Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/593

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572 SIXTYAFOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 417. 1916. seeds; incideutaliarticlcs for the Naglal Mggiczl School legnd nzzal dis · Wash111gt0` 11; na.vsl_mcdic sup y a qts, sm qua1·_ rs at Na.v§ ’Aca»d¢-amy :md_ mums barracks; wg£mg for modgcal department at Naval Medmal School and naval dipcnsary, Waslungt0n· naval medical supply depots, sick quarters at uval Academy and mzuiino barracks, dispansaries at mn yards and naval stations, gmd ships; and for minor repairs on am} gounds of the United States Naval-Medical School and nav _ m0d1ca1_supp1y degots; rqnts of rooms for naval dnspcnsary, Washmgtgou, Dxstnct of olumbm, not to exceed $1 200; for the care, mmuwuance and treatment of tho insane of time Navy and M:u·inc~C0 011 time Pamfic coast,

 su mumeraries held for ¤·ans?; to A the Gqvcmmemt;

mum www. Hospi for $0 Iniauaaisf fcgldontd outlits dentzl matenal, pom exceed $38,000, an 0 or mcossary coutmgan expc1gsos;_m _ , P~·¤i·¤- $241,080: Provided, This the S¤cr¤taryL0f_ Navgélm has d1S—

 qmtiou, mn. expend $25,000 of said appropnmon for   pf

a. dairy har; land for p cract.1ou·0f necessary buildings . for the mwai hospital at Las em, Colorado. ` ·m¤sr¤rmg¤¤¤¤¤¤ TnA1¤s1·0m·.u·10N or nmnms: To enable the Socrqtaxy of the °'°°°‘”’ °°° Navy, in his discretion, to cause to be tmusfcrrod to than homes the remains of officers and enlisted men of the Navy and Manne Corgs who die or are killqdin action ashore or afloat, and also to enable t c Secretary of the Navy, inhis discretion, to cause to be transported to their homes tha remains of civilian employees who die outside of the

 from continental limits of the United States, $24,908: Provided, Tlgst

vgsgggww no deduction shall hereafter be made fmm the six m¤mths’ gpmuisy 'p' uy allowed under the naval Act of August twonlirsecnuxi, umetccxx Euudmdi and twelve, cu account of expenses for unerul, mtermems, or for of prwrntion and tmnsportakion of the remains: Ax>1>¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤· Provided gurther, That c sum herein appropriated. shall be available for pa. amt for transportation of the remains of officcrs and man who have gg:] while on duty at ang time since A riltwcut ·first, eighteen hundred and I1iI1Bty•6igb.t an shall be avaigsblc unti{Ju.uo thirtioth, nineteen hundred and eighteen. , - In al], Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, $1,187,728. 1mpn•nc¤¤p¤._ nosrmuu. ¢0m>s. · MA¤°*=¤***•¤ ”¤¤¢*¤ Horeaftor the authorized strength of the Hospital Corps of the ' Navy shall equal three and one-halfurer ccntum of the authorized enlisted strength of the Navy and urine Corps, and shall be in addition thereto, and as soon as the necessary transfers or up intments mw be effected the Hospital Corps of the United ggates °'“°" “° "““"‘ Navy sha consist of the following grades and ratings: Chief pharmaczsts, pharmacists, and enlisted men classified as chief pharmacists’ mates; pharmacists’ mates, first class; pharmacistd mates, second class; pharmacis1·.s’ mates, third class; hospital apprentices, first class; and hospital apprentices, second clam; such classifications in enlisted mtinis to correspond resigwectivoly to the enlisted ratings, seamen branc , of chief petty 0 cers; tty officers, Erst PWM class; petty officers, second class; path officers, tgind class; seamen, mmm: allowed to first class; and seamen, sccxmd class: grmrided, That enlisted men of """’ "°”" other ratings in the Navy and in the Marino Co shall be eligible for transfer to the Hos nal Corps, and men of {Et corps to other ratings in the Navy andpthe Marmc Corps.

 at The President may hereafter, from time to time, appoint as many

fo, mm '°"* °‘* pharmacists as may deemed necessary, from the rating of chief pharxpacxgfs mate, subject to such moral, hysical, and professional _ examinations and requirements as to len En of service as the Secref{;•;·;·j<·1;_Mu_ tary of the Navy mac?] prescribe: Proviid, That the pharmacists now m the Hospxtal rps of the United States Navy or hereafter