates of portraits that have been or mercy hereafter be made of D *"•'Y‘°’*°**"· deceased Senators and Representatives in ngress, to their heirs or legal representatives on such terms and conditions as he may determine. _ W For wages of plate printers, at piece rates to be fixed by the °“°°‘ Secretary of the easury, not to exceed the rates usually paid for such work, including the wages of printers’ assistants, when employed $1,653,000, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of PWM the Treasury: Pramlied, That no portion of this sum shall be exipended ramriem. for printing United States notes or Treasury notes of larger enominatrons than those that may be canceled or retired, except in so far as such printing may be necessary in executing the requirements of V ul 45 the Act "To define and fix the standard of value, to rnaintain the ° "‘ ' parit of all forms of money issued or comed by the United States, to reiimd the public debt and for other purposes," approved March fourteenth, nineteen hundred. _ _ For engravers’ and printers’ materials and other materials exlclegt ““°'”““·°*°· distinctive paper, miscellaneous expenses, including paper for inte ~ revenue stamps, and for purchase, mamtenance, and drrying of necessary motor-propelled and hor·se—drawn passenger-carzrging vehicles, when, in writing, ordered by the Secretary of the easLr:·B7, $$1,500, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of e During the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen all proceeds ,,, ,,"{§,‘E derived rom work performed by the Bureau of Engraving and Punt- mu. ing by direction o the Secretary of the Treasury not covered and embraced in the appropriation for said bureau for the_ said fiscal year, instead of being covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous