Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/408

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1600 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. Agriculture, seventy thousand copies for the use of the House of Representatives an thirty thousand for use of the Senate. Passed, February 3, 1916. Fvbfuvfy 12,1916- URGENT DEFICIENCIES APPROPRIATION BILL. [K Cm M" N0`16'] Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That ¤pU¤’S¤¤F mQg1°*¤°i¤¤ the Committee of Conference on the disagreeinglvotes of the two &¤°&li¤¤ in um Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the b1 H. R. 9416, mak- °"2‘,Q,"2f‘;,‘?‘n ing appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in certain appropriations, are authorized to c angelthe text of the paragraph in the bill for payment of ju@ents in dian depredation claims so as to correct errors in the certified description of two of the judgments provided for therein. Passed, February 12, 1916. M¤rch11.1916. STATUE OF HENRY MOWER RICE, [S` Cm Ras` M`13`] Resolved big the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That M§,},*gf‘;{h‘f’ H°"'Y the statue 0 Henry Mower Rice, presented by the State of Minnesota t Accepftgcc sntg to be placed in Statuary Hall, is accepted in the name of the United Miunesolta mlmm States, and that the thanks of Congress be tendered to the State for the contribution of the statue of one of its most eminent citizens, illustrious for the p1n·ity of his life and his distinguished services to the State and Nation. Second. That a colpy of these resolutions, suitably engpossed and duly authenticated, e transmitted to the governor of the State of Minnesota. Passed, March 11, 1916. AP"] 8· 1916- STATUE OF HENRY MOWER RICE. [S- Cm ms`, Nu- M Resolved by the Senate (the House of Regiesentatives concurriaag), That ,,§,§,§‘{§,°_‘f‘ H"'? there be printed and bound, under the ection of the Joint ommit- °_P{$••;<1igy¤ 3r1:1m_1:&· tee on Printing, the proceedings in Congress, together with the fpmprlhtad. ’ ceedings at the unvei `ng in Statuary Ha , upon the acceptance 0 the statue of Henry Mower Rice (presented by the State 0 Minnesota, sixteen thousand five hundre copies, with suitable illustration, of which five thousand shall be for the use of the Senate and ten thousand for the use of the House of Representatives, and the remaining one thousand five hundred copies shall be for the use and distribution of the Senators and Representatives in Congress from the State of Minn' esota. Passed, April 8, 1916. Ap»·u1s,191s. JOINT MEETING. [H` fom M' ml Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That ,_,}g",¥0$°}{’,€!g,;8§§g the two Houses assemble in the Hall of the House of Representatives A ggggrgidifwuiy from on Wednesday, the nineteenth day of Afpril, nineteen undred and ` sixteen, at one 0’cl0ck in the afternoon, or the purpose of receiving such communication as the President of the Unite States shall be pleased to make to them. Passed, April 18, 1916.