Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/1014

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INDEX. 2175 Winnebago Indiam, Nebr.—Coutinued. Pace. Wiggklg, Wizgwm g_1 pagm trust patent lands of, not sub1oct to levy ngign ____________,_________ 1383 ¤¤d¤¤¤¤1e ·-—----··- ------ 865 W¢}:b}·um,Mass, payment of tax from Indian funds . 866 condemned cannon granted to for Grand W_ release none available .._ . ,,,.._ 866 Army posts ____________ f ________ _ 841 mnemucca, ’e1». 1 W exmer, Charles 0., - appropriation fo; public building __,__,,,,, 270 oemiqn ______________ _ _____________ 1368 Wimlvw. fink., Wgzj, Arzila (daughter), ```'`' appropriation for bridge aprons Little gngion __________________________________ 1227

1]olora.dg11River at; payment by In- Wgl/Q Henry,

_ 13115, 6 -· . .. 131 nsion increased ,,...,,.,.,_ 1530 Winslow, William C'. Wblt, Jacob H., Wpension"1: - .-3 .. 1385 Wpéfnsion increased 1523 moor, Dowd, olj§ Margaret (widow), Wpens1o111increased, ... . ... 1432 Wpension increased 1240 moor, ary A. (widow), olj§ E. (widow), WPGDSIOH 111Cl'€8.S€d. . . , .,_. #)€I)§1()1]_ ]]]_C]'63§6d ___, , , , , , , _____ , _ ,_,__,_ melon-Salem, . C., _ 1 ol f Point Brugge and ])eyelop·ment Com ny, granted nngnediate transportation delivery may bridge issouri River between dlieripnvxleges . 232 dan and Richland Counties, Mom;. , 14 condemned cannon granted to . 837 WolfRiver, Miss., Wznter, Jaeob, alias Jacob Strisle, ap rogriation for im rovement of . 397 Wpenmon increased .. .. . 1418 Wo jg, elle P. (willow; interg, William J, Wp;1:1nsi%r11 1538 nsion mcr .. . . 1571 o e, wa ,, Wibithmp, Md., ension increased .. . . 1220 appropriation for improvements, Marine Wb)lfe,_George W., W1 111 gorps11r%1lc range .. 1179 Wp;;_s11<;nhincIreased . . . . 1525 my ay, . ., o , on ., appropriation for improvement of . 395 Wpension increased ... . ., . . 1237 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be 111111 olfgang, _Ge0rge W, 5115 made .. . .. ension increased . - - . 1 Wireless Communimgion (see obo Radio Wgliver, Elizabeth (widow), — Communication), _ wpensmn .. . ... 1333 appropriation for enforcing laws for ocean- olzman, Augustus F., W1 going steamcrs, etc . 113, 1114 w1p?1n1§10n mcremd 1444 sale of11_i1im111e;11o1:1 Bad River Lac 1:11 appropriation for devising methods for d1e117 1115 am u 11 rva su stroylng ... . ...-- jeict to school and swamp Land claims 11111 an1ount 011 destroying, in nation:111, 1115 ,_____,,,,__ . , e . . Wisc0ns·i'·r)tA1*enue NW., D. C., for destroying, for suppression of mb- ’ appropriation for repaving with asphalt, 1 ies ... 1 . .1 ... _ 467, 1156 M w P same: ,.. . . 1014 deficiency 1:SproS1nat1qn for destroying, ww, Elliot; FU _ affec_ wi rabim ... . . 24 Wpension increased ... . 1525 Wolmwi, William F., 11121 ' , H W nsion in ...,,.,, 11;§,,,,;.$I.1'}_’¤c,e5,,,.1 ___,,,, . 1531 wgima, Mm a.,_ _ _ ive, Jmnes A., _ 111111 Wpay1:1en_1t_to,_;or mqunes ... 1395 ` eased ... . oma argl , WE;ri‘;?1l¥b!;%n K., Wpensicinq _ ... . ._ ... 1. ._ . 1306 nsion increased ... . 1507 omenfs Tuumc Memor1alA_ssoeuu1op, 1 Wisner, Joseph A., permatéeg to mesénonal E1 D1str11g;;>1§ ' asgdn ,,,,..,.,,,... 1564 oumia oggwqggc 1

(i?1;l.s(;rgeorge, their lives to_ save women and ch.11-

Wpengiou ___,,_,,____, . ,.,.,,, . ,,,, 1586 dren at sinking of gtggmghip "T1. 101111 dba , Ed F-, tamc" .--··· ; -·-·-~-··· nglon i1iIc'i·1ea,sed ,,,..,... . .. 1315 approval of site; no expengg mcgmed, , . 1046 `Wiaelnerell, Allen Harder, Warmer, Pgus W, homestead entry validated ... . 1301 wpensmn increased _ 1411 Withers, John, ood Alcohol 1 _ _ ension increased 1265 sale, etc., oi, in Alaska not prohibited . 903 W?lhersp0on(, Samuel A., late a Representative Wood, C., 1517 °n lvnyreas, _ penswn ...-..-..-.-.· deliciei1cy appropriation for pay to widow 8211 Wood p,;,;5zp;g5on1 11111111 0 -·····--- · -······--·---·····----· riation or investigah `ng me Wilhlawocfwe Ri1er,_FIa., 1 1 1911 appmpoi _,,________ _ ________,__,____._ 461,1149 ropnatio r improvemen o - _ · 1 w?l3£83e,_vt1Z1°Sl;m cam, 311 ”$’”m·°··,,, ______ lf f··M'°" ____ __{ _________________ ,,,,8 a ropriation or ees, e ... . ----· dggciency appropriation for fees, etc"111111211 ggé '; 1?1’11“f1tggid¢¤*9h*¤11111 1 1 1111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1253 Wuenmyer, Henry, , _ amps ., _ pension increased 1222 penswn increased ..----·--·.·-----·-- 1¤71 102620°—voL 39——1>·r 2--66