Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/460

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TREATY-EoUAD0R-PEACE. ocmm 13, 1914. 1653 vestigation and report as their re- Partes Contratantes se reservan spective mterests may demand. el derecho de proceder en el asunto materia de mvestigacion 6 informe como lo reclamen sus respectivos intereses. Anrronn IV. Anriouno IV. The present treaty shall be rati- El presente Tratado sera rati- m§°'“”$° °"°“°°°· fied by the respective Govern- iicado por los respectivos Gobier- ` ments in accordance with the pro- nos de acuerdo con lo establecido visions of their respective consti- ger sus respectivas Constituciones, tutions, and the ra.t1fications shall ebiendo hacerse el cange de be exchanged as soon as possible. dichas ratificaciones tan pronto como fuere posible. This treaty shall continue in Este ’l‘ratado estara en vigencia D¤¤ti¤¤- force for five years from the date durante cinco anos a contar desde of the exchange of ratifications el cange de las ratiiicaciones y si and if notice of an intention to no es enimciadoun ano antes de terminate it is not Igiven by one su vencimiento se considerara reof the Contracting arties to the novado por otro ano, y asi sucesiother one year efore the ter- vamente. El estricto y leal cummination of this period, it shall be glimiento de las clausulas plrececonsidered asrenewed for another entes queda coniiado al onor year, and so on successively. A de las naciones signatarias. strict and faithful observance of the receding article is entrusted to &e honor ,of the signatory nations. · _ ( ‘ In witnew whereof the respec- En fe delo cual,1os respectivos ¤*8¤¤*¤¤¤· tive plenipotentiaries have Plenipotenciarios han frmado el the resent treaty and ave presente Tratado, y han puesto — aflixeld thereunto their seals. al ie sus sellos. ‘ Done in Washington on the gecho en Washington, el dia 13th day of October, in the year 13 de Octubre, en el afio de of our Lord nineteen hundred and Nuestro Senor mil novecientos fo1u·teen. catorce. [sean.] WILLIAM JENNrNos BRYAN [s1¤:AL.] G S Cénnova And whereas the said Treaty has been duly ratified on both parts, é,R¤**I**¢¤¤¤¤¤ ¤ and the ratiiications of the two Governments were exchanged m the ° City of Washington, on the twenty-second day of January, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen; . Now, therefore, be it known that I, Woodrow Wilson, President ¤’¤’°°'¤¤¤**°¤· of the United States of America, have caused the said Treat to be made ublic, to the end that the same and every article andy clause thereof) may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this twenty-fourth day of J anuaiy in the year of our Lord one thousand nine undred and [SEAL.] sixteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and fortieth. Woomzow Wmsou By the President: Ronmvr Laxsrxo, Secretary of State.