Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/75

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~54 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Crrs. 88, 89. 1916. ¤**¤•¤°• ¢¤¤· Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of War and of ih"` the Secret of the Navy to carry this Act into effect a.nd_ to decide ` whether eatdg applicant, under this Act in his department is entitled to the benefit of this Act. If the official award of the medal of honor to the ap licant, or the official notice to him thereof, shall appear to show that the medal of honor was awarded to the applicant for such an act as is required b the provisions of this Act, it shall be deemed sufficient to entitle the applicant to such special pension without fin ther investigation. Otherwise all oihcial correspondence, Mmm w bs b_ orders, reports, recommendations, requests, and other evi ence now ma. on Hle in any public office or department shall be considered. A ceitilicate of service and of the act of heroism, gallantxéy, bravery, or intrepidity for which the medal of honor was awar ed, and of emollment under this Act, and of the right of the special pensioner to be entitled to and to receive the special pension herein granted, copy to , . shall be furmshed each person whose name shall be so entered on smaorrmam. said roll: The Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy shall deliver to the Commissioner of Pensions a certiiied co y of each of such of said certificates as he may issue, as aforesaid}: and the same shall be full and sufficient authority to the Commissioner of Pensions for the payment by to the beneiiciag named in SWE Dum to each such certificate the special pension herein provide for. t. m S20. 3. That each such surviving person whose name shall have °"· l’· been entered on said roll m accordance with this Act shall be entitled to and shall receive and be paid by the Commissioner of Pensions in the Department of the Interior, out of any moneys in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, a special pension of $10 per month for hfehpayable quarter yearly. The Commissioner of Pensions shall make necessary rules and regulations for making ccmmmm pagment of such special pensions to the beneficiaries thereof. uch special pension shall begin on the day that such person shall _ file his application for enrollment on said roll in the office of the Secretary of War or of the Secretgruy of the Navy after the passage §d lqpproval of this Act, and sh continue during the life of the other bsmavs not H8 c’mY·, _ ammo. Such special pension shall not deprive any such special pensioner of any other pension or of any benefit rig t, or privilege to which pe isbortmlayplhtpcmdtegdbte entatledtunder any existing or subsequent Fm ,mmm,m_ aw, u s a m_a 1 ion ere o. The special pension allowed under this Act shall not be subject t;;(;r;y atqlactlgnent, execution, levy, tax, lien, or detention under any Lmmm ss w a ver. Sec. 4. That in case any person has been awarded two or more medaltshof honor, ge shalll not entitled to and shall not receive Rank M, com more an one suc specxa nsion. stirred- Rank in the service shallkiiot be considered in applications filed hereunder. Approved, April 27, 1916. April Z1, 1916. -—- ,, §.`”§"‘ . HS.‘§fEE2§$g2£“mt¥2¤P$%%Z£Ei?>i il`.? Gt? °f "‘°Jl?“‘° °‘ ““Y “°'“"°' °‘ °‘°"°'

  • “ °·5··' aa. pmacag tam ayzapmuat or 0s§‘$}“€§L c§v“mym"°?2“’ “““’ °’ °°’”°”'

i 6 Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Re csentativ ed

G ;   States of America in Congress qssevnbZcd,`?·Tli£· it shall li; iiidlsliivvfqiylzior
 or ,),,.,,3,,,, Q any Hperson, firm, or corporation practicing before any department

·a;1;0;;t»;¤;¤I§wf&sm¤»» or o cs of the Government to use the name of any Member of either glouse(pfbCongress or of any officer of the Government in advertising . e said usmess. ,,,l,§‘,a§'$°°‘ "‘ "”°° Sec. 2. That this Act shall take effect three months after its date. Approved, April 27, 1916.