Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/995

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cir. 146. 1917. 975 diverting water from the Gil R' f th f ° and Indian allotments on theaGili7iTl%&vi•d1I:In<(lian aede)1i1vzi)tli<iii1d.Xh·]iz1cil1i1d is recommended by the Board of Engineers of the United Stat; rmy in para aph two hundred and se nt f `ts t t t Secretary of gllar of February fourteerirsh, (iiii1e(ie•=in hfiifdiredo anhd fourteen (House Document Numbered Seven hundred and ninet - one), $125,000, to be immediately available and to remain available Until expended, reimbursable as provided in section two of the Act $'}’°Y“‘°“*· of August twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and twelve (Thirt - °`37'p°m` sevent Statutes at Large, page five hundred and twenty-two) tlie to?] cosg pot tc;1 exceed $200,000. ’ _ or a cition installm t f th h f ' Sw mv"' °“°°‘ rights for six thousand thtildeshiindrgd caxildgiiiin ii.1crgsm<§1d1S2§3 Ritz; miuciiiumi wafer Indian allotments provided in the Act of _May eighteenth, nineteen 130. hugdged glnd sixt{een,t_and §or ttlghe extension of canals and laterals an or»econsruc1onoo e necess mug" t' facilf supply the said lands with water, §15, a wu ues to _ or completing the construction by the Indian Service of a diver- Gila Rimsion dam and necessary controlling works for diverting water from ir-rli-2ii$$°i»¤gi“in iii; the Gila River at a site above Florence, Arizona, $100,000, to remain "“`°°“"‘Y· available until expended, the total cost not to exceed $175,000, and for begmning the construction of the necessary canals and structures gp thelnaépuralélow of pho Gil§ River {31 the Igidian lands of the _ 1ver nian eservaxonan topu `can rivtel d' Pina] County, as providedm the Indian appropriatioii Agt apipuroield ·""‘·P· *3*- May eighteenth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, $75,000, to remain availab e until expended; m all, $_l 75,000. _ Bmw Limo Col C Fo; thia)co)ristr§ction of two tplridlggs oveiilgiie Little Colorado and Balgrkand Ilanyon n£ any n 1a o ivers, near e u an n , c"°”·¤ m $42,500, to be expended under the dircihliion of thdxggcizgiphry of iilile 1¤l<ii¤liiihii$ fm Interior, reimbursable to the United States from an funds now or hereafter placed m the Treasury to the credit of the Navajo Indians in_i§r1ac{)na,ft<i rpmam a rilhargcei and hen upon the lands and funds of sai tri e o n ians unt pai . CALIFORNIA. cuimrau. Sec. 3. For support and civilization of Indians in California, _,,§,§_¤&°‘*·°'*°·· °' ‘"· including pay of employees, $42,000. ' _ For_the_purchase of lands for the homeless Indians in California Lands nw homvless including improvements thereon, for the use and occu ancy of said ' Indians, $20,000, said funds to be expended under su& regulations and conditions as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe. For support and education of seven hundred Indian pupils at the ,,§,'f,'“"“ mum Sherman nstitute, Riverside, California, including pay of super- U interlident, $119,500; for general repairs and improvements, $15,000; in a $134 500. Fei reclamation and maintenance charge on Yuma allotments, $15,000, to remain available until expended and to be reimbursed V<>L36.p·i0¤3· ` from the sale of surplus lands or from other funds that may be available, in zgzcoxcidapce the provisions of the Act of March third, nineteen un re an e even. For support and education of one hundred Indian pupils at the Fm Bi¢¤¤S·J=¤¤¤ Fort Bidwell Indian School, California, including pay of superintendent, $18,200; for general repairs and improvements, $3,500; for new school building, $12,000; in all, $33,700. For support and education of one hunched Indian pupils at the G¤*¤'m° *°¤°°l- Greenville ndian School, California, including pay of superintendent, $18,200; for general re airs and improvements, includi laundry equipment $3 500· in all $21 700 ng 7 I I 7 Y '