Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/467

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446 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 307, 313. 1916. .— extend the time of the Hudson River Connecting Railroad hlgggégfll o1??<;· th€`::: t and completion of its bridge across the Hudson

 River, in the State of New York.

‘ Maud te and Home 0 Representatives of the United “""·’°“..t"£?..°'.ta.$‘·.}Te selizrdof Ame-gyaqtii iiaglllam mmwdfrtn as time for the cpm- Tim . bv H¤¤¤¤¤ ’ m I tion of ‘ the brid e of the Hudson River ¤**¢*¤¢ mencement and co e ih _ _ ii¤ihl¤ Ml Connect' Railroad 501-poration, under e provisions of the Act . approve:-lngMarch thirteenth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, be , 3,, ,,,,8 extended to the thirtieth day of Marchgiineteeu hundred and eightanliinéd. ’ P` een, and thethirteenth day of March, nineteen hundred and twenty, tivel . · · _ ,

  1. ¤·¤¤¤•¤*· gmc. 2i lhat the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby

expressly reserved. _ Approved, August 9, 1916. Au 11 1016. . . ’ . QKAP. .—— Makin' g ti forthe Department of culture for

 the Beal    ee°ii1Inmdred and seventeen?§ix1d for other

P“YP°¤€¤- . Be it enacted by the Senate and House {y' Representatives of the United ... ’?s*:° sum ofA.77l»¢1'I:60 at ammo mmbzaz, rim me renewing sums be, andthe are hereby, appro riated, out of anymoneglin the Treasury of the Uynited States not otlllerwise appropriated, in ll compensation for the fiscal year ending Jl1Il8•lEl1.l1'lql6l3h,_ mneteen hundred and seventeen, for the pnuposes and obgects hereinafter expressed, namely: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OFFICE or rim smonmranr. P¤,¥ gi S§_$¤,,a§¤,¤g· Sanaiuns, Ormcm or THE Sncnnranr or Aomcmxrunmz Secretary ac. ’ of Agriculture, $12,000; Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, $5,000; Solicitor, $5,000; chief clerk, $3,000, and $500 additional as custodian of buildings; private secretary to the Secretary of Agriculture $2,500 · executive clerk, $2,250; executive clerk, $2,100; stenographer and executive clerk to the Secretary of Agriculture, $2,250; private secretary to the Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, $2,250; one appointment clerk, $2,000; one assistant in charge of infomation, $3,000; one ,,},‘,§§,§§2;_ '"' officer in charge of supplies, $2,000; one assistant, $2,000; one ins ector, $2,750; one inspector, $2,250; one law clerk, $3,250; one Ilaw clerk, $3,000; one law clerk, $2,750; four law clerks, at $2,500 each; eight law clerks, at $2 250 each; one law clerk, $2,200; six law clerks, at $2,000 each; three law clerks, at $1,800 each; three law clerks, at $1,600 each; one expert on exhibits, $3,000; one telegraph and telephone operator, $1, 00; one assistant chief clerk and captain of the watch, $1,800· four clerks, class four; twelve clerks, class three; nineteen clerks, class two; twenty-three clerks, class one; one auditor, $2,000; one accountant and bookkeeper, $2,000; one clerk, $1 ,440; one clerk, $1 ,020; seven clerks, at $1,000 each; twelve clerks, at $900 each; one clerk, $840; fifteen messengers or laborers, at $840 each; twelve assistant messengers or laborers, at $720- each; one messenger or laborer, $660; one mechanical superintendent, $2,500; one engineer, $1,400; one assistant engineer, $1,200; two assistant engineers, at $1,000 each; eight Bremen, at $720 each; eleven elevator conductors, at $720 each; three elevator conductors, at $600 each; one superintendent of shops, $1,400; one cabinet-shop foreman, $1,200; four cabmetmakers or carpenters, at $1,200 each; three cabinetmakers or carpenters, at $1 ,100 each; nme cabinetmakers or ca enters, at $1 ,020 eac ; three cabmetmakers or carpenters, at $900 eax; one electrician,