Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/1007

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2168 INDEX. Water Depamnmt, D. C. (su also Water Serv— P¤8¤· Watertown Arsenal, Mass., _ _ P¤S¢~ nce, D. $3.), hm 713 1043 appropxgation for improvmg, abc., srmth 084 ro riatiou or sa 'es .. V , s op . . - - apggr general expenses 714, 1043 for increasing capacity for manufgctur 284 xw ding mains, instal]1ng' meters, ing Il carria es ... or itc.? .. 714, 1043 a.rmor%ercing lgrojectziles 284 temporary draftsmen, etc . ,. . . 715, 1045 for tire protection ... . .. 284 temporary lgborem, etc , .. 715, 1045 for buildings, etc ... . ... 284 Water Holes, ctc., PublicLa·ruis, for operating, etc., testing machines 284 developmeug, etc., of, on arid desert lands- gig Watervlkt Arseruil, West Troy, {V. K, h 284 erection o si bomds, ut1$ tion, etc.-. 1 appropriati n or im rovin eguns op expondituresg:1.1uth0rized 518 pgr gxtenging smi& shogg . .. 284 punishmentogor inju§ing, sgi; regulations. gor 2;:1 and siege gnm s op . reservation , etc. or pu `c usc, in . or protection .. Water Hyacinth, 1 for air compressor; power plant, etc 284 apprepiiation for removing from waters of for toilet facilities, etcgstorage shed, etc. 285 ‘ f Florida. . ,56 ...,,,. Fm; .. 396 for railroad car for shipping 16-inch guns, 285 or removing m waters 0 bsma, etc ... ' Mississipgi, Louisiana, and Teams"- 398 Waterways Commission, Canadian, Water Senncc, D. ., appropriation for salaries and expenses- 259, 1054 appropriation for W Aqucdlgnlit, W for prep?1:;.at;:én of cases, etc ... . . . 259, 1055 reservoir, tmmc , mtion p t, aterways n , etc., maintenance, from water revéaia 1042 appropl;·i,att;1io§a for igqgovernagxj og?) Ifeho- 394 nues .. - , o to e ware y e for Conduit Bond, !'6%i1'S, etc ... 713, 1042 on coast 0?Virgi.nis ..,.. .. .. . 394 for lining tunnels, ashington. Aqua- Norfolk, Va., to Beaufort Inlet, N. C. 394 duct ... 1042 Pamlico Sound to Beaufort Inlet, N. C. 395 fur emergency fund , ... 1042 Core Sound toBcaufo1·|;, N.C. _ 395 for water meters, Treasury, and State, between Beaufort mgd New Bwer, Wat, and Navy Department Build- 1042 _ N. G., md New Bnver and Syms 395

 ‘‘‘‘‘‘·· ;;,.,..,. ···‘‘  1043 cmm ··‘·· tz am;1i;.;vm., ·‘‘‘ ;s.‘e1::: . 395

under control of Secretary of War. 713, 1043 Savannah, Ga., to Beaufort, S. C . · 395 {or water ¢%epa.rtment, salaries ... Z Savau1}aIlj6Ga., to Femandimn, Fla. . . em ex uses coast o uisiaua. .. . fg; iezgeudingpemains, installing meters, Franklin to Mermentau, La ... _ 3 97 etc 714, 1043 Mcrmentau River to Sabine River, estimates for high service system cx- La. and Tex . - ---- 397 d thmsiou E0 be submitted in d¢;t€.vi1-i1. 714 OH coast of Tgxaa. ..é . 398 ° · ter to rt - couuectin et oun an a es cingg gnggurban ggggar; ?3cm:is- Union aid éfashingvou, Wash .. 405 sion in Maryland; conditions, 1043 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be temporary ilgitftsmen, etc . ?aage,Efqr gmgybshapuel between 406 te mry orers, tc .,.,,.. es no tano. .. . - tmiiic Iglglauuns for progacting Aqueduct, ’ Capo May to New York Bay . ..·--- 407 etc ..,..,..,,...,,,,.,..,. 693 Silver Springs to Ocala Fla 408 Water ShutSW, D. C., Sarasota Bay and Miakim River, Fla 408 appropriation for wharf, ctc., on Govern- Saint George Sound and Tampa Bay, ment land south of . ... 1013 Fla . ...-- 403 removal of overhead wires, etc., on, be· Walking, Qhristopher C., _ twéaeggixth and Fourteenth Streets 1021 Wpek1:p1ou5ncmm§dz..:...5 .. . · 1v£’7 or e .. . at ns, areas . Wat¢rSupply of the UnitedStates, Wpeqsicm increased. ._ .. ... 1425 appropriation for investigations to deter- azkzm, Elzza Mégwzdaw), W T mine the; wells ... 301 Wpcltsiou 1§u<;1r;:¤as . . . - 1207 aler ramportatwn incrgmcy, at 'na, ra , proclamation forbiédingtmmfers of Ameri- payment to, for dispossesaed homestead, W V$?x1 vilsgcls to foreign ownership 1814 W kms Sgerma; County, Oreg- . .. 1354 uter a ey, us., at any . deficiency appropriation for public build- 9 wgtitusiénj . . , ,.., 137-1 ' ,... 1 , sawd . 'Wateree igir, S, C, umu _,__ , , _1 ,,,,_,,,,,,_,,,,_,_,,,.. 1365 Wgppiggrgation for improvement of . 395 Wgairim, Jesse, 1464 ater , awa, ngion _,,____, _ _,,_,,,,,,,_,, , _,_,,,, . terms of court at . 12, 55 Bgfkim, Patrick H. and Margaret E. Watkivw, Waterloo, _ _ _ payment of Court of Claims Endings to appropnatxon for public bmlding . 269 sole heirs of ... . ...·---- 1492 deficiepcy appropriation for public build- 19 Watkins, Robert Mw wg ·—-----·-·-·--···~·-·-· · -·---··· ' ,,,,,, . . - ... 17 90 condemned cannon gumtod to . . . . 841 WE;1;lmmmct§éaf8d 3 w°€§&¤‘£“*£`.F”cmas6d’ ,... my v¤¤¤i?>¤ i¤¤~=·$¢d ··------—--—---·-— — -—--- 1257 `Wgfcrs, Thomas, W¤$807§» Elizabdh B- (u"id°w)» Wpensiou increased .,.. 1541 P€¤¤1°¤ -·---·-·-·-~·· - ··-·-······-----· 1282 atersbedv of Na»m§ab{e Stream: (see Comer- Watson, Jmnea, vatmn of avxgzble Waters, ctc.), pension . ... 1376