Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/706

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1868 mnnx. Clubhouzcs, ctc., D. C'., P¤S°- Coast and Geodetic Surgzey, Department 1y' 1‘=¤:¢·>· maintaining, etc., where liquor is kept, a Co·mmuce—Cont1nued. misdemeanor .. , ... 1126 appropriation for office expenses . 320 punishment for, etc .,. 1126 obsolete charts may be distributed to Clubs, Pleasure, atc., education institutions. 320 exempt from income tax .. 767 for_printing and bimling, for .. s . 331 Cluoasn Joseph, 35 denciency apprgpnption ’ for repairs to 25 pension increased ... . 15 steamer ‘ xp orer’ .. . . Coady, Ann M. (widow), for party expenses . . ... 826 pension . . 1342 Coast Artillery, Army, Coakley James F. appropriation for commercial telephone pension increaséd ... . were service 623 Coal and Asphalt Lands, Okla., Coast Artzllery, Army, Chief of, time extended for installments on surface of appropriation for fortification expenses Choctawj and Cluckasnw; interest to under, insular possessions 349, 913 be paul m full 866 made additional member of General Staff Goal Deposus, {uhh Lazda, _ h h Corps . i ... 1 63 reservation 0 , in stoc raising omse to ave , etc., 0 major genera ... 34 entries ... _ .,... 864 Coast Artillezy Corps, Army Iprospecting conditions, etc . 864 composition of, under national defense Coa Depot: (see also Fuel Depots, N aval), act; oiicers . . . 180 appropriation for .. 570, 1179 enlisted men; bands ... 180 Coal, ew., Navy, rated men, maximum number; pay of appropriation for, fuel handling, mainte- coxswains .. . .. 180 _ nance of depots. etc . 604 Coast Artillery, Office of Chief of, War De- C deficzmy appropriatwn for 815, 825, 828 partmeng, k 6 oa _ _ appropriation or cler s etc ... . . . . 109 appramal; etc., of, in school sections of Coast Artillery School, Fmt: Monroe, Va., ceded Fort Berthold Reservation, appropriation for incidental expenses 621 C ZL . . ... . 1131 C ohyiniteriag; apparatus, etc 621 oa a s as a, cast ti lcry or Instruction, reserved lrom leases, etc . . 1773 appropriation for maintenance, etc., oi. . 345, 909 Coal Lands, Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, gms; D?·m8c Rcsaye (3,, Naval com De- M pda . . ense Reserve). piioclalpnggiuondmlowgng surface entnesof 1748 Coast Defmses etc Coa La In um esenrations, _- · ’ " · _ .: » Surface @011mml entries allowed on Sup appropuatron for SIIPS for . . 4b Plus _________________________*_____ 944 Coast Guard Cutters, _ clgmcation; appHcafiO¤S,·pamnts, aux 945 appropriation for armament and ammuni- _ _ mining permitted; prospecting, etc .. 945 lion for t“'° ········· .·. ············‘ Hm Cm; Lands, yomq authouzed, two for Pacific coast and _ proclamation psrmnung em-ies Or, in Fort Alaskan w¤¤<·r¤ ---------- ; ·--—- ;-·; 60* Assinmboinc abandoned military one for anchorage patrol N ew 1 ork _ reservation . .,. 1808 Ha'b°*’ ·-·- · ---···--··-··-—-··-··· '{ol Coal Tar two 01* more for harborsand shonl waters. . h0l on fy€c’]jSt’ crude _______________________ _ 793 three light-draft river sto;uul>oa.ts, pitch Og ________________________ _ ______ 793 equipped for_ rescuing lives, ctc., _ natural pmaucm os, not specially pro- M¤¤~·¤¤—¤¤2Y¤ RWM ¤<><><\¤, W -----·- - *:0* vidad for _______ _ __________ _ _______ 793 amounts nvm able for vcggsels, .. . l T p du construction at navy s. _ s . . » Cogn frgre lisa sgzxcially designated __________ 793 cost increased of, for gacxfic and Alaska V ad valorem duty on designated, not colors, c°”:"*? and New Yprk H°"'h°r: ···‘‘‘‘ U8° dyes, explosives, etc _____ _ _________ 794 three additmnala authorized for designated V ad$;i·e;;a;*y€S»sg=¤:i¤¤;v6¤·¢*¢ -·-··· · --··— i3 rp,.,‘(§;:¥&r£;;“2;:’£r$,?.?2;.r;,;l,;,; ······*·*· H2; 1 10 spec c u y on. .,,,,_,_,,__ _ _ ··-—··--·- annual reduction, etc., after Eve years. , - 794 Coast Guard, Treasury Department, Coun, Damel W, appropriation for pay and allowances, pension increasegi ,... , . , _ 1246 officers and enlisted men; cadets. . . 274 Coast mag Gcodetw Survey, Department of for rzftnins, egc .,.,.. , ,..,,. ina,-} . ommcrce f r c er s to istrict superin en en s . appropriation fg}; advances ...,,.,..,,,,__ 318 {gr fuel, ship’s stores, etc ..,.,,,,..,... . 274 or fieggmexpenses, Atlantic and Gulf {or repairs of buildings, leases, etc ... co . , 318 r trave expenses .-. . - - · » limit, outlying islands, etc. . - . .. 318 fgr deathhzillowances, etc . z . 274 for Pacific coast ... . 318 for draft animals; telephone lines; Spe- {0; hgdyegrnphic researches, etc ________ 318 gialigerviceg _,_______ _ _____________ 274 for 0 shore soundmgs, Coast Pilot, etc . . 318 for conungeut expenses . 274 for magnetic observations, etc .. 319 for repairs to cutters ... 5 ... 274 for special surveys ..,, , ,,,__ 319 deficiency approprlatmu for repairs, GCC., for miscellaneous, , _,,_,,,,,,,____ , _____ 319 to certain stations, _,,,__, , ________ 20 delegates, lnternalional Geodetic As- for Life-Saving Service . .. .. gg; sociation .,.. . . , 319 for contingent expenses . ' for vessels, regain, etc ,,,__ , ,____,,____ 319 for repairs tp cutter "Onondag3” _______ $05 for vessels, o vers, and men .,.. 319 for Revenue Cutter Service. . . Z 828 for snéperintendent, assistants, etc ,... . . . 319 double pay restriction not applicable to for 0 ce force . 319 retired officers and enlisted mcn. . . . 382