Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/345

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824 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 209. 1916. and ten, entitled "An Act to tprotect the seal fisheries of Alaska, and for other purposes," and for e protection of the fisheries of Alaska, including travel, hire of boats, employment of temporary labor, and all other necessary expenses connected therewith, $75,000. ¤:{’$§§,§§,,Y,{‘°°' For payments to be made to Great Britain and Japan under the VJ =’»7· P- 15** terms of article eleven of the convention for fprotection and preservation of the fur seal and sea otters in lieu o their share of sealskms for the yearly season of nineteen hundred and sigcteen, and m accord- V¤¥· 37- P- W- ance with the Act of An t twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and twelve, to give effect to t§mabove-named convention, $20,000. ”""’“"'“°'“ °‘”· Distribution cars: For purchase or construction of two steel cars for the distribution of lfood Ehes, $40,000. _ X0¤¤¤¤¤’i¤IP'¤¤*· plant; q¢3i1sté;ct!Qut§1g§:ll¢;(li?StB{·Y68Y!}i;!§ Plgux to opera in connection wi ems a on c e mm ma- Er§land coast, equi£men&_ $5,000. _ ‘ F _ f imma bfeiegieei 811119 blQl0gl0f·l Station, ey est, Florida, or completion o num- the marine biological station on the Gulf of Mexico at_a point m the State of Florida, including the construction of buildings, wharvcs, and other structures and work as may be necessary, $25,000. A},',‘L$°`Q.i·$$,°h°° M Alaska fisheries service: For purchase or construction of two motor launches for use in connection with the Alaska fisheries service, $10,000. _ _ _

‘,w_ Fm-seal islands, Alaska: For new   and   to

rsplace those worn out and of old buildings, and Dumb mum other necessary improvements at b of Islands, $20,000. wmrluppny. · Fish-cultural station, Duluth, Minnesota: For improvement of the water sup ly, to be available until expended, $2,000. °’,2°”°°' ,,,8 Fish-culptural station Gloucester, Massachusetts: For construction B of retaining basin for brood fish, $3,000. ""°°“°‘““”"“'°‘· nmznau or suxnanns. ,,};"‘““g]“"g° S°°l°°’ Tesf of large scales: For investigation and testing of railroad track sldlagles, elevator scales, and other scales used in weighin§ commodities for interstate shipments and to secure equipment an assistance for testing the scales used by the Government in its transactions with the public, such as post office, navy yard, and customhouse scales, and for the purplose of cooperating with the States in securin uniformity in the_weig ts and measures laws and in the methods og ins ction, including personal services in the District of Columbia Radio laboratory andxin the field, $40,000. ¤e&4£&mm _ Fg; constrpcgign of 51 tiireproof lailuoragogy ago provide addi- ‘ tion space o use or researc an stm in r io communication, and to enable the Bureau of Standardsgto provide space and facilities_for_ cooperative research and eirjpéiirimental work in radio communication léy the War, Navy, Post ce, Treasury, and other departments, an for suitable aerials, $50,000. ¤·>p·»rm·¤=¤rw>¤¤. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. immigmmaaou. mmonarrorr STATIONS. §“,},‘i,§§}§‘§§,`{·"`· _ Ellis_Island, New York: For installation of tiled {loci- in main inspection hal], with structural work incident thereto, $17,000; _d orfcgncrete walks, inézliggiéiguglling and incidentals, on northerly sieo asm,ma1n1san, , ; _For pipe trench between main power house and baggage and dormitory building, $4,000 ; In all, $41,000.