Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/83

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62 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 109, 110, 112. 1916. f th Act hereb amended 0ccurr1ng' prior to the a proval of this Act gr an suit Zn such nalty or wing out of adegcd violation » Y P9 gm , , of the Act hereby amended which may be pending in any court at the time of the approval of this Act. Approved, May 4, 1916. _ llsslgégls. provide for an increase in the number of cadets at the ment, Ne. ee.] m emy. Be it enactedjry the Senate and House of Representatives of the United }§’$’,§’°,,·},°}.;’“f¥'{.Y,;,_ of in M(;’i>lngress A;e:¢$rnbled,h'§·`llha£ thef Corps of Cadets at meme. e m tates 'tary emy s ere ter consist 0 two ¤g`,$;,,§°°,°3_*m' P` fgr egch eong}re(;.i0na.l district} two from each Territory, four from t e `strict 0 lumbia two rom natives of Porto Rico, four from S I U I each Stagaevllzt laéxilgeli eightyfrfrom the United States at large ,, ° °° °¤,,*°¤¤ twenty 0 om a ecte om amo the ho d t f h°°°"°h°°lS` educational institutions having officers of tllig Regulaldcllirgliiy ddt?l<?d as professors of mnhtai? science and tactics under existing law or any law hereafterenacted or the detail of officers of the Rego ar Army to such mstitutions, and which institutions are designated as "honor schools " upon tge deteutnnnatigzloflthenagelitive stzpdiqg at the last · recedi annu inspec ronre arym e th tm t. ¤.,,,sR°"‘1°_ “°° ‘*“‘"°“‘° llfhey slllagll be appointed by the President and shsill, with (thi? exdgption of the eighty appointed from the United States atl e, be actual rciszpgntslvgif the c<;n$·essHonai1l0;·'%"emtoIr£,ial distript, or ibllgthe District P ,;,,,_ 0 um ia, or_0 eis an 0 orto ico, 0 0 th St tes, · ,gg€g°g*§g_§g§,gg,g°é tnvleg, gre? vlghxiphftléiy purport to beda§;>0i1;1l;.e;d: Pfooitzd, 'lllizltesigo t ree ears’ course re- ID C 0 B 0 • 8p l‘0VB BIC Ollflill, Il·l18l}B6l1 l1llD• ¥’°§‘}§§l38’ ,,_ ma dred and fifteen ('l`h1rty-eighth Statutes at Large, pagel eleven hunzlgeglngngl (ti§ent;y(;ei§h?1)Las p1g>Di§1sd1esdfp}rr the admissiion of a successor a w s a ave e _ ee his t th t sas i t razfcliicteiply be, arid the samehis hereby, mgzzlgdi Progiszizldsifdnher? _¤ ¤ · a e a pom ment 0 eac member of the present Corps 0 Cadets ments vallda ` l`d S . _,;},{’)5>°*;*,j*_{*°¤,§j,{[_y)*;*, is Sgt;. ;l6fI'li’dlsdtl}1(dn{’i1]b§-sildlent is hereby authorized to a point cadets ease. :,101 ghgmllgigtgg aSltat;u(r;»u1t·§1l:ltgary Apadpsinyoirtogn pimorag eullisted men gn _ prac ica e e Arm d t National Guard `betweon the ages of nineteen aiillu tsdenty-zwbnyearg mm. who have served as enlisted men not than one year, to be selected L,m,,_ under such regulations as the President may prescribe; Provided, 'lfhat the total number so selected shall not exceed one hundred and { _ _ _ eighty at any one time. · ,,,’,§0‘g§;§’,‘gn‘;§_*“°‘°°s° Sec. 3. 'Ifhat, under such regulations as the President shall prescribe, the increase in the number of cadets provided for by this Act shaglbe divided 1;;:0 foxérlgnnual mcremeuts, which shall be as nearly equ aspractica e an 't bl dis ' from which appointments argqzliitlLiori,zed.tnbutGd among the Sources Approved, May 4, 1916. May S, 1916. -71; lH· R· 2*1 EAP. 112.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act tin to the cit - _ y- _. - . . s y qi """"‘° "*“" £,‘;f;?$;d‘§.§.‘i.`§,“.?.?é°..':?.°t$$.'?.;*.?i‘;‘2$‘.*§:.°::¥"’“"*”°€§me**w¤·~· _ Be·it enactedby theSe1tateandHmtseo R entoti 'ed $‘§,‘E"Q3‘j"°,§ , 0 53, States qy".America in O'0r;grese aesemeled, Jflhdgraed Act e1i1el§ti)l{>dh£AIi1niL·ict ¤¤¤¤ · granting to the city 0 Durango, in the State of Colorado certain ands therein described for water reservoirs? approved Maich first nineteen hundred and seven (Thirty-fourth Statutes page one thou; sand and £ifty-three), be amended to read as follows: -