Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/713

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692 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 433. 1916. ¤¤w¤¤¤· ¢¤¤¤¤8¤¤* For eral su lies re airs new batteries and battery su plies °xP°m°°’m telephofiriedlrental Idlid purchase; wire for extension of telegraplh and tele hone service, repairs of lines and instruments, purchase 0 poles toolli, insulators, brackets, pins, hardware, cross arms, ice, record books, stationery, printing, livery, washmg, blaeksmithmg, extra labor, new boxes, and other necessary items, $11,050. PWS Wm ¤¤¤¤*· For placing wires of iire-alarm, te egraph, pohce-patrol, and telemi hon d d ° xisf nd `ts including cost of p eserviceunergroun me mgcoui, _ cables, terminal boxes, and posts, connections to and between existing conduits, manholes, handholes, posts for fire-alarm and police boxes, extra labor, and other necessary items, $7,000. _ _ Ponce-pamusystun. For extension and relocation of pohce-patrol system, including purchase of new boxes, purchase erection of necessary poles, cross arms, insulators, pins, braces, wire, cable, conduit connections, exgra labor, otlher n itgxthes, $2,,65;). wh wl h t ui imma orrelacing ce- a s wi e onesysem P'*N'i=”’l::*· in the m'i:)xth precliiiict, iliiacludigglghe purbshase and installation of the necessary boxes, instruments, wire, cable, conduit connections, extra labor, and other items, $6,324. _ _ Liswne Lrerrrnvc: For purchase, installation, and maintenance of public lam , lamp-posts, street desiggations, lanterns, and iixtures of all

 on streets, avenues, roa , alleys, and tplubhc spaces, and for

all necessary expenses in connection therewi , including rental_of stables and storcrooms, this sum to be expended in a_ccor ance with vu. as, p. mus. the provisions of sections seven and eight of the District of Columbia V°'·"**’·m· appropriation Act for the fiscal ggar nineteen hrmdred and twelve and with the provisions of the trict of Columbia apiprolpriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirteen, an other laws _ apglicable thereto, livery and extra labor, $405,000. ,,§,",;':f°‘,,,,§,°,‘_§‘,,_'°’ ereafter the commissioners are authorized in their discretion to maintain part of the lamps on any street, avenue, alley, road, or public space, or portion thereof, for a shorter period each night after the hour of one o’clock antemeridian than that required by the provisions of the above-mentioned Acts, at such reduced rates for said lamps as may be agreed upon by and between said commissioners and the lighting companies maintain` them. pkgawm b,,,,,,_ For purchase and installation of teiiugremlarm boxes, and purchase and erection of necessary poles, cross arms, insulators, pins, braces, wire, cable, ponduit connections, posts, extra labor, and other necess items, 2,000. yowrtmcg ulixor the purchase of one motor truck, $2,000. garkmrqsl-Eid: in ld The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby author- B,m,,,§,, ,,,,1 021,, ized and directed to sell and convey the land contained in the old rim ¤¢ Ny- of way of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company within the limits of square eight hundred and fifty-seven in the city of Washington, boun ed by ixth and Seventh, and K Streets northeast, for cash, at a price to be fixed by said commissioners based upon the true value of said land as determined by the board of assistant assessors of the District of Columbia, to a person or persons designated by the owners of the majority of the prolperty in said square, and the money derived from the sale herein authorized shall be de ited in ,,m,m_ the Treasury, one half to the credit of the United States andllzoliie other Opmingsllcrs. half to the credit of the District of Columbia: Promkled That before the sale hereinauthorized is made there shall be set aside so much of said land as said commissioners may deem necessary to complete the sgtem of public alleys in said square, and the land thus reserved um 0, time s ll not be included in the sale herein authorized: And provided fur- ' ther, That such sale shall be consummated within a riod of two years from and after the date of the approval of this