Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/391

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1582 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 178. 1917. him_a_pension at the rate of $17 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. £'f,’}"€v'{°i.;.,.,_ The name of Roy W. Noe, late of Company H, Signal Corps, United States Army, Regular Establishment, and pay him a pension at the G_ B mu rate of $12 per month. ’d°°" 'Mm ‘ The name of Gideon B. Marshall, late of Company K, Second Regiment gp]? Vc;lBun§epp·2Infan1t:1ry,t§:7lVar with Spain, and pay him a pension a e ra o per on . mm A' K”°pp' The name of Martha A. Knapp, dependent mother of Forrest W. Duranntg late of Company G, Sixth Regiment Massachusetts Voluntaeg Infantryé1War with Spam, and pay her a pension at the rate of _ mon . wm’“‘“D‘E°'""°" Tlifrname of D. Edwards, late of Company _A, Twenty- third Regiment United States Infantry, War with Spam, and pay wmhm}3 lmhimapensionattherateoftlgbgermonth. _ c,,,,,,,_ ‘ The name of William B. M arthy, late of Company D, R°g‘“p.¤.t.§“$tli‘L‘tf§LS$???2I{.`f..“¤E2’{;tiQv“ mh S"°’“" wd "“" hm “ ’°““ F· B°“°"·l"‘ The name of John F. Burrow, junior, late of United States Navy, War with Spam, and ay him a pension at the_rate of {8 per mont . ¥=¤=¤b ’I`¤¤· The name of Jacob late of Troop E, Nmth Regiment United States Cavalrg, War with Spam, and pay him a pension at the rate of 12 er mont . Mlm P‘ °°b°°"°‘ Tliie name of Allen P. Gabbard, late of Sixt -sixth Com any United States Coast Artillery Corps, Regular Establishment, ans pay him a Cmd L mmm pension at the rate of $12 §er month. °° ' The name of Charles L. cClure, late of Coménany M, Second Regiment Volunpeer Infantry, EVM with pain, and pay him a pension at the rate 0 $12 er mont . D°‘“°lT·F'°°°h· The name of Daniel T. lgrench, late of Fifteenth Battery, United StatesfField Artillery?} War with Spain, and pay him a pension at the _ rate 0 $12 per mont . }°_{’,‘f§°§{_",§‘g§$,{‘°‘· The name of Luke R. Ford, late of Tr0op L, Seventh Regiment United States Cavalry, Regular Establishment, and pay him a pen- Pmm siorphat the ratefo?26€perBmoInIth ilp lieulof tha; lée is now receiving. ·_,, enameo ort . awins ateo oma.nG,Se d Roman H8 km Regiment United States Infantry, and Compan C, &coild Re iriiieliit . g . g . North Carolina Volunteer Infantry, War with pam, and pay him a M W pension at the rate of $1211per month. "’° mm The name of Louisa W` on, dependent mother of Michael B. Wilson, late of Tr·oop L, Fourteenth Regiment United States Cavalry, mms P me and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 per month. wi, ‘ tmp The name 0 Willis P. McCampbell, late of Company A, General EEEEEZ Y3°§§1Ei2”§? £‘{§“,¥é.Ii.$£€L'i’f.' E“°°I‘”h‘“°”°’ °“d "“" mm “ J°°°°h C°°m’ The name of Joseph Canton, late of Company L, Twelfth Regiment United Slpates Infpntry, RegularhEstabhshment, and pay him a pension at the rate 0 $12 per mont . CMS “·*‘·*°· The mime or carries B. Rae, late of company B, Twelfth neg;- ment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, War with Spain, and pay Ie h“·i‘~h“ *’°””’°“r“i£‘%‘§if° °§m ‘}°§v’$fi"""B..n 1 { C ‘ enameo `,' `°m`,te A Tenth Regiment United Sv;4it;_iGiifant1y,aRegular Estdbhsggilgditiand wmim] Gi payiher a pension at the rate of $12 lper month. ‘ """" e name of William J. Givens, ate of Com any C, Second Regiment Volurpteer Infantry, yar with Siiain, and pay him a _ _ pension a rate 0 $24 er mont . }°§§,’,,g",¥}‘{;”?,,,,,€,,‘§S_ The name of James F. Ciummins, late of Company G, Sixth Regiment United Stat; Volunteer Infantry, and Company C, Twenty. ninth Regiment United States Volunteer Infantry, War with Spain,