Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/990

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970 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 146. 1917. neers and one competent to passdupon water rights, and one fieldcost accountant, may be emp ore . ,,fg§?"““'¥ "q“°' For the suppression of the tilaffic in intoxicating liquors among S1;3g{1*;gb,v8mc,“ for Indians, $150,000: Prmnkied, That automobiles or any other vehicles mmm. or conveyances used in introducing, or attempting to introduce, mtoxicants into the Indian country, or where the introduction IS prohibited lx treaty or Federal statute, whether used bv the owner thereof or 0 er person, shall be subject to the seizure, libel, and for- R·°··°°°·2“°·P·3T*· ggtmedpgovided phectgn tjlveéity-one hundred and forty of the ie m vise tatutes o e United States. . d&,'3¢c.p mms f For gh? relilef and care of desititute Indian? no; otllierwise provided or, an or the prevention an treatment o tu erc osis, trachoma, smallpox, and other contagious and infectious diseases, including PWM transportation of patients to and from hospitals and sanatoria, pémmmirormw hos- $350,000: Prqmkled, That not to exceed $90,000 of said amount may G»——·‘ ·~·~—~ beasts; .2*;: °;;;2;rs°:s:;*,s¤“1>P.,,.,m#¤:.r§ sr hcaw ,a,_ ’ a , : u er, a is appropriation may be used also for general medical and surgical treatment of Indians, including the maintenance and operation of general Mmmm to mc} hospitals, where no_other funds are applicable or ava.ilable_ for that %‘°""‘“”°“"“"" £3“§5,°6’§6 f$‘Zt?““l“u°£Lhda{%'T”t$.TzrtT1$m`?J°6 ?v£i$tt*’¥§$P£lr2“&“s§i tenance of the sanatorxa and hos itals hereinafter named, and for incidental other exipenses flir their proper conduct and manement, mc uding pay o em o ees, re airs, t, d - ggovernents, not to exceed the argomwlillillldiclllifellat lildlspilgl, ` · ontana, $10,000; Carson hospital, Nevada, $10,000; Cheyenne and grapahpe (hlplsapgtal, Ol;l§)h$, $10,0010; Choctaw and Chickasaw ospita , oma, · ort a wai t , Id h , $40,000; Laguna sanatorinim, New Mexicg $17,l)lr)? lclzlileldgilero lie; pital, New, Mexico, $10,000; Navajo sanatorium, New Mexico, $10,000; Pima hospital, Arizona, $10,000; Phoenix sanatorium, Arizona, $40,000; Spokane hospital, Washington,`$10,000; Sac and Fox sanatorium, Iowa, $25,000; Turtle Mountain hospital, North llgakotgi $ég,0(£0 V£nnebago hospital, Nebraska, $15,000; Crow Creek ospit _ ut eta, $8 000· Hoopa Valle h `tal, Calif , $8,000; dicarilla hospital, N e,w_M,exico, $8,000; ¥I'l1;2gl1 Canyonllg; ¤¤¤··~~*·~·-·¤— “"‘i*ZI$“§:1,‘}‘“£“3z’E;3%i£‘§’°f¤3)°f.?3l2.°§.’l{“l;i‘i?,"Qt°€{%t”$2‘l°°‘ · , e ,m,,m_ provided fdii, for other educational and industrial purposes inrgiilii uga: and dumb, or hpettigp therewith, $11000,003: {Provided, That not to exceed $40,000 _ o amount may euse orthe t ded f fd hbm ’°h°°lp°pH°' and dumb or blind Indian children: jl‘ll1rther,\}l(5liial.Olrlo(t mdg than $200,000 of the amount herein appropriated may be expended Pmmmwticnr for the tuition of Indian children enrolled in_the public schools; Prmndetlfarther, That no part of this appropriation, or any other appropnationprevided for herein, except a propnations made pm-. guant tputlgeangséésgmhbe used to educate children of less than oneourth an wosearentsaretize fthU` and of the State wherein lliey live anti whllasreo therl; arldtildestnilm free sm fpcilitiesipjrogided anilh the facilities of the Indian sc(l1ools aren or pu o more an on furth.Indi bl : »ill°Lh.!°’ d°°ig°”°°d P"°’*’*d¢df‘*”'*h¢"» T£§t• ¤0dP¤1°¥ of 8p]T‘<i) riation slilill b§0u(ledAg the suppcgt of Indian ay and industrial schools where specific appropria on is made. b£c1d]n0i;s,a;xtg.8gmcy F O1' construction, lease, purehasgn mpaj]-, and improvement of ahgpl Said bu1l;l:)r11gs}emclud1ngd the purchase of necessary . . Pm: 8-11 lmprovement of heat' -.0, hghl·m8» P°W•-*13 wd Sewel e d t · mg? D,p.·a,—,,.,.,, ._ alma, atom pm-a’2i wth ‘;’$.f§$'2 ‘£‘3¤3°“.3§‘§f‘%‘; expended for the purchase of a perpetual water right and right of