Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/441

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4%} SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 261; 1916. {;f,'L",}f“*,,_P",],,_ eleven hundred and five), be amended to read as follows: “The ¤=~_<l¤¤· wm up petmaster General railway postal clerks an annual vacammvrmamaf tion of fifteen days, wi pay": And, _ farther, That the Act of i°“'·¤’·"“·'*‘“°°“‘ March fourth, miieteen hugignlpd thirteeri)(Th1rty‘;s:5:¤1venth Ssatutes page seven undred; éninety-eighji t) e amen to rea as follows: “That hereafter the Postmaster General may, in his discretion, under such as he ms? provide, allow any railway postal clerl; leave of a ce with pazwor a period not exceeding thirty days, with theundersdzanding that dutieswillbefperfoimed without °‘*‘“““°gma ic$`$i»g$ie?i¤:$i»ia(i:ii;1§t*£iZ.i);;i°$1xp§iS¤vi}ii°h 1°"° is “" “‘ ”"“"‘ ..£°st2;,s°...:sr¤..,.,.r2m artist gm·¤**—¤ar*sd€¤* ::::1 perm n superm en assis diykion superinten mm, and clerks, ltailway Service, and

 clerks, wlriletetually traveling on business of the Post

Gtc§oe$55e3‘T)t¤nent and away from their several designated headquar- ""°°“°"’°°’· Fer rém, iight, um, rua, gaegzpa mimusqeous me Once expenses, schedules of mail trams, ephone service, badges for railway postal clerks, mcluding rental of for division headquarmnt · M I tgrgoppmghief cgerk, m 31Vashmgton,igi)istr;ct .4;;.., . ra, an ren _ or termm » 1; the dhtribution of mails w§)en·the.f11raishingrof gggcgxizr lhucillsdicsf _ tribution can not under the Postal·_Laws and Regulations properly _ be required of railroad companies without additional compensation, gd for eqippxwent and mbcellaneous items necessary and mcidental _ `l501'lD.1!18l". a {post ’ $606723. » ,..}`:i.,".i‘;.;'Z‘.;,.;E“‘““* auF<;r per siiem alilrgeupc cfmc usisiaet superinmdems wane actuy _ ravehng on o cia busmess away from their home, ‘the1r ofIic1al domicile, an their headquarteis, at a rate to be fixed by the Postmaster General, not to exceed $3 per day, and for their necessary official

 régg covered by their per diem allowance, not exceeding $500 ;

in , , . Eleetricmdcable F -1 d tl rt t- f . A ia. orman rans aiono m by electncand bl ars m{'E,E•g·my_ $2%,322 ;;;r8 Eat the rate of compensation to be_pa(i’:1 plhrthiile _ ate now paid to compames performing such service, egrcept that the Postmaster General, in cases where the quantity of rigggigglzgzgpgogre number of exchauggapoints numerous, may, in his _ , ze payment for clos ·pouch service at a rate per uiile got tohexceed one-thprd above the rate per mile now paid for

 `ESFL. Ziftfi’e?`§"L.€Z,’$?”i"cE$?pT3dr§£e°§i%`§?§s$“Z8§”‘i lh?

. -m1 e o ouumsezema, travel: Provided further, That the rates for electric car service on routes over twenty mdes m length outside of cities shall not exceed naman eminzeis. the rates paid for service on steam railroads: Promkkd, however That _ not to ezrceed $15,000 of the sum hereby appropriated may he ex- ,§g‘g,§ *°¤ °‘ pengpd, in the discreition of gis Postmaster general, where nmusual con `tions exist or w ere suc service will b dif d efficient and at no greater cost than othervsfisldjoalrtieitli-ilintlz td0:;c?:d $100,000 of this appropriation maiibe expended for regulation screen of motor scr;-isn wagon service w ch may be authorized in lieu of e ectric or ca e car service. t -,S_ For transportation of foreign mails $3 800,000: P voided Th th

;;mmpS_ Ecstmaster General shag} be authorized to expend snich sums asnina;

S€a2:§B;?auri;£1?sliii§i:;Bse1:§}t?:;e0r(i-iQe;0 °°"€" ""i§°S‘ “’ “‘° Umiid _ t s OD. S 831112 0 V 8 _ rkuauslors. g;:f,iD9:)d not sirgceeding §79§OO @1f i‘a§sfel't1;nghIl;1c0;:>ll1i;?lé§I11gm&i1l ¤1|11fi in ew or . ‘ railway piers, or transfelzsring the foreign mhil from ixiihcrhilfig sl)e:ii1- ships in San Francisco Bay to the piers, and for transporting the