Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/682

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l 1844 INDEX. Black Rem, Mun., _ P·¤¤· Bwkelu, Jqshua. *`”*°· appmpriation for unprovement of, at Port Eensmn increased ... . . . . . 1547 Hymn ___,,,__,,... . .. 401 B loclg, Irene (widow), 1364 Black R' N. C'. ¤¤10¤ ·-·--····----····--·· · ····-···-—-· appmgjrqngtion for improvement of . - . - 395 Bgenchqrd, _Franc·Ls, Bla Rock gwbor, ll, gensrou rncreased . . .. 1245 ap ro r1s.tionfor1m rovement of . . . . 392 B nd, Ewing O., _ Bloc? Wgzrrior River, Alia., th 538 Bgzfépiergy appropriation for servxces .. 818 lantern lights, etc., au o on n, eorge, Bgck W ‘u‘ A. nsion increased ..- - --·-·----------- 1440 g];gi0£ ___,,. . . 1508 Bgenkimhip, Francis M., Bllgckyum, Hmmm, union rncreased ,_...,. . 1557 lgension increased ..··· --- 1538 Bigzwp, Yfhvmm gi, 1284 B gkbum, Payton, %11B101Z\ 111C1’&68 .. - ..-·--·~·-·- - ‘ waged ,.,.. . .. 1240 B Edward B£:kn1?,!0:;,Tl;1:mnmu A. (widow), 1383 Bg31;sionJin}pre§_.sed . . . - 1505 gg; n mc ,. ... . .. 11 0 TL . B£gkby?·n,_ Willmkzm P., 122, BE1ns&n incresgd ..---· - -----·------· 1518 nsmn m ...· · ··-----··-·-······ · M _ 96 - Bmjm 4gqu;y, Mont., _ Fensibn increased - ..- 1430 appropnauon for support, etc., of IIIGJBDS B md Chdrben, D. Q'., _ gt, _: __,___., _ ,. . 138, 980 appropnatxon for umtructxon of, out of the 027 Blqcljuz Hospmtal, Mont., _ District . ... : . · . 2 . . 699, 1806 B;ppf_mpr;1a·§1pn?r ptc., of. . 125, 970 Bgzgcgneg appropnauon for mstructron. . . NWI GSGNIG -y · *y appr-cjpriation for cattle, eg., for Indians on 139 approplriatiori for aid, etc., National 1038 ugtru 1l'l’l.g$ 011 BySf.cm8 011; ¤I.l'y 01‘.-.. .. · -- · · - or clzpnyrgfggg __., . 140, 980 O for Columbia Polytechnic Instituten 710:1038 Egyrnent. of charges by settlers , - . 140 Blues, G., b1l1ty of allotment purchasers . 140 zpgasxon xncreased . - . . 1415 algmxpnce for pamenger csrrying ve- 980 B -Stgrgal&·, cig., Byaterrgggag Ra·¢lr;>cads, 280 ` ________,,_ _ ,,,.,,,,,, . . appmpna on or 1I1V® ODS, 6 . . for Greatis Northern Railway Company for Blodgett, Celia A. (widow), _ _ repnn-s mad; cond1¤ons .. _ . . . 308 gensmu _ ... . ·- 1480 IITEUOD work m, by Reclamatmn SGIVICG. 141 B dgett, Mary A, (wndow), Owance for pwnger carrying V0- gensionw ... . -.. · 1329 hicles .. . ... . . . . 141 B dgett, Sglas, announcement of assessments of 1¤`1g3·· gensmn increased.._ ...·...------- -- -- 1292 tion charges; rang . . ... 141 B od, _Harnmzh F. Srndow), Payment rn am1ua11nsta1l¤rents, etc. . 141 £ension increase . . .. 1242 tnbal funds used for construction work to B od, W W., bg 1-erm-ned to Indians . ... 141 ayment to ... . .. 1354 construction work reimbursed from 141 Blgcdgood, _Amu1 Ja (widow), 1284 h _ __________,,,,___... . .. ensxon in<·rs>ase .. . . sh§r;1o1e?ndian allottees ... :. . 141 Blgodgood, Bessie G. (widow), _ payment of maintenance and operation fcnswu .---.··-·--··· - ·--···· 1080 cost . _ ... 142 B oodurortlg, {chu P., 1370 u nous wa r fl enmon n .reased ... . c0i:>r'1;?i!i§: gags .. 142 Bgom, Juliann (widow), general regulations to be prescribed, etc . 142 ension increased . ... . ... 1442 collection of charges, etc ... . . 142 Blgmrfeld, Ind. , BI(1CkfG6tNGQIONGlFmC'3$, Mont., con emned cannon granted to, for Grand appjrzprgjnon fcgirnamtensnce, etc., of . 458, 1146 Bla GArm5APost ... . 842 Bla ou . se, eor e . approprisgonyfor improvement of 399 pension . . .. 1481 Bloc h·qrst,_EZijah,`al·ias William Henry, 1525 B se, [ahrc, 1519 nsion mcr ... nswn l.¤ ..-------·-·-·--~------ - Bgslcstone, Willrhm., Bggs, Jang E. (widow), __ nsiou increased ... . 1513 })€I\SIOD_1DC1°€3$?d· .·---·-·---.·-.- . ..-... 1200 Blgeckwell, John A., B u, Beam D. (wrdow),

   ___________ _ _ ______ _ _ _ _ 15]] Blpgugrgrrbl, ji., __,. ,, ... , .,.,,, 1588

B kr , ., ue , mn. a;p;·opriation for publric buildin§._ . _. . . 263 condemned cannon granted to ... . 832 deficiency appropriation for pu he buxld- Blue Grass, Kentucky and Canada, _ _ la Hing. . . . - . . . 17 npproparzphion ggréprgyendni 3»(%m1881OD of 453 B `, ry ., _ tera ,e ., o .. irgrestziégation, etcdgaof clam as attorney for 4 percentage of pure seeds required . 453 BMT Wgggln In ¤¤ ----- - -----------·-- 1 7 Blue, James, 1559 nsron increased . ... lpzgnsion increased 1260 Bgfvrd, John, B Trgiglggntm 1478 pensionincreased 1384 Blair, mzzwm rr., Bluf Gro. Term-. ed 831 gimiou increased _______ _ ________________ 1435 condemned cannon gmnt to B e, Christopher C., Blufwn, _ _ _ pension increased 1211 approprxauon for public bmlding ... .-- 263