Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/483

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462 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 313. 1916. Gvnnrvn im "fri•v1— ’ t th urposes mentioned in section three °i)}:1l?ti°£i'sZi"f oflllhhbt Ectnggr nixieltieen hundred and eleven, entitled "An Act to enable any State to cooperate with any other State or States, or with the United States, for the protection of the watersheds of na able streams, and to zppoint a comm1ssion_for_the acquisition dfglands for the purpose conservinglathe navigabrlity of na. able rivers" (Thirty-sixth Statutes at rge, page_mne , , himdrevif and sixty-one), as amended, there is hereby appmgnriated, • ,•u. out of an mon in the Treasury not otherwise apgcopriate , available untifexpeneded, the sum of $1,000,000 for the al year ending on the thirtieth day of Jrme, nineteen hundred and seventeen, an $2,000,000 foxm the iigcal year ending on the thirtieth day of June, ` teen h d e` teen. ¤E$’é°5°°°°‘°°°l°" m1'l?o enablls the Sldlcretgy of Qgriculture more effectively to carry ¢°'·°'”’·'“· out the revisions of the Act o March first, mneteen hundred and eleven Staltirtes, pgge nine hundred ancghsixty-cgi), titled"An tton tatetocooperatewr anyo er Sltate or States? or vgitlr t?h:uUnited States, for the protection of watersheds of nsévihglaalge; sttrleams, and tp appoint a triammrssiolndfor the 't' o or epurposeo conservmg' ena a "ty of l§u:'lV6I'S," $15,000 of the moneys appropristeduétherein shall be available for the employment ofagents, clerks,· assistants, and pther labor and for the ofsupphes and eqmpment uired for the e of sand Act m the crt o Washington. ’°‘·h. "“"’°°· · - ¥ · %b¤'d•:h¤. _ ag hereafter tcllepggts ;nay0l;e receglzdumrol;1 timber puazhasers , msuc sumsas e re Agn a uire cover um - the cost to the United Statggof of brush :1% other debris resulting from cutting operations m sales of national forest timber; such dgposits shall covered mto the_Treasurg and shall constitute a speci frmd, which IS heretbfy apprapnated an made available until e ended, as the Secretary c ture may direct, to a the cost XP _ P Y of such work and to make unds to the depositors of amounts deposited by them m ergcess of such cost. ¤e_g·;;-as M ·»¤¤·¤·¤~ Tit°lsi°rti:rr;SgrS°Arg1s°:hi¤i§24?s’iisiimazea a mr regu],. ·° ·· _ e cr u , un er en rilmaéinduma tions to be prescribed byhim,topermit the prospxcntingg develo ment, and utilization of the mineral resources of the ds uired under "°'·°°·¥’·°°‘· the Act of March first, nineteen hundred and elevenmyfhir-ty-sixth Statutes, e mne hundred and sixt -one), known as the Weeks l w n giigh terms and for specihed briods or otherwise as h a , u o , ema Dhwnl ¤¢ r•¤•u>¤. deem gg be for the best; irgterests if theIlJm;’tded States; hagid all monegys eceiv on accormto c arges, any, m eun ert Act h ll disposed of as is_ provided by existing law for the disposistidn of receipts from national,forests. _ Cbunmry Bureau. 1sUnnaU or cnnmsrnr. ,,_l;j{,,g{,g§{g*,_°' °¤· Sarnnms, Bmrmu or Crmmrsrmrz One Chemist, who shall be chief of bureau, $5,000;_ one chief clerk, $2,500; three executive clerks, at $2,000 each; eight clerks, class four; eleven clerks, class three; one clerk, $1,440; twelve clerks, class two; one clerk, $1,300; twenty-three clerks, class one; twelve clerks, at $1,020 each; thirteen clerics, at %1,(g{00 each; onr;1 clerk $960; thirty-four clerks, at $900

·m'*°°'•·_ eac , one c er , $840, one erk, $720, one food and drug mspector,

$2,500; two food and drug inspectors, at $2,250 each; twelve food and drug mspectors, at $2,000 each; thirteen food and drug inspectors, at $1,800 each; one food and inspector, $1,620; e even food and drug mspectors, at $1,600 each; six food and drug inspectors, at $1,400 each; one assistant, $1,600; four laboratory hel ers, at $1,200 each; one laboratory heliifr, $1,020; four laboratory Ihelpers, at $1,000 each; four laboratory elpers, at $960 each; three labora·