Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/557

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536 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 408, 409, 412, 414. 1916. · 5, reserv tion herein referred to when in i§1i1$$i§ siliizlluuugtig no(l;rdetri1ngntal to the prima? p1n·p0se for whiizh such park monument, or reservation was create , except that Y°“°""°"° hn this revision shiill not appl to the Yellowstone National Park. _ °@¤¤“g` ¤¢ WW *¤* $15:.44. That nothing m this Act epnltailgued shaéhtaggegl oxglirlngtfglglz “*°°‘°"· _ _ I - ‘ ‘ of the Act RPPTOVQ 9 NUI ¤ wo 31, P M l;i1u(hc£·1e(dvla1?111(dn<§1ne, entitled "An Act relating to nih? of Way thwllgh certain parks, reservations, and other public lan . Approved, August 25, 1916. . I · baud i ty ————lH?’&l m§a‘J;‘.f2‘i;*££;t§G&°*t%$§¤€°;‘$,“e“?£.%’..F?5.‘;,r‘¥§°¤ [Public, N0. %0 th6 W5'; ‘ enacted Senate ndH 'Re entativesoft7¢eUnited Cmmctumpdmicubxiikv Stggsibj Amerizl ii? ga.ssem0i>‘l“ed?`¢Fhai.’rt1d9e consent of Congress °”';?}zri?°•gg¤li°l°’“°ss" B hereby (granted to of county commislsioners of tgiigounzy


' theCo ealthollassacusettsan ec1y lil said‘:>lil..i1(ls]y:}vand their successors aiid assigns, to construct maintain, and operate a bndge_and approaches thereto across the Connecticut River at a, point suitable to the interests of navigation between the cigy of sgidtthe fpwn (gf mit P;-jpgii `th thenm e ae_o assa ue WL “’P`?` witliguthleypiovisioils of,the·Act entitled "An Act ai regulate the construction of brildges over ngvigable waters," approved Marcht t-third,nineteen undredan six. _ _ "m°°dm°f Sec. gllhiit 1350 right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserv .» Approved, August 25, 1916. A ”°·*°*“* . .- a A e nusgmt raw venue. oomupeim —-—-.uj_§*·;f;°;;_l .,;°r§’“i>’§..$$? or AHSQEK ’L“}`§?m‘3 M2?. me, sdm {mm md mm peieabrconrmbu Be it enacted by the Senate and House ogliepreseguatiiges of the United w“"*""°“ “'d °"l es o America in Congress assembled, at section eight, pa _ h g:n$‘?n**l¤l:: g:ll· Ertl? of{n Act entitled "An Act making a propriations to provide ibi- ”p{z??i$iiis'ii¤T·mm- the’expenses of the government of the Illstrict of Colum ia for the ""“‘°¥,,°Q‘°'“‘,l,Y{’,,,"{’,§'§ fiscal ear ending June thirtieth nineteen hundred and foiuteen and giggle- 'W for other piu·poses," approved liiarch fourth, nineteen hundred and vena: p.ov¤, . . . . . . mmm. ’ thu·teen, relating to the Public Utihties Commission of the District

  • ""· l’· “· of Columbia (Th1rty-seventh Statutes at Large, page mne hundred and

seventy-five), als amendeddby age Acgeapprovgdd lgebruilary tvgngr- ’:ifth,`te ansix n, amene_yadmg_ e namesngicthencoiiilgmies excluded from the ogeration of sa1d section, after the words, ‘ and the Washington and ld Dominion Railway, exce as to the regulation of its operation inside of the District Collum ia " in the third subdivision of said ar a h, on pa e nine °‘ * P “§' K g hundred and seventy-five, the following: ‘An the Washington- Virginia Railway Company, excepting as to the regulation of its operation inside of the District of Co umbia." Approved, August 26, 1916. 4*%%***;* §_3§g?· CHAP. 414.-Au Act To authorize aids to navigation and for other works in the

 Lighthouse Service, and for other purposes.

IC, a 0. . . B it enacted the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Am °°“°`"°*"°°‘ Swiss ofzlmerigg in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Commerce IS hereby authorized to establish, provide, or improve the