Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/37

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16 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 37. 1916. t ixth, teen hundred and sixteen, from the g:>l;1eur:I1h’e1iz¥$>Ifi.rhi> Unitendmgrtates to the Government of lfanama under article fo1n·tecn of the treaty of November eighteen, nmeteen ed d three, $250,000. umu Btwn •¤ound - li bet th U tates an e mmion 0 ana a flrlgm tdiae Iliawrgncdu River near the forty-fifth parallel of north latitude, through the Great Lakes to the mouth of Pigeon River, $8,044.21. _ _ ‘“‘°'“*‘*°¤•‘,,mm,_, B“‘ International Burea of the Perman t Com·t of Arbitration: For igxbiwm com an additional amount for the share of ethic United States for the_ calendar year nineteen hundred and fourteen,_including the same ob]ects specrged ;md:r this head in thetB;pllr:mat1c anddCqnsular gggyoggrra- ‘ t ct e ear nine un an sixteen, . . E""¢°'”“°· mlgmcrgeiiilzies in the lomatic and Consular Service: For emergencies arising in the Dirgomatic and Consular Service, including the same objects specified under this head m the D1 and apprgmtion Act for the fiscal year nineteen and sixteen, $75 . ‘{*§'g',,,,,g°‘{"""‘ Latitude at Ukiah, California: For the mwnm marntenance of the International Latitude Observatory at Ukiah, Cahforgas, and the of ghe mternagronal latitudedwoflk m , nineteen un an sixteen, unt' the P . International Geodctic Association shall find it'Fh0ssib1e to resume its ntdric eta rms support of the observatory, $2,500: frwided, at so much thereof $,,"Q,,§,‘_{_°°°"°“° ·“·‘ as may be used for the plrujposes mentioned shall be deducted from the ?uotas due from the_ mted States as an adhering member of the Entletrlnatxonal Geodetrc Association for the Memurement of the a . "g‘°"¥**?°°°‘ °°‘* To pay the subscri tion of the United St tes t th I te f l · dm Mmmm Geodetic Association lor the years nineteen dnmdiied aineflhfrtlggrfifhzi nmeteen hundred and sixteen, $3,000. ..2”.2?*"" °•¤·"· TREASURY nnranrrmm. P¤*>¤<= *>¤¤·=¤¤¤- rrmmo surnames, consraucrrox, srras, ann nam. ¢¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤,•¢¤· For sites, commencement, contin t' , 1 { { bli burldnigs within the respective K0? c?>Istc(inI11i51i§>ri‘;:a1d0b;i)ulaw(: Mmm wm seyfbrghy, as éollows: · · een, _8Shl¥\gl50· n, post office: For tin t' , $45,000. “°f’°*mN°br Aledo, Illinois, post office: For continuatibctiiil, $5130iOn Am‘”““°‘h Alliance, Nebraska, post office: For continuation, $29,000. Amig°· Wis Anoka, Minnesota, post office: For continuation, $15,000. ASME; K;. AI1t1gO, Wrsconsm, post office: For continuation, $29,000. Mmmdhmoi Ashland, Kentucky, post office: For contmuation, $20,000. Am°bm’¥m` Ashland, Ohio, post office: For commencement, $20,000. Am_m,Nm· Attleboro, Massachusetts, Hpost office: Eor continuation, $20,000. Bakmmdymy Aurora, Nebraska, post 0 ce: For continuation, $30,000. Bmmmh gzxkneggegg, pgstgginceé For czncmuanieu, $52.,000. Ow , _ , pos 0 ce: or con in t' , $10,000. gg;] $3* Bartow, Florida, post office: For contmuanc`; ®.Ii),O()0, my (git Bas1.n,_Wyom1ng, post office: For commencement, $500. Bmm;'·N I Bay City, Texas, post office: For commencement, $500.

  • ‘ · Bayonne, New Jersey, post office: For commencement, $20,000.