Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/283

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’ 1474 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Suse. II. Gus. 50-52, 65, 66. 1917. Anna C. Parrett, dependent mother of Ralph G._Dusell, who lost his life by accidental drowning on Jul§ thirteenth, mneteen hundred and fifteen, while in the employ of the iologiical Survey, the surn of $900, the same being the amount of the annu salary which the said Ralnlh G. Dusell was receiving from the department at the time of hrs deat , and the sum of $900 is hereby appro(prrated, out of any money m the Treas not otherwise a ropriate , to carry out the provisions of this Amty pp ‘ c . Approved, February 9, 1917. F¤E1§¤§`r>;%,4g9?7. GKAP. 51.-An Act For the relief of S. E. Bennett. [Prime. No 176·l Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R;z{1resentat·ives of the United §‘£&,bB§’P-*°}n";,,,,0_ States of America in Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the Treas be, and he is hereby, authorized to ay, out of any frmds ` th¢i1%easury not otherwise appropriated, Exe sum of $133.60 to m P P S. E. Bennett, veterinaréy inspector, to reimburse him for expenditures made by him un er the direction of the chief clerk of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture. . Approved, February 9, 1917. F•\鑤¤£_,1kl?17- CHAP. 52.-An Act For the relief of Stephen J. Simpson. [rr·rm.,N¤.1n.] Be it enacted by the Senate and Houseeplf Representatwes of the United §;;{>g¤r¤;Jif,g¤<;·g&_ States o{ America in Congress assembl , That in the administration mm. of any laws conferring rights, privrle es, and benefits u on honorably discha§§dl soldiers tephen J. Simpson, late of (£mpany F Thrrtv-first ois Volunteer Infantry, s all hereafter be held and considered to have been discharged honorably from the military service of the United States as a member of said compan and reg1— ment on the nineteenth day of July, eighteen hundred andysixty-Eve: Im- am Provided, That no bounty, pay, or allowance shall accrue by virtue of ' the passage of this Act. Approved, February 12, 1917. F•bY?;¤'§g::li*17· CHAP. 65.·-An Act For the relief of the owners of the steamship Esparts. ,[P¤¤*¤¢•· {*0- 178-1 Be it enacted by the Senate gnd House of Representatives rif the United ,,,g,$'*"""‘· “°°’°‘ States of America in Congress assembled, That the claim 0 the owners m;¤b*Qbg{“;>g;gg¤¤¤dg;; of the British steamshrp Esparta agamst the United States for mc: wm. damages sustained b them in and on account of the collision between their said vessel andy the United States lighthouse tender M olia on October twentysigrth, nineteen hundred and five, in thea§2sses _ of the Missrssinpr River, below New Orleans, be referred to the J“"‘“"‘“"“·°?°· District Court o the United States for the Eastern District of Louisiana, with jurisdiction and authority to determine the liability of the_l,•n1ted States therefor, and, if found liable, render judgment against the United States for any damages sustained by the owners o said steamshrp Esparta. Approved, February 14, 1917. Fefgg g58l?17· CRAP. 66.-An Act For the relief of Everett H. Corson. [P1'*‘·’¤*°yN<>· ml Be it enacted by the Senate mul House ofRe esentati th U °ted §§§$,‘§,Y‘,,$%§“‘,,,, States of America in Congress assembled, Tbllt the Sibigrgira 8 ofvlghe ur, . . . YY 1 °S· 'l`reasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to