Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/845

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824 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 464. 1916. ` of the Interior may decide to_be_for the interests of the Indian Service: .i’{>°§¤°ll°i Provided, That no one of said judgments provided in this ifparagrajgh shall be paid until the Attorney eneral shall have cert ed to the Secretary of the Treasury that there exists no grounds sufficient, in his opinion, to support a motion for a new trial or an appeal of said mw °*=PP•¤*· cmlllsdne of the judgments contained in this Act shall be paid until the right of appeal shall have expired. ·*¤<*1¢·<1•=h*¤¤=· A AUDITED CLAIMS. ,,,,,,,°""“,,,, °°'"°°d_ by Sec. 2. That for the ayment of the followin claims certified to mg mm be due by the several acllounting officers of the 'Iieasury Department _ under appropriations the balances of which have been exhausted or "°]‘ 18* I" u°’ carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section five of the ` Act of June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and under a propriations heretofore treated as permanent, being for the service oi) the fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirteen and other years, unless otherwise stated, and which have been certified to Congress V°’·”*p·2“‘ under section two of the Act of July seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, as fully set forth in House Document Numbered Twelve hundred and sixty-iight, iiiaported to Congress at its present session, there is appropriate as 0 ows: cmms ALLOWED nr THE Aunrroa ron THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. lc]-, *¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤d by For contingent expenses, Treasury Department: Freight telenqumgi. S grams, and so forth,'$1.44. ‘ ‘ , For collecting the revenue from customs, $4,189.44. I For salaries and expenses under Actto amend the national banking aws, $125.40. For sugpressing counterfeiting and other crimes, 28 cents. For Pu lic Health and Marine—’Hospital Service, $1.05. For refunding internal—mvenue collections, $25. , For refunding taxes illegally collected, $1 11,277.75. ‘ ‘ For 7payment of judgments against intemal·revenue officers, $397,0 1.18. · For redemption of stamps, $25. For allowance of drawback, interna] revenue, $46.97. For pay of crews, miscellaneous expenses, and so forth, Life—Saving Service, $239.36. For Life—Saving Service, $487.15. gogfpontiiggsegg expenses, assay office at Helena, nineteen hundred an een, . . For operating supplies for public buildings, $1 19.63. For fuel, lights, and water for public bui din , $211.21. For furniture and repairs of same for public isuildings, $208.88. For repairs and preservation of public buildings, $33.96. For mechanical equipment for [public buildings, $27.28. For heating apparatus for pub c buildings, $11.66. For rent 0 bui dings, Boston, Massachusetts, $168.35. For post office and courthouse, La Crosse, Wisconsin, $71.20. For general expenses of public buildings, $29.44. crews ALLOWED ar THE Auorron Fox THE wen DEPARTMENT. _,,ffd’§g‘,S,g}‘°,‘{,°&·x{ gg For pay, and so forth, of the Army, $49,398.30. mmm;. For extra-duty pay to enlisted men as clerks at Army division and department headquarters, $1,503.25, or mileage to officers and contract surgeons, $42.