Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/378

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SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 241. 1916. 357 available until expended. Within sixty` da after the close of each mN,°°*°°°“°¤ °' B*°°° fiscal year the Secretary of Agriculture shzll determine what part, tl 1f_ any, of the sums theretofore deducted for administering the provisions of Act will not be needed for that purpose and apportion ' such part, if any, for the fiscal year then current in the same manner and on the same basis, and certify it to the Secretary of the Treasury and to the State highway departments, and to the governors of States having no State higyhwa departments, in the same way as other amounts authorized y tés Act to be apportioned among all mm, of appmm, the States for such current fiscal year. The Secretary of Agriculture, mmafter making the deduction authorized by this section, shall apportion the remainder of the appropriation or each fiscal year among the several States in the fo lowing manner: One-third in the ratio Amwhich the area of each State bears to the total area of all the States; one—third in the ratio which the population of each State bears to the Y°P°'°“°¤· total population of all the States, as shown by the latest available Federal census; one-third in the ratio which the mileage of rural 8t£°,§,,°$,Q°?,,"'° delivery routes and star routes in each State bears to the total mileage of r1u·al delivery routes and star routes in all the States, at the close of the next precedinglfiseal year, as shown by the certificate of the Postmaster General, w `ch he is directed to make and furnish annually to the Secretary of · y Sec. 5. That within sixt days after the approval of this Act the T,‘§:,',f,§,'§$,§‘§{;2,,f,$ Secretary of Agriculture sh$ certify to the Secretary of the 'Treasury ¤¤¤·>¤¤¢ ¤m>¤r¤¤¤·¤- and to each State highway department and to the governor of eac State having no State highwa department the sum which he has estimated to be deducted or tering the provisions of this Act and the sum which he has apportioned to eac State for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and on or before anuaig twentieth next preceding the commencement of each succeeding seal year shall make like certificates for such fiscal Y°*u'· , . . . . sutmssme or pm;. Sec. 6. That any State desiring to avail itself of the benefits of this sea. Act shall, by its State highway epartment, submit to the Secretary of Agriculture project statements setting forth plrogzscd construction of any rural post road or roads therein. If t c cretary of Agri- "‘°”S»“°· culture approve a project, the State highway department shall furnish to him such surveys, plans, sizgifications, and estimates P,°,,m_ therefor as he ma require: Promlled, ever, That the Secretary rGg£<HH¤¤ ¤¢ avof Agriculture shall approve only such pipxcts as may be substantial P ° ° in character and the expenditure of heregyl authorized shall be applied only to such improvements. Items in ded for engineermg, inspection, and unforeseen contingencies shall not exceed ton muaemm ol ap. pcr centum of the total estimated cost of the work. If the Secretary P"’”“·°“`~ ` of Agriculture a prove the plans, specifications, and estimates, he shall notify iihe State highway epartment and immediately certify the fact to the Secretary of the Treasury. The Secretary of the Treasury shall thereupon set aside the share of the United States payable imder this Act on account of such project, which commons ct pqshall not exceed fifty per centum of the total estimated cost thereof. we No payment of any money a portioned under this Act shall be made on an project until such statement of the gloject and the plans, specifications, and estimates therefor, shall vc been submitted to and approved by the Secretary of Agriculture. Payments to sam. When the Secret of Agricultiue shall fin that proiect so approved by him ha‘si.`l>een constructed in compliance W1 said an specifications he shall cause to be paid to the propenauthonty P¤>e···;” I of said State the amount set aside for saiddgglectz Provided, That I Hm the Secretary of Agriculture may, in tion, from time to time make payments on said construction as the same progresses,